Although inclusive education is not a novel idea, it is one that is gaining popularity globally. The foundation of inclusive education is the idea that all children can learn and have a right to an education. It involves giving every child an education that suits their needs and including them in the classroom.
In an inclusive classroom, all students are welcomed and valued irrespective of all differences. All cultures, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, genders, and sexual orientations are encouraged in the classroom.
It is to guarantee that every one of these students receives a fair education, has access to technology, and receives a general education. The goal of inclusive classrooms is to eliminate preconceptions that may exist between us all as well as the gap between the wealthy and the poor.
Read more to learn about inclusive classrooms and education through quotes by well-known personalities.
Quotes that emphasize the importance of inclusivity in the classroom
1. Inclusive educators believe in valuing student differences and supporting their learning need to the greatest extent possible – Unknown
2. In diversity, there is beauty and there is strength – Maya Angelou
3. There is only one way to look at things until someone shows us how to look at them with different eyes. – Pablo Picasso
4. Inclusive is a mindset. It is a way to treat others and the way they treat us. Inclusive is an opportunity to learn from one another. And we do it because it is the right thing to do. Period. – Lisa Friedman
5. The biggest risk of not including children with disabilities is that we limit everyone’s potential as human beings. – Unknown
6. Inclusive is intentional. It is about identifying and removing barriers so that everyone can participate to their best abilities.
7. Let us stop believing that differences make us superior or inferior to one another. Carl Miguiel Ruez
8. Do not forget we need each other. – Mother Teresa
9. When everyone is included, everyone wins. – Jesse Jackson
10. Diversity is a fact. Equity is a choice. Inclusion is an action. Belonging is an outcome. – Arthur Chan
11. No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive. – Mahatma Gandhi
12. Inclusion is not simply about physical proximity. It is about intentionally planning for the success of all students. – Unknown
13. Individually we are one drop, together we are the ocean. Ryunosuke Sataro
14. We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others are bright, and some have weird names but they all have learned to live together in the same box. Robert Fulghum
15. We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, Different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, and different dreams. – Unknown
16. Inclusive education is essential because through extending our imaginations into another person’s world whose experience we may not share. We learn to empathize and connect. Those are skills worth teaching to young people.– Mike Armiger
17. In a class, we share our similarities and celebrate our differences. – M Scott Peck
18. Do not tolerate me as different, accept me as part of the spectrum of normalcy. – Ann Northrop
19. Inclusion is a right, not a privilege for a selected few.- Judge Geary
20. Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is a success. – Henry Ford
What inclusive classroom looks like?
In an inclusive classroom, all students are welcome irrespective of any differences. Students of different learning styles, types, and capacities are gathered in one space and given the resources and training they each need to access the curriculum.
It provides a safe space for all students. It promotes a sense of belongingness and equality among all students. Students also learn to respect each other and their differences. They become more compassionate, supportive, patient, and tolerant as individuals.
Inclusive classrooms also provide social networking in a shared learning space. They learn collaboration and teamwork through activities and group tasks. This supports and thrives with each other’s individual strengths and weaknesses. So, when students work together they gain higher situational awareness as well as an appreciation for cooperation and collaboration.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that inclusive education helps students with impairments perform better and develop their capabilities. Attending inclusive classrooms encourages special education students to attend classes regularly in school. These classes help in the improvement of their reading and math abilities faster. Additionally, these classes supported them in the longer term, and they are more likely to work and continue their education with fewer difficulties with support.
Overall, inclusive classrooms benefit students academically, promoting social interaction and communication skills and improving their social existence. They are treated and feel like a regular member of the community. They become more effective as a result and more adaptive in real life.
An inclusive classroom creates a vibrant environment in class for education, disregarding all differences. A school should promote inclusive classrooms and shared learning spaces, so the students can work and participate together to learn and build bonds with each other.
All students get access to resources and unique learning strategies to develop and hone their skills. The healthy and successful philosophy of inclusive education provides a bright future.
An engineer, Maths expert, Online Tutor and animal rights activist. In more than 5+ years of my online teaching experience, I closely worked with many students struggling with dyscalculia and dyslexia. With the years passing, I learned that not much effort being put into the awareness of this learning disorder. Students with dyscalculia often misunderstood for having just a simple math fear. This is still an underresearched and understudied subject. I am also the founder of Smartynote -‘The notepad app for dyslexia’,