Reading vs Listening – Which is more effective in understanding a concept?

While textbooks are still a preferred medium of learning in educational institutions, audiobooks are becoming increasingly popular in today’s times. The convenience of listening to an audiobook is driving more people to choose them over print books. Although this is a welcoming change, as people can select their preferred mode of learning, the question of … Read more

10 Awesome Apps For Improving Your Listening Skills

Apps for listening skills

Communication skills often are not just about giving out information. Listening skills form a pivotal attribute too. Only after proper listening and comprehension that a person give out a response appropriately. While the significance of this ability is being outlined, some individuals may observe a call for enhancing these capabilities or may need them to … Read more

12 Engaging Games & Activities For Improving Listening Skills In Adults

Listening activities for adults

To be a good speaker, it is imperative that one become a good listener too! While it is unerring that there are plenty of ways to grasp and soak up knowledge, the most prominent ones being reading and listening. Talking about reading vs. listening, what can be better than listening to some wise words and … Read more

10 Fun Games For Improving Listening Skills In Preschoolers

Listening games for preschoolers

Let’s take a moment to pause and think when we ask children to “LISTEN” we are asking them if they can hear the voice,” “Can they listen to the words correctly,” “Can they find differences between the sound sets that are in the background,” and “Can they break the sentences into pieces to understand their … Read more