10 Interpersonal Skills Games & Activities For Students And Adults

Interpersonal skills are the foundation of effective communication, and they play a vital role in our personal and professional relationships. Whether it’s in the classroom, the boardroom, or at home, the ability to connect with others and make our voices heard is an essential tool for success. However, developing these skills takes practice and effort. That’s where interpersonal skills activities come in.

For adults, they can help to sharpen existing skills, refresh forgotten ones, and offer new perspectives on the importance of interpersonal communication. But what makes these activities so significant? Well, think of them as a workout for your interpersonal skills. 

So, what are you waiting for? Whether you’re a seasoned communicator or just starting out, there’s always room for improvement. With a little effort and some creative thinking, you can hone your interpersonal skills and become a communication master. Who knows? You might even discover a hidden talent for making others feel heard, understood, and valued. In a world where effective communication is becoming increasingly important, there’s no better time to invest in your interpersonal skills.

Connecting through play: Interpersonal skills games & activities for students & adults

Interpersonal skills play a crucial role in today’s learning as well as working environment. Besides a step-by-step guide for improving interpersonal skills, interactive games and activities not only let individuals have fun but also foster communication skills, and teamwork, and help cultivate meaningful bonds with each other. The following games and activities are such that they can be played both by students as well as adults in their group settings. So, let’s begin the fun

1. Listening like a superhero

Listening like a superhero

Listening like a superhero is an interpersonal skills activity designed to teach students the importance of active listening. Active listening is a critical skill that involves paying attention, focusing on the speaker, and actively engaging with the message being communicated. This activity helps students to develop their listening skills by encouraging them to listen carefully, ask questions, and provide feedback to their peers.

To do this activity, gather the students in a circle and have each student take turns speaking about a topic of their choice for two minutes or pair them up. The other students must listen attentively and ask questions to clarify any points they may not have understood. 

After each student has spoken, the group or the pair can discuss what they learned from the exercise and how they can apply active listening in their everyday lives. This activity helps students to build stronger relationships, improve their communication skills, and become more effective listeners.

2. Drama Queen/King

Drama Queen/King

Drama Queen/King is an interpersonal skills activity that helps develop important skills such as active listening, conflict resolution, and effective communication. The activity involves players stepping into their favorite characters and acting out different scenarios. 

To perform the Drama Queen/King activity, gather players into small groups of three or four. Each group should choose a favorite character to play, such as a character from a movie, book, TV show, or even a historical figure. Provide players with different scenarios to act out, focusing on interpersonal skills such as conflict resolution, active listening, or effective communication. 

Give each group a few minutes to prepare and rehearse their scene. Then, have each group take turns acting out their scenario in front of the class. After each performance, encourage the class to provide feedback and discuss what they learned from the exercise. This activity provides students with a fun and engaging way to practice important interpersonal skills and build stronger relationships.

3. The Great Debate

 The Great Debate

The Great Debate is an interpersonal skills activity that helps improve critical thinking, negotiation, and persuasive skills. In this activity, divide the whole group into teams and give them the task of debating a lighthearted and fun topic. This allows players to practice important skills such as expressing their opinions, listening to others, and persuading others to see their point of view. 

Select a fun and lighthearted topic for the debate, such as the best type of pizza topping or the most fun holiday. Provide each team with time to prepare their arguments and practice their delivery. After the debate, debrief with the class to discuss what they learned from the exercise and how they can apply the skills they practiced in their everyday lives.

4. The Empathy Challenge

The Empathy Challenge

The Empathy Maze is an interactive experience designed to foster empathy, active listening, and cooperation among individuals. This empathy activity transports participants through a labyrinth of challenges that require them to step into another’s shoes and grasp their emotions. 

Assemble small groups of individuals, each composed of two or three trailblazers. Conjure up a collection of challenges that will test their ability to understand and empathize with others. These could include imaginative scenarios, where different emotions are displayed and discussed. 

Allow each group to collaborate and discuss with each other and then provide their analysis of the same which can include the emotions involved in the scenario, how one should react in the same, and what could be possible solutions and strategies to cope. As and when everyone is done with their presentation of the viewpoints, the rest of the whole group can give ratings on the basis of how satisfying the response is. 

This activity is a fun and imaginative way for students to build deeper relationships by honing their interpersonal skills. It provides a dynamic platform to develop their empathetic skills and become more effective communicators.

5. Mystery Guest

Mystery Guest

The Mystery Guest is a captivating interpersonal skills exercise that hones individuals’ empathy, active listening, and observation abilities. In this activity, players rotate as the enigma, and the rest of the cohort endeavors to decipher their internal sentiments, musings, and emotions. 

Assemble the participants into a bustling group. Select one player to become the enigmatic visitor and request that they express a specific emotion, thought, or feeling without revealing what it is. Inspire the rest of the cohort to tap into their active listening and observation skills as they attempt to decode the mystery guest’s internal landscape. Continue the activity, rotating through different players as the mystery guest, until all have had a chance to participate.

