Characteristics Of Visual-Spatial Learners

The uniqueness of each individual might make some of them learn kinesthetically, while some others may learn with Visio-spatial resources. It can be a fair idea to craft specialized teaching systems for each learning style, but before that, one may need to learn what characteristics build up a specific intelligence.. The same may be the case with Visual-Spatial learners too. 

In ordinary terms, we may discern that a visual-spatial learner is someone who learns in a holistic rather than sequential manner. In the learning process of students, visual imagery is very significant. But comprehending all the attributes in detail may be necessary to craft further steps in training.  Accordingly, in this post, we explore all about visual-spatial learners thoroughly.

Visual-spatial intelligence: All you need to know

Visual-spatial intelligence refers to a person’s ability to comprehend, memorize, and recall spatial relationships between items, to think in images, and to position oneself spatially. Howard Gardner’s revolutionary theory of multiple intelligences explains this intelligence among its eight types. 

Individuals with a high level of spatial intelligence are also colour, shape, and form sensitive. This type of intelligence also involves the ability to depict spatial or visual ideas graphically. People with highly developed spatial intelligence are often designers and architects. These youngsters also require appropriate visual learning tools and resources, as this method of learning is not entirely achievable with traditional textbooks.

Visual/Spatial intelligence people are very aware of their environment and have a good memory for visuals. They have an excellent sense of direction and like looking at maps. They have a keen awareness of distance, measurement, and space. Before they create anything relating to art, fashion, decorating, or food design, they often imagine.

Characteristics of visual-spatial learners

Visual learners have certain traits that distinguish their learning styles. Some of these characteristics are listed below.

1. Interpretation of pictures

 Interpretation of pictures

Visual-spatial learners have a good grasp of graphs, charts, and pictures and are able to learn through images quickly. Their ability to notice and appreciate colours, different shapes, and objects is incredible. 

They are also more easily able to retain information through the use of pictures and are able to analyse the entire image in one go. And that is the reason they learn most things with the help of images instead of reading or listening.

2. Sense of direction

Sense of direction

People with high visual-spatial intelligence are excellent navigators. They can read maps quickly and are rarely lost when it comes to instructions and locations.They recall clearly the places they’ve visited in the past, as well as the specifics of the area and location.

Their mind is designed in a way that they are able to memorize the directions quite easily. They are good observers and remember the details of the places they have visited.

3. Follow a one-step approach of learning

Follow a one-step approach of learning

They do not learn in the traditional classroom in a step-by-step manner, nor do they benefit from drills and repetition. They have trouble depicting the steps of a process. When the teacher asks them to exhibit their work, they find it difficult to do so because they see the task as a whole rather than a collection of steps.

Regardless, they are capable of working on difficult projects and may be characterized as systems thinkers. They have their own way of working and follow a different path in solving each question as compared to other children.

4. Introverts


Introverts make up the majority of visual learners. They prefer to work alone rather than in groups and require calm study time. They spend most of the time in solitary with their vivid imagination and study at their own pace.

They often also appear to be daydreaming a lot. They are creative people and take themselves into their own world of imagination. They spend a lot of time with themselves, trying to analyse a lot of things.

5. Likes Doodling

 Likes Doodling

Doodling is a favourite pastime of visual-spatial learners. While studying the facts, they doodle on books. This comes easy to them because they like to draw before learning rather than learning directly from listening or reading. 

Also, when they are bored, they like to scribble and draw. It is their favourite pastime as it expands their creativity and lets it flow. They like to scribble their imagination on paper.

6. Prefer books with Pictures

Prefer books with Pictures

Books with pictures are preferred by visual-spatial learners over books with only text. This is due to the fact that kids can learn and memorise quickly through pictures. When these children read books with pictures, the concepts are easier for them to grasp. They like to see what they are reading.

The general textbooks without many pictures are not their thing and they don’t work well with them. They love to complete math calculations with visuals as well.

