If we look at our surroundings, there is symmetry all around us. Yet, we hear the word symmetry so often in different contexts. So, let us try to understand what it means.
Symmetry can be defined as an attribute where something is the same on both sides of an axis. In simpler words, the two halves of an object are identical and mirror images of each other, creating a sense of balance and providing aesthetically pleasing results. The presence or absence of symmetry can affect the functioning of machinery, constructions, and similar instances where precision plays an important role.
Symmetry also exists in math and is an integral part of geometry. Symmetry also exists in math and is an integral part of geometry. But, inculcating these topics to little kids with just textboards and blackboards can be run-of-the-mill; therefore, educators and parents can opt for manipulatives or use the power of digitalization to help their kids comprehend the concept of symmetry as described in this post.
Symmetry: Nifty for kids?
Symmetry is a fundamental concept in geometry. It helps create geometrical patterns that help us organize the images in our surroundings. Without consciously realizing it, we see symmetry every day and use it as a part of our careers in some form or the other.
Learning symmetry is important for children as it helps them view the things close to and around them. In math, it sets the base for much complex arithmetic and algebraic operations that children learn in later years of their education. For example, students use the concept of symmetry and the associative and the commutative property to solve arithmetic problems, Euclidian and plain geometry.
In algebra, It is used to solve equations. Symmetry is a fascinating concept and can be found in things as simple as patterns and designs or as complex as the abstract facets of modern math.
Learning symmetry helps the child find a connection between maths and other aspects of knowledge. All these factors make symmetry a must-know concept. Its application ranges from art to science and is the basis of most professions that use aesthetics.
However, symmetry can be best learned when kids are shown objects of daily use, and then relate them with symmetry, as a concept. This can also be effectively done with the help of online games. A few games explain the concept of dividing an object into half to make two symmetrical halves. Moreover, these games also help students relate to everyday objects so that there is a visible enhancement of understanding the concept.
Online games that help in comprehending symmetry
1. Match the symmetry

Symmetry matching is a matching game with pictures, shapes, and patterns. It involves the mirroring of an image. Some have a horizontal or vertical line of symmetry.
The game begins by choosing either a shape, a pattern, or a picture. Once the child chooses an option, the game begins. The options flash on the screen, and on clicking on the right option, the game progresses.
The child needs to identify the right option, the symmetrical half of the object on the screen.
Through this game, the child’s ability to gauge the right symmetrical object is checked. It can be easily played to comprehend the concept and test one’s understanding of the topic.
2. Symmetry invaders

This game can be a fun, exciting, yet great learning experience for the little ones as it involves targeting an alien. The alien is a moving target. Once the child clicks on the alien, the challenge begins.
One-half of the pattern is displayed on the screen. The challenge is to draw the other half. A target is eliminated once the graphic is drawn and the child moves to the next level.
This game helps the child to imagine a symmetrical half of the pattern and create it. It is a fun challenge suited for a child who enjoys the world of space ships and aliens.
3. Painters kaleidoscope

This game allows kids to learn symmetry through art! The game begins with a blank screen, and the child has to click and drag the cursor to make patterns of choice.
The patterns that are formed are symmetrical. The child can choose the colors to be used.
A very attractive image is then formed that is symmetrical.
Here the child gets an insight into what a kaleidoscope looks like and gets a chance even to create a work of art.
4. Symmetry with puzzles

A snowflake is a beautiful example of symmetry in nature. This is due to the simple fact that it is symmetrical from all sides. Similarly, this game is a jigsaw puzzle of various images. The child needs to solve the jigsaw puzzle by clicking and drawing the puzzle pieces into place.
Through the game, the child gets a fair idea of how a snowflake looks and how symmetrical its structure is. Moreover, the game has a lot of other symmetrical objects, apart from the snowflakes, which helps the kid realize that all objects in nature are symmetrical. This helps in a better understanding of the concept, and unconsciously or subconsciously, the child will see and relate to the symmetrical objects around them.
Moreover, jigsaw puzzles are a great way to stimulate the mind and get the mind muscles moving. Therefore, this game not only helps with the understanding of symmetrical objects but also helps with the development and enhancement of the brain.
5. Shape symmetry

A beginner-level game for young children, it is a very interactive game with voice prompts. The child has to choose symmetrical shapes that are actually a part of butterflies’ wings and other such structures.
The game begins with the definition of symmetry, and explanations are given wherever required. The child has to pick the right symmetrical shape to the one on the butterfly’s other wing.
Through his game, the power of observation builds up and the educators can test the skills of a student, especially when it comes to symmetry and observation.
6. Pick the right shape

A simple game where the child has to choose either the symmetrical shape or the ones that are not symmetrical according to the prompt. Often children get confused when the shapes are jumbled up. This game helps the child to sort out the symmetrical shapes.
The game begins with the definition of symmetry and how a symmetrical shape can be identified. The next slide has shapes where the child needs to pick out the symmetrical shapes from a lot of others. For every right answer, the player scores.
7. Symmetry painter

Painting activities can bring glee onto a kid’s face! This game is the perfect choice for a child who loves painting. The child gets to choose between a variety of painting tools. The image that the child draws on one half of the screen is created on the other half, too, as a mirror image, thus making it symmetrical.
The child learns how to draw symmetrical images and enjoys the activity due to all the options available for creating the same painting. The game helps the child in understanding the importance of symmetry in drawing or painting. For instance, while drawing the eyes of the face, the artist has to maintain certain same dimensions on both sides.
8. Lines of symmetry

