Last Updated on September 4, 2024 by Editorial Team
We all know the importance of numbers, counting, and other essential math concepts like place value, which are irreplaceable in life. The word value in place value stands for the value addition it brings to digits. Be it money, calculations, measurements, or any other crucial math activity, place value is an imperative part of learning mathematics.
In mathematics, place value refers to the position or location of a digit in a number. Each digit has a specific location in a number. Those positions begin with a unit place, often known as one’s position. Units, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand, a hundred thousand, and so on are the order of place value of digits of a number from right to left.
It is critical that children learn that while a number can be identical, its value is determined by its position in the number. Plenty of materials, online and offline games, and methods can be deployed to make students fall in love with this! Let’s read ahead.
How to introduce place value in a fun way?
Understanding place value is the final step in developing number sense in primary kids. It is critical that place value be explained utilizing actual things rather than just numbers on paper. There are also plenty of misconceptions about place value, which can be looked at.
Searching for place value games that will get your children as enthused about arithmetic as you are? We’ve created game-based methods for teaching children to round up and round down figures and calculate using their understanding of place value. Check out these fun and inventive ways to teach your kids about place value.
1. Ascend the Rounding Ladder
To play this place value exercise, your children will need to know how to round numbers up or down to the closest 100 or 1,000. For this, you will need:
- A game board like Snakes and Ladder (1-100)
- A die or a spinner that goes up to 10
- Four playing pieces
How to play
Your objective is to be the first player to reach the finish line by rounding numbers correctly and getting high scores. The game is for two to four players.
- To begin, each player chooses a playing piece and sets it on the START space. The youngest player gets to start the game and play passes clockwise.
- On their turn, a player rolls the dice. They move their playing piece forward the number of spaces rolled/spun. The player must speak out the place value of the landed block number instead of saying it plainly. For example, if a player lands on a 21. They must say 2 tens and 1 one, instead of saying twenty-one.
- If they speak out the place value correctly, the chance passes.
- If they speak out the place value incorrectly, they miss their chance and go back to the Start space to start afresh.
- The first player to reach the FINISH line wins the game!
2. Numbers 0-1,000,000 Place Value Bingo Game
Everyone enjoys bingo! Having a variety of bingo cards on hand for place value comprehension is an ideal approach to supplement your math center activities! You will need:
- Printable bingo tickets for each player
- numbers
How to play
This game is played like any other bingo game. The object of the game is to be the first person to cover five numbers in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally).
- Before beginning, players should look over their bingo tickets and get acquainted with them.
- The one bidding/ calling out the bingo numbers must not speak them plainly. He/she must speak out the number in a place value format. For example, if the number is 48 then it must be narrated as 4 tens and 8 ones. Similarly, if the number is 32 then the narration should be 3 tens and 2 ones.
- Ticket holders must be all ears while playing this fun game in order to tick off the correct number on time.
- The game continues until one player has five numbers in a row covered and yells, “Bingo!”
3. Flip It! Place Value Game Play with a Book
It’s now time to Flip It! This a fun and easy everyday activity cum game that can be played anytime, any day, and anywhere. Here’s what you need to play this game:
- A book, preferably math
- A sheet to tally and note down individual scores
How to play
The object of the game is to fill in as many numbers on your score sheet as possible.
- To start, teachers must speak out a number. Say, 235 but in a place value format. For example, 2 hundred, 3 tens, 5 ones. Now flip the page!
- Kids now need to start flipping their math book pages to locate that number.
This activity will help to evaluate if the child understood the concept and is able to comprehend the number presented in a place value format
Printable place value chart for kids
There are many ways in which teachers or even parents can best utilize these place value charts for kids. However, one of the most crucial steps for learning arithmetic is to constantly keep them engaged. It can be a:
1. A constant source for reference: These charts can be hung or pinned on the study wall of the classroom, from where the whole class can easily see them. It can be a constant source of reference when solving questions. This can also be very well individually distributed to each student during and after classes.
2. Classroom intervention material: Provide students with fast reference material. You can also conduct a quick talk session by asking them how they should be approaching a certain problem, while they take a quick look at the place value chart. It will help them understand the concepts better and faster. Parents can later also go through these charts with their kids to better understand their strengths and weaknesses.
3. Revision at the end of the week: Assuming a teacher would take a week to complete a certain portion of this topic, they can hand over these charts to the students and do a run-through or a revision session together. This way, children can experience an interactive and collaborative environment. These charts can also act as an aid during games and activities in the classroom while hosting the revision. Students will be able to compete to solve problems by referring to the place values on the chart. This way, they will not only finish quicker but also have fun while doing so!

Concepts that can be taught using a place value chart
The concept of using place value stands irreplaceable given the excessive use of numbers in our day-to-day life. Therefore, charts are a good place to start when teaching numbers to young kids. Place Value Charts and their variants can be used for:
- Recognizing numbers
- Counting backward
- Number rounding
- A set of numbers comparison.
- Converting numbers among word, standard, and expanded forms
- Differentiating place value and period value of a digit in a number
The concept of place value is of utmost importance, be it mathematics or daily life event. If you’re looking for more math resources to engage your child in learning place value, be sure to check out our collection of math resources that includes varied manipulatives, online games, and activities.
Understanding the place value helps budding learners with the foundation for regrouping multiple digit numbers and simplifying multiplication and decimal numbers in a great way. Apart from this, it also helps students understand the magnitude of numbers. Hence, downloading and using the printable place value chart can be of significance when used by educators and parents for their kids. This place value chart will also help the learners understand the operations of mathematics, which can help them substantially during their future years of education and adulthood.
An engineer, Maths expert, Online Tutor and animal rights activist. In more than 5+ years of my online teaching experience, I closely worked with many students struggling with dyscalculia and dyslexia. With the years passing, I learned that not much effort being put into the awareness of this learning disorder. Students with dyscalculia often misunderstood for having just a simple math fear. This is still an underresearched and understudied subject. I am also the founder of Smartynote -‘The notepad app for dyslexia’,