How Arts Can Help In Learning Mathematics?

Last Updated on February 4, 2022 by Editorial Team

Aren’t we all aware of the hurdles that mathematics bestows upon us? Math is beyond numbers, figures, symbols, shapes, and functions. It is a language of the whole universe around which everything revolves. Right from electrochemical signals to our brain to the collision of asteroids, everything involves math. But, do you know math and arts are related in multiple ways? Concepts of math can be discerned in arts like painting, architecture, sculpture, dance, and music.

Correspondingly, we will enlighten you on how deeply Arts can impact your mathematical learning and make you yet more proficient in Math.

Math and Arts- How are they correlated?

The relation between both math and arts has been around since ancient times. Polykleitos, a Greek sculptor, used mathematics in making sculptures back in the 5th century BC. He executed a 1:√2 ratio of the human body in his art, this is believed to be the inception of the relation between arts and math. Polykleitos believed that any successive part of a body should be made in such a way that it is √2 times larger than the previous one. 

Geometry is another engrossing concept that bridges arts and math. Different shapes, forms, geometry, three-dimensional objects, and patterns are used in Optical Arts

How is mathematics applied in art?

Math often directly influences art by employing conceptual tools such as mathematical objects (Mobius strip, polyhedra, etc), linear perspective, geometrical analysis, and so on. Innumerable mathematical concepts can be witnessed in the paintings and engravings of ancient times. Here are some real-life applications where mathematics is applied in art:

  •  The Golden Ratio

The numerical value of this ratio is  1.618. This value is generated when you divide a line in such a way that the longest part divided by the smallest part is the same as the entire line divided by the longest part. This postulate can be mathematically expressed as:

X/Y= (X+Y) / X=1.618

X is the longest part, and Y is the Smallest Part.

This is the same rule that Leonardo da Vinci has followed in his world-famous painting – Monalisa. Even M.C Escher, a famous painter of his era, has used the same ‘Golden Ratio‘ in many of his paintings. First studied by ancient Greeks, this ratio is employed even today to compose images and paintings. 

  • Tessellations

Tessellations is the method of employing geometric shapes like squares, triangles, or diamonds to cover a particular area (often a plane). Tiles on a wall and mosaic patterns in visual effects can form expository examples. 

Tessellations art has been widely accepted all over the world and has a lot of cultural importance. Based on the assembly of regular, irregular, and non-geometry shapes, the math to place all the figures in a perfect pattern without gaps and overlapping is purely art.

Can art integration aid math?

Every subject turns interesting with creativity added to it; that’s why kids like indulging in games and activities. Just as a teacher with enticing instructions turns out to be our favorite, a subject adorned with visuals and imagination enhances the experience. 

When arts are assorted in studies, perceiving and approaching it changes. Students begin to visualize what they learn, which often settles down in their minds forever. Attributes like observation, curiosity to learn, imagination, and recreation are implicitly learned. Evidently, our brain often prioritizes visualization over abstracts. 

Thus, integration of arts in mathematics helps students build curiosity and develop a deeper comprehension of the relevant concepts. It not only boosts the memory span but also improves learning and retaining capacity. Besides, art integration ensures an engaging and effective method that students can employ to uplift their performance in visual arts, math/geometry, and so on. It also helps prosper creative problem-solving skills.

How art strengthens your math?

Traditional pedagogies may turn mathematics boring and sometimes taxing. Fortunately, employing arts can revamp the situation. Students blossom interest in math due to the following inputs that arts make:

  • Enhanced Cognition: We can often understand notions better when we see, touch, and feel props. Arts, visual illustrations can assist students in acquiring coherent knowledge that they otherwise feel taxing through texts and scripts. Evidently, these can benefit learning compromised pupils too. All this happens due to noteworthy improvement in perception abilities, and thus comprehension.
  • Concept Visualization: Students with artistic skills can effortlessly visualize and figure out solutions, be it algebra, geometry, or probability. For instance, decorating flowers to a pillar can implicitly grasp patterns. Visualization assists those who may feel it strenuous to remember formulas by inferring the same by envisioning the problem.
  • Creating Excitement: Art creates more space for innovation and adaptation in otherwise boring subjects. When math is made less intimidating, it creates a sense of satisfaction and happiness, resulting in lots of fun instead. 
  • Enhancing IQ and stimulation: Math and art skills often draw hand-in-hand, thus making individuals think in unexpected ways. The integration of two subjects evidently brings about open-mindedness and essence of creativity while solving problems.

Arts and Mathematics- What do researchers say?

According to a research article by Eveline M. Schoevers, the mathematical domain of geometry in education has the aim to teach students to comprehend and elucidate the phenomena from reality and to organize spatial situations, such as to draw maps or to reason about the effect of the height of sun on the length of the shadow. 

According to Hope Hickman, Mathematics is as creative and beautiful as art, and many pieces of art are as complicated, logical, and as developed as a complex mathematical proof. The real difference between art and math lies subtly in the foundation of both disciplines. Art is based more strongly on instincts. Although artists rely on specific topics, the final editing process is often driven by instincts.


Math and arts go hand in glove, without the shadow of a doubt. Together, they not only improve our mathematical learning but also create a much deeper creative impact in our lives. Art can be the key to retaining concepts and vocabulary in math, by being analytical and creative. Pupils can be more resilient and smart in learning mathematical theories, operations and calculations. Therefore, it wouldn’t be inaccurate to state that math itself can be expressed as an art-motivated marvel.

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