As simple as the concept might seem, symmetry can many times leave the kid perplexed due to its various properties. Therefore, this game is perfect as the kids need to mark a line of symmetry based on the image shown through the dots.
Basically, the ultimate goal is to collect as many points as possible. And like all games, one point is one coin, which means one correct answer. Moreover, if the player answers incorrectly, a hint pops up, which can help the student understand what exactly needs to be done.
When a shape is displayed on the screen, the child is required to draw the line of symmetry through it. Through this activity, the child learns about the line of symmetry and how it divides the shapes into two identical halves.
9. Shape sorting

The activity has an option to choose shapes, letters, or pictures. Once this is selected, the child needs to determine if the images displayed are symmetrical. Points are added for every correct answer.
The child learns all about symmetrical shapes and identifies letters of the alphabet that exhibit symmetry. There are some alphabets that are symmetrical while some are not. The game makes it easy to understand the concept of making the line of symmetry and discerning the number of symmetry lines, an alphabet, letter, or any shape can have.
Everyday uses of symmetry
There are four types of symmetry which are:
Translation symmetry: is when something has undergone a movement, a shift, or a slide, in a particular direction in a specified distance without any rotation. As a result, the size and shape of the figure will not change. The only thing that changes is its location—for example, patterns in a carpet or on a ribbon.
Rotational symmetry: This is the property of an object when it looks the same after some rotation by turning. For example figures like circles and squares. It is also known as radial symmetry.
Reflection symmetry: This is also called line symmetry or as mirror symmetry. It is the property of symmetry found in reflections. In this case, there is at least one line that divides a figure into two halves, such that one is a mirror image of the other. For example, a reflection of a tree in water or a paper folded exactly in half.
Glide symmetry: This is a symmetry where reflection and translation occur—for example, the footprints left by a person walking on sand. The symmetry can be maintained even if the objects are moved at a distance.
We see the above phenomenon in our daily life in some form or the other. An essential part of geometry, it finds various uses and applications and is an integral part of science.
1. Nature uses symmetry
Symmetry is used by nature to make it beautiful. The kind of symmetry exhibited is bilateral symmetry, meaning two halves are exactly mirror images of each other. So, for example, the butterflies wings look like the other.
They are like mirror images, which adds to their beauty. Imagine a butterfly with wings of two varying patterns; it would probably not look so aesthetic.
Some flowers also exhibit bilateral symmetry—for example, the orchid and most of the figwort family.
2. Architecture
Symmetry in architecture is the geometry of the building. It is the same on both sides of the axis. The types of symmetry used in designing buildings’ are bilateral symmetry and radial symmetry. Two sides are mirror images of each other. They can be vertical or horizontal.
For example, if we consider the Taj Mahal one of the wonders of the world, one of the most striking features is its symmetry. This makes the Taj even more appealing. If we draw an imaginary line vertically through the center of the Taj, we can observe that both the halves are exactly alike. Which means there is bilateral symmetry.
Symmetry in architecture helps to bind the various components of the structure together as a unified structure and as a whole. It lends a sense of orderliness and aesthetics.
3. Jewelry
Since times immemorial, humans have used jewelry to adorn and beautify themselves. It is common knowledge that traditionally, the beauty of a piece of jewelry lies in its symmetry. Therefore, jewelry exhibits bilateral symmetry, creating harmonious order and aesthetically pleasing results.
If a line is drawn through the center of a jewelry piece, all the elements on one side are precisely a mirror image of the other side. This ensures a balance in the form, size, and shape of the jewelry, thus adding to its beauty.
4. Body motion
The laws of physics govern the movement of all living things. For example, the fish swimming in water, humans walking, animals moving in their habitat.
When we observe fish swimming in water or the snakes moving, we see that they contract one part of the body and then the other to move ahead. For such movement to occur smoothly, symmetry is essential.
Possessing bilateral symmetry helps them to propel the body forwards in a straight line and makes the movement from one place to another possible.
5. Garments
An item of everyday use that exhibits symmetry is clothing. Our shirts and shoes are examples.
A garment is symmetrical when its right and left parts are identical in size and shape. They are a mirror image of each other.
If we imagine a vertical line drawn through a top, from the neck to the bottom, all the patterns to the left side are a mirror image to the right side.
For the bottom, the left leg and the right are mirror images of each other. Creating a symmetric garment requires symmetric marking, cutting, and sewing.
Summing up,
The beauty and aesthetics of most things around us can be attributed to symmetry. The symmetry also helps in the flawless functioning of machines and is an integral part of nature and our bodies. Understanding symmetry and its use in our lives will help us discover new world perspectives. It will also help beautify our surroundings and help us understand more facts about science.
To understand symmetry and make the most of the learning experience, besides the classroom teaching, students can indulge in games to test their understanding, get the hang of the concept, and learn the nitty-gritty of symmetry! Happy learning to you!
An engineer, Maths expert, Online Tutor and animal rights activist. In more than 5+ years of my online teaching experience, I closely worked with many students struggling with dyscalculia and dyslexia. With the years passing, I learned that not much effort being put into the awareness of this learning disorder. Students with dyscalculia often misunderstood for having just a simple math fear. This is still an underresearched and understudied subject. I am also the founder of Smartynote -‘The notepad app for dyslexia’,