7. Artistic 


People who have an enhanced visual-spatial intelligence like the various forms of arts like painting, drawing, and sculpture[1]. They are people who imagine and innovate ideas, and that is the reason why many of these individuals end up in fields like architecture, interior designing, jewelry designing, and much more. 

In the school itself, they start engaging themselves in artistic activities. The most popular hobby of a visual-spatial learner is art and craft.

8. Like Puzzle Games

 Like Puzzle Games

These students excel at solving many types of puzzles and find it fascinating. These students enjoy crossword puzzles, logic sudoku, cube puzzles, and solving arithmetic with graphics, among other things. As a result, learning becomes a creative and enjoyable activity for them.

They are among the students who would sit alone and prefer solving puzzles instead of interacting with everyone.

9. Complex and easy concepts

 Complex and easy concepts

Few researches claim that visual-spatial learners are typically able to grasp difficult topics and find answers to their questions. However, they struggle with simpler concepts and are unable to answer those questions[2].  

This could be due to their inability to visualise those concepts. They quite often arrive at the correct solution intuitively. This shows how their way to process information and analyze it is different from other children.

10. Has good long term visual memory

 Has good long term visual memory

When it comes to visuals, these people have exceptional memory. Even if they just see the image once, it stays with them for a long time. This is due to the fact that they create a story in their heads and connect each and every piece of information. Their brain develops a habit of processing visual information for extended periods of time.

They recall or memorise something from a real-life experience, and it sticks with them for the rest of their lives.

Visual-spatial intelligence: How does this assist?

A child’s visual-spatial intelligence allows them to understand and interpret what they see. This comes into use in their daily life – whether it is reading, writing, completing puzzles, cutting, sketching, finishing arithmetic problems, dressing, locating your sock on the bedroom floor, or any other routine activity – all these require good visual-spatial skills. 

This can also be achieved and boosted with the help of visual-spatial processing, which is the capacity to tell where objects are in space. It also entails knowing how far items are from you and from one another. Visual-spatial processing skills are used for a variety of tasks, from daydreaming to researching.

Visual-Spatial learners also secure the following edges: 

1. Creative Imagination

Because visual-spatial learners generally construct vivid mental pictures while they read and listen, this learning style can help children develop their imaginations. This can inspire many kids to be innovative and creative, which can help them retain what they’ve learned and apply it in new ways.

2. Pattern Recognition

Students who think in pictures and images are more likely to scan and search materials, as well as recognise patterns. They recognise each pattern they see in their daily life and are faster to grasp them as compared to other children.

3. Retention of information

Visual learning aids in the retention of knowledge for extended periods of time. It boosts your learning process by assisting you in processing knowledge mostly through images. Because it was preserved in your mind through visuals, you will be able to recall the entire notion even after a long period of time.

4. Remembers everything in detail

Visual learners often remember each and every detail of the things they watch. They remember every minute detail of any place they have visited and also the directions to it. They are good observers and have an eye for detail.

5. Can visualize anything

Having visual-spatial intelligence allows learners to visualise everything. They can visualize anything they read and can make a story out of it. This allows them to have a visual view of each situation for a better understanding.

Concluding thoughts 

 While visual-spatial learners learn best by seeing, traditional educational settings may not be conducive to this sort of learning. They don’t fully comprehend instructions in traditional classrooms, resulting in some glitches while they learn. If a child might prefer this kind of learning, using visual aids is one way to make learning more engaging. Pictures, graphics, tablet games, and videos may assist all to make learning more engaging and accessible for your kid. It’s often crucial to comprehend their characteristics and habits to ensure fitting learning and working style. The above-mentioned insights may come in handy in this context. 


  1. National Ping-Tung University of Education. (2007). The Relationships between Creativity, Drawing Ability, and Visual/ Spatial Intelligence: A Study of Taiwan’s Third-Grade Children. Li-Ming Liu.
  2. Linda Kreger Silverman (2002), Upside-Down Brilliance: The Visual-Spatial Learner, Denver: DeLeon Publishing. Page 4 of the report. 

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