Last Updated on October 3, 2023 by Editorial Team
Prepare to embark on an adventure filled with numerical wonders and problem-solving prowess. Imagine stepping into a vibrant math circus, where students become mathematical acrobats, defying the limits of their skills and soaring to new heights of knowledge.
In this realm, the drill and practice method emerges as a magical tool, helping students master mathematical concepts. With each repetition, numbers come alive, formulas dance, and equations find their harmonious balance. It’s a symphony of drills, where practice becomes the key to unlocking mathematical brilliance.
But wait, this method is more than just a routine—it’s a catalyst for growth. It transforms math into an exhilarating adventure, where students build fluency, sharpen problem-solving skills, and unlock the secrets of numerical wizardry. Through targeted practice, mathematical doors swing open, revealing the beauty and logic that lie within.
So, join us under the big top of mathematics, where the drill and practice teaching method reigns supreme. Let’s embark on this extraordinary journey, where numbers become our allies, and mathematical mastery becomes a thrilling feat. Get ready to unleash the magic of drill and practice, as we soar to mathematical greatness, one equation at a time!
Drill and practice teaching method: Navigating through the meaning
The drill and practice teaching method is an instructional approach that focuses on the repetitive practice of specific skills or knowledge. It involves presenting students with targeted exercises, problems, or tasks that require them to repeatedly apply and reinforce what they have learned. This method aims to strengthen and solidify understanding, enhance retention, and promote automaticity in the mastery of concepts.
The purpose of drill and practice is to provide students with ample opportunities to practice and internalize essential skills or knowledge. By engaging in repetitive exercises, students develop fluency, accuracy, and efficiency in applying the learned content. This effectiveness of drill and practice has proven successful in building foundational skills, such as basic math operations, vocabulary acquisition, spelling, grammar rules, and procedural knowledge.
“Unlocking the secrets of math: The power of an effective teaching method”
The drill and practice teaching method finds extensive use in mathematics education due to its ability to reinforce foundational skills and promote mastery of mathematical concepts. The main goal of this method is to help students develop proficiency and fluency with a particular skill or concept. Here are ten ways in which the drill and practice teaching method can help students in math:
1. Improves mastery and fluency:

Repetitive practice can help students develop automaticity and fluency with math skills and concepts, allowing them to apply them more quickly and accurately in real-world situations. When students have to think less about how to perform a math operation and can just do it automatically, they are more likely to make fewer mistakes and solve problems more efficiently.
2. Provides immediate feedback:

With the drill and practice method, students can see their progress as they work through practice problems and quizzes, which can help them identify areas where they need more practice.
3. Allows for individualized instruction:
As students become more proficient and fluent in math skills and concepts, they may feel more confident in their ability to solve problems and tackle new challenges. This can help them approach math with a positive attitude and feel more motivated to engage with the material.
4. Builds confidence:

Drill and practice activities can help students develop a strong understanding of number sense, including basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). Regular practice with number facts and calculations improves fluency and efficiency.
5. Encourages self-directed learning:

Drill and practice exercises are effective for memorizing essential math facts, such as multiplication tables, division facts, and number patterns. Repetition aids in automatic recall, allowing students to solve problems more quickly and accurately.
6. Promotes efficient problem-solving:

Drill and practice can reinforce problem-solving strategies, such as using algorithms, applying formulas, or using logical reasoning. Regular practice helps students become more proficient in selecting appropriate strategies and applying them effectively.
7. Facilitates retention:
Drill and practice activities encourage mental math skills by challenging students to perform calculations mentally and make quick estimations. Regular practice enhances mental agility and computational fluency.
8. Enhances problem-solving skills:

Drill and practice provide students with opportunities to practice mathematical procedures, such as long division, fraction operations, decimal conversions, and geometric formulas. Repetitive practice helps students internalize these procedures and become more proficient in their application.
9. Increases motivation:
By engaging in drill and practice exercises, students can improve their accuracy in mathematical calculations, reducing errors and promoting precision in their work.
10. Can be used in a variety of settings:

Drill and practice activities can reinforce mathematical vocabulary and terminology, ensuring students have a solid understanding of mathematical language and can effectively communicate their ideas.
What does the research state?
Research on drill and practice as a teaching method has generally shown that it can be effective for improving performance on specific skills or concepts. Furthermore, research[1] has shown that drills and practice can be effective ways to teach basic math facts, spelling words, and other skills that require automaticity or quick recall.
However, the effectiveness of drill and practice may depend on the specific learning goals and objectives, as well as the needs and characteristics of the students. In some cases, drill and practice may be less effective for more complex skills or for students who are struggling to learn new material.
Research[2] has also shown that drill methods along with other methods such as concept-based learning, prove effective in enhancing students’ comprehension of concepts and fostering high-level thinking, promoting a deeper understanding of the subject matter, and facilitating critical analysis and synthesis of information. Thus, the drill and practice method is a great method when used with other approaches to learning maths.
The drill and practice teaching method can be helpful for improving math skills because it allows students to repeatedly practice specific math concepts or techniques. This can help students to become more proficient and accurate in their math skills, as they are able to develop muscle memory and automaticity through repetition.
Additionally, the drill and practice method can be useful for reinforcing previously learned material, helping students retain important math concepts over time. At the same time, educators and parents can go through certain examples, that can explain the idea better how to employ this teaching method.
- Lehtinen, Erno & Hannula-Sormunen, Minna & McMullen, Jake & Gruber, Hans. (2017). Cultivating mathematical skills: from drill-and-practice to deliberate practice. ZDM. 49. 10.1007/s11858-017-0856-6.
- Lufri, Fitri, R., & Yogica, R. (2018). Effectiveness of concept-based learning model, drawing and drill methods to improve student’s ability to understand concepts and high-level thinking in animal development course. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1116, 052040.
An engineer, Maths expert, Online Tutor and animal rights activist. In more than 5+ years of my online teaching experience, I closely worked with many students struggling with dyscalculia and dyslexia. With the years passing, I learned that not much effort being put into the awareness of this learning disorder. Students with dyscalculia often misunderstood for having just a simple math fear. This is still an underresearched and understudied subject. I am also the founder of Smartynote -‘The notepad app for dyslexia’,