10 Fun Brain Break Games To Play Online

Be it in classroom teaching, a workplace, or in professional sports, taking short breaks is common and a necessity. These include both physical and mental recreations. While resting may be enough for the body, the mind may ask for ice-breaking or brain break activities. Thankfully, there are multiple ways of ensuring brain breaks in schools. 

These may include activities, websites, and games. Among these, games may have a special place for their enticing challenges to bring back serenity to the mind.  

These may provide students a chance to reboot their day and boost their energy and relaxation. With these insights, expeditions for the best game may start. This search may end with our choices for you stated here. 

Online games for brain breaks: What’s the relation?

Students, especially younger ones, have difficulty keeping concentration for extended periods of time. In a 2016 study[1], psychologist Karrie Godwin and a team of researchers assessed how attentive primary pupils were in class and concluded that they were distracted for more than a quarter of the time, unable to focus on the instructor or the present work. 

Shorter lessons, on the other hand, held students’ attention: teachers discovered that giving multiple 10-minute sessions rather than fewer 30-minute ones was more successful. 

Online games are a great method for keeping children engaged during their brain breaks. Leonard Reinecke[2] made a research on 1614 participants by investigating video and computer games to recover from stress and strain. In the test made, it was observed that most of these survey populations used games to relieve stress. 

These insights may make us infer that online games may prove to be a source of entertainment for children giving them adequate time to relax and calm their minds. It releases their stress and anxiety and makes them more energetic.

Online brain break games- Enticing recreations!

Below are some of the best brain break online games that can be used by children to enhance their productivity.

1. Pictionary


Pictionary is an animated game with an attractive format. When you start the game, you will find players in the lobby room. You may need to enter your preferred gaming name to start with. Children may play Pictionary online with other children. 

They can set up a room for up to 12 other kids. Each kid draws a word with the mouse, and the other children guess the word by typing it into the chatbox. The game contains preset timeframes and word recommendations to assist the players so that you may change the time for each play. 

Children above 4 years of age can play this game. Students can also invite their friends to this game and make it even more fun to play. It is a fun game that will entertain the children a lot.

2. Battleship


This game is simple to start; you need to open the website and click on the start option. To play the traditional game of Battleship online, you may play against random opponents or add friends. 

You and your opponent may organize your fleet of ships and rocket launchers on the board. After that,  You may aim to bring down their fleet by marking locations where you believe their ships may have been stationed. You gain another opportunity if you sink an opposing ship. 

The ships and weapons in the sea look very real. This game uses intense background music, and the visuals are just like an exact battleship war. 

3. Fruit Ninja 

Fruit Ninja 

When it comes to calming down the brain, cutting vegetables with satisfying sounds and visual engagement may work. This game ensures the same by letting the players turn into ninja and cut those flying vegetables. 

To start with, the player can see an opening screen with three different options to choose from: Arcade, Zen and Frenetic. Choosing one of these three modes, the learners will be taken to the dais where vegetables are thrown into the air for them to cut. On tablets, these can be cut with fingers, on computers, the students may need to use the mouse to do that. As the game goes on, the complexity increases as the number of vegetable increase. 

Keeping the mind relaxed and stipulating fingers to take up the game may be a great brain break. In arcade, being aware of the bombs thrown and focusing on scores may get the brain refreshed and run faster. All these insights may make it a noteworthy choice as a brain break for all learners.  

4. Flower reaction

Flower reaction

Flowers are often serene and relaxing, this game ensures to ease up the learner mentally in a short interval. The game opens with a straightforward golden brown screen with a number of flowers falling off with the name of the game on top. 

The player’s mouse turns into a gold flower here which needs to be blossomed in such a way that most of the other flowers get in touch with it to get blossomed. Pupil gets one point from every flower addressed.  Bloomin the cursor is effortless, the student may need to take a suitable position and click there to start blossoming. 

The aim here may not be to score more points, but the visual and simple gameplay can assist the learner to relax soon, thereby acting as a brain break activity. Being free to access, it may be accessed across devices. 

5. Mancala 


Initially, you are required to log in or sign up when you open the website. It is a dark-themed game wherein you get the option to play with an opponent. 