This activity provides a fun and interactive platform for students as well as adults to improve their interpersonal skills and deepen their understanding of others. By engaging in active listening and observation, players will become more effective communicators and build stronger relationships with their peers.

6. The Body Language Battle

 The Body Language Battle

The body language battle can be the perfect interpersonal skills activity for anyone looking forward to working on their skills. Going well beyond spoken words, the activity requires participants to engage in a friendly competition to see who can best interpret and display various nonverbal cues and body language. 

Through role-plays and demonstrations, participants will learn the power of nonverbal communication and how it can impact their interactions with others. For instance, one member from each of the teams will just act out non-verbally expressions of various emotions.

They will also have the opportunity to practice using effective body language themselves, helping them to better understand and connect with others. The team that is able to guess the most correct emotions with body language displayed wins. The activity will strengthen one’s understanding of human emotions, body language, and interpersonal understanding.

7. Observational skills challenge

Observational skills challenge

This challenge is an interpersonal skills activity designed to help individuals connect with and understand one another. In today’s busy times, instead of building a meaningful connection or know the other person, people usually connect with each other for one or the other purpose only which results in a lack of understanding and coordination among them. So, let’s do this activity, learn, and enjoy.

To start, instruct participants that they need to meet 5 people in the group and try to drive the conversation for at least 5 minutes and observe and note the key points about their personalities. Set a time for about 25-30 minutes for participants to complete the task. Or else, you can give an entire day for this and let them take their time to connect twitch each other. 

Next, gather together and participants can voluntarily share their analysis about each person to which the rest of the people can give feedback and the person for whom the observation is being shared can add his/her inputs too that whether these are right or wrong or what else is there about their personality or nature which is not being observed. This activity can help people challenge their observational skills along with improving communication skills and connecting abilities.

8. Collaborative Storytelling

Collaborative Storytelling

To adapt the activity for adults, you can choose a prompt that relates to the work or industry that the group is in. For example, if the group works in marketing, the prompt could be “Once upon a time, there was a startup that needed to develop a new marketing campaign.” Each person can take turns adding to the story, with each sentence building on the previous one and advancing the narrative. Similarly, the prompt can be according to the age level or experience level of the participants.

Collaborative storytelling can be a valuable interpersonal skills activity for both students as well as adults. It can help develop their communication and collaboration skills, while also fostering creativity and teamwork.

As the story progresses, encourage the group to work together to develop a clear and cohesive message that aligns with their company’s goals and values. This will require active listening, clear communication, and a willingness to collaborate and build on each other’s ideas.

After the story is finished, you can have the group reflect on the process and discuss what they learned about communication, collaboration, and creativity. You can also ask them to brainstorm ways to apply these skills to their work, such as through brainstorming sessions, project collaborations, or team-building activities.

9. Head Up

Head Up

Improv Madness is an energetic and entertaining interpersonal skills activity that is perfect for adults who want to have fun while also improving their teamwork, communication, and trust skills. This game helps people connect with each other better and fosters more understanding and coordination among each other.

This game can be played by anyone in a group. All you have to do is stick any word on the forehead of one of the players. The word can be anything, be it related to a movie name, emotion, etc. The player must be unaware of the word being stuck to his/her forehead and the challenge is to guess that word right in the minimum time possible. For the same, the other players need to do some actions in order to help that player get the idea about what it is. 

It is just like charades with the difference of one player being the guesser and the rest all acting to help to get to that mystery word. Being a vocabulary-building activity, it helps participants update their lexicon, learn to work better as a team, communicate more effectively, and build stronger relationships with their peers.

10. Get to Know You” Bingo activity 

Get to Know You" Bingo activity 

Create a bingo board with statements or questions that are relevant to the group’s interests or work. If it is a group of students or individuals at work, then the statements will change accordingly. For example, if the group is a new team at work, the bingo board could include statements like “Has worked in the industry for over 5 years,” “Speaks a second language,” or “Has completed a marathon.” 

Distribute the bingo boards to each participant, and instruct them to mingle and find colleagues who fit the statements or questions in each box. Encourage them to have conversations with each other, and to actively listen to what their colleagues are saying.

The first person to complete a row or column on their bingo board and return to their seat with a completed board wins a prize. This could be something small like a gift card or a snack. After the game is over, have the group reflect on what they learned about each other and what surprised them. Encourage them to share one thing they learned with the whole group.

As a follow-up activity, you can have the group pair up with someone they don’t know well and continue the conversation, using some of the questions from the bingo board as a guide. This will allow them to build connections and deepen their understanding of each other’s interests and experiences.


Interpersonal skills are essential for both students and adults to develop and maintain successful relationships and achieve their personal and professional goals. Games provide a fun and interactive way to practice and improve these skills, including communication, collaboration, problem-solving, and conflict resolution. If you think, you’ve got a strong hold on interpersonal skills, then you must check out interpersonal intelligence career options.

Whether playing with friends, family, or coworkers, incorporating games into one’s personal and professional life can foster greater social connection and increase overall happiness and success. So next time you have a chance to play a game, embrace it as an opportunity to build and strengthen your interpersonal skills.

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