Printable Preschool Behavior Chart Template [PDF Included]

Last Updated on February 12, 2025 by Editorial Team

Are you looking for a simple and viable tool to track the behavior of your preschool students or your preschool-going child? If yes, then let us introduce you to one of the most commonly used tools to monitor student behavior, which is the well-known “behavior chart”. Considering the utility and effectiveness of behavior charts in managing classroom behavior, we have come up with a collection just for you! 

Our template is free for teachers and parents to use without spending a single penny! So, don’t hesitate to download and print as many copies of these charts as you would like and begin your journey toward creating a positive classroom environment where little kids are encouraged to learn and display positive behaviors in every sphere of life.

What is a behavior chart, and what is it useful for?

A behavior chart is a great tool that comes in handy when you want children to pick up good behaviors and ditch the problematic ones. It is a wonderful means for positive reinforcement as you pay more attention to a child’s positive behaviors and reward them for the same. 

Using a behavior chart, you can make a note of how a child reacts in different scenarios and whether they are adopting behaviors that are expected of them. These notes can serve as a record you can use while creating student assessments which you can later send to parents to share their child’s overall performance. Moreover, behavior charts can help you identify behavioral patterns. They may even let you notice behavioral issues which may require special intervention.

Are behavior charts helpful for preschool kids?

Yes, they are! Preschoolers are at the age when they love to exert independence and do things their way. Try to stop them, and you will see them sulk and whine, so you give in and let them do things their way. Behavior charts come to your rescue, especially when you’re handling a bunch of preschoolers in your classroom. These charts act as a visual reminder where kids can see how well they behave at school. Using inexpensive rewards like stars or stickers, you can encourage kids to behave in a way suitable for a classroom environment. 

Seeing how they are doing compared to their peers and where they stand when it comes to rewards received can motivate kids to behave well and avoid behaviors that can lead them to unwanted consequences. 

Here are the benefits of using a behavior chart:

  • Allows you to set clear expectations.
  • Reinforces good behavior.
  • Serves as a visual reminder for kids.
  • Fosters orderliness in the classroom and ensures discipline.
  • Gives students immediate feedback on their behavior.
  • Motivates kids to demonstrate positive behaviors with the help of rewards and recognition.

What’s included in our preschool behavior chart template 

Our preschool behavior chart bundle consists of three different types of charts that parents and teachers can use. Let’s see what they are and how you can use them.

1. The Blue Chart

The Blue behavior Chart

This chart is a good choice for those who want to monitor kids’ behavior at home and school without the hassle of maintaining two separate charts. The template consists of two different sections for home and school where you can record a child’s behaviors. Being a weekly template, you can see how a child’s behavior has been throughout the week. The template has enough space for you to keep a check on up to five behaviors at home and five at school.

2. The Pink Chart

The Pink behavior Chart

Here is yet another weekly chart for behavior management. However, it has a different format than the blue chart. You can allot one sheet for every child and write their specific behavior goals for the week or month. Then there is space for writing the behaviors you want the child to work on. 

You can either mark a tick on specific days when the child displays the behavior or ask them to use a crayon to mark their behavior on the chart. This will make them realize that they are accountable for their own actions and behaviors. The chart even gives you space to make notes at the end of the week and assign star rewards to the child based on their overall behavior in that particular week.

3. The ABC Behavior Chart

The ABC Behavior Chart

The last item in our preschool behavior chart bundle is the ABC behavior chart. ABC stands for Antecedent, Behavior, and Consequence. This type of chart is beneficial when you want to collect information about the root cause of certain behaviors. When you know what circumstances lead to a particular behavior, you are better equipped to handle and divert these behaviors in a positive direction.

The ABC chart has three sections where you can note what happened immediately before the behavior, the behavior itself, and what action or consequence followed immediately after it. You can also mention the date and time of the behavior so you can refer to it later and use the information if required.

Unlike the blue and pink charts, which are reward oriented, the ABC chart is more about knowing why a child is presenting a particular behavior. The information you gather through this chart can be used for functional behavior assessment of a child with special needs or learning difficulties.

You can download all these charts in pdf format from the link given below.

How can you use our preschool behavior chart effectively?

The first and foremost thing you must do when you start using a behavior chart for your preschool students is to introduce the chart to everyone. Take time to explain to the kids what a behavior chart is and why you use it in the classroom. Tell them how their behaviors will reflect on the chart on a daily basis. Make sure they know that positive behaviors will earn them rewards while negative behaviors may invite consequences.

Once children are clear about the chart and your expectations from them, you can find an empty wall in your classroom and paste individual behavior charts for display. When a child behaves appropriately, praise them and give them a sticker to put on the chart. As kids understand that positive behaviors can get them more stickers and appreciation, they will be more likely to repeat them. 

Things to include in a preschooler’s behavior chart

Before you begin using a behavior chart for your students, write their names and the name of the month for which you are making a record. Next, you can make a list of behaviors you want the child to work on. Remember, the goals must be clear and easy to understand for preschoolers. You can read our positive classroom behavior list to understand what you can include. 

If there are specific adaptive skills your students are working on, you can add them to the chart as well. Our preschool adaptive skills checklist can give you ideas on which adaptive skills preschoolers can work on. Once the chart is ready with all the details, you and your students can begin using it. And don’t forget to stock up on stickers and simple rewards to keep kids motivated, along with lots of positive reinforcement.

Even parents can use preschool behavior chart templates and effective rewards to promote good behavior at home. If pen and paper is not your style, you may like to use one of those behavior-tracking apps available online for managing behavior and measuring progress. 

In conclusion

A preschool behavior chart is an effective means to encourage positive conduct. It gives kids a clear idea of what’s acceptable and what’s not. However, when implementing a behavior chart, it’s crucial to remember that each child is unique, and their needs and abilities should be taken into account. While a behavior chart can be beneficial, it should not be the only method of behavior management. You can combine it with other strategies like positive reinforcement, verbal praise, and modeling appropriate behavior. 

When used in conjunction with other strategies, a behavior chart can help create a supportive and nurturing environment where preschoolers can thrive and work toward becoming confident, responsible, and well-rounded individuals in the future.

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