Mancala is a strategic game in which the player or opponent must transfer the stones on their side of the board to one of two shops. At the end of the game, the player with the most stones wins. While this game is played in person, this website has designed it so that you may enjoy the same thrill from the comfort of your own home by playing with your faraway friends. 

It is an exciting game that kids can enjoy with their friends and have a good time.

6. Family Feud game online

Family Feud game online

In this game, Each question contains numerous responses, but the top answers are the ones that earn the most points. Each Family Feud game begins with three timed rounds of trivia, in which you must predict the top three answers to each question before the timer runs out. 

The person with the most points after the first three rounds of the game wins Family Feud and advances to the “Fast Money” round to gain even more points. The “Fast Money” round of Family Feud is the most thrilling and iconic. 

“Fast Money” is a set of five questions that follow the same pattern as the previous three rounds, but each one has a distinct theme and only allows you to guess once.

7. Arkadium’s memory game

Arkadium’s memory game

When you open the website you simply need to click on the play now icon to start the game. The game will have various cards with pictures. Each picture will be on two cards.

You already know how to play Arkadium’s Memory Game if you’ve played any other matching game. Arkadium’s Memory Game, on the other hand, is a free online game with a few twists. Arkadium’s Memory Game, for example, will occasionally require you to match tiles of the same subject rather than exact matches. Simply choose two tiles at a time to turn over. 

They’ll vanish if they’re a match. To obtain a bonus multiplier for the rest of the game, clear tiles are highlighted with glittering stars. In this addictively easy free online game, find matches as soon as possible to get as many points as possible.

8. Bejeweled


While there are various other games available with similar gameplay, we choose this for its distraction-free nature and easy access. The first screen welcomes the players with three options, the student can enter the game by clicking to start.

The game appears with a 8*8 setup of 64 jewels on the right and scoreboard and other indicators on left. The player here needs to move anyone jewel in such a way that at least three similar jewels are formed in a row or column. This way they substitute and get points. As they clear, new jewels appear.  

Studded with multiple stones of varying glittery shades, this game can be an attractive choice. Further, the gameplay may often be moderating for the stressed-out brain, making it a probable choice in brain break sessions. 

9. Just dance

Just dance

This is the one internet game that may get your youngster up and active. You may compete with players from all around the world. You can’t talk to them or see them, but you can view their points when dancing to a song together. The players will be encouraged to dance more and better as the score progresses—parents and children all around the world like the game since it requires little to no parental monitoring. Children will enjoy this game while dancing and competing.

10. Flow free 

Flow free

After a hectic session, a simplistic game may be the desired choice. This option is effortless to discern and indulge in the gameplay. All the learner may need to do is to draw a connecting line to finish the round. 

The welcome screen flashes with intriguing music and a few options. Once the player clicks on the play button, they are taken to a level screen, where they can choose depending upon their interest. The game starts with multiple pairs of dots placed in various places in a grid arrangement. The pupil needs to join these dots with the same color without touching the paths of other dots. 

The game turns challenging as the level increases. This simple and distraction-free may be a good brain break as it can be started and halted at any level, making it fit for short brain break sessions. 


Online games are on the verge of gaining popularity among youngsters as they provide a broad range of role-playing opportunities and encourage them to use their imaginations. These recreations not only relieve their brain with activities, but also connect with their friends or go out. Many of these games may assist little learners in improving their reflexes and hand-eye coordination while also increasing their collaboration, communication, and strategic abilities being a brain break. Using online games for brain breaks often associates students’ learning by providing a rapid focus adjustment and a mechanism to address needed pauses during moments of intense concentration. In view of these insights, we have shared some choices that you might find interesting. Ponder upon these picks and see if any of these can be the game you are looking for.


  1. Godwin, K. E., Almeda, M. V., Seltman, H., Kai, S., Skerbetz, M. D., Baker, R. S., & Fisher, A. V. (2016). Off-task behavior in elementary school children. Learning and Instruction, 44, 128-143.
  2. Reinecke, L. (2009). Games and recovery: The use of video and computer games to recuperate from stress and strain. Journal of Media Psychology, 21(3), 126-142.

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