Top 10 fun games for building math facts fluency

Top 10 games for building math facts fluency

“Three times four equals to…” “Three plus five equals to…” Most of us have self-answered the above with a blink of a second, without even worrying to recheck it. We know that the answer would be correct as we are confident in our math-recalling skills. Our repeated experience with such problems on a day-to-day basis … Read more

Top 7 apps for learning with Orton Gillingham approach

Apps for learning with Orton Gillingham approach

Orton Gillingham is a widely regarded teaching approach designed for struggling readers, such as in the case of dyslexia. Named after reading and language pioneers, Samuel Torrey Orton (1879-1948) and Anna Gillingham (1878-1963), Orton Gillingham’s approach focuses on teaching connections between letters and sounds. It also uses a multisensory approach to teach reading which involves … Read more

Top 12 Must-Have Free Apps For Dyscalculia [2024]

dyscalculia apps

The intervention of technology in education is one of the marvelous phenomena that happened in this era. Things possible now with available gadgets could have never been imagined 10 years ago. From regular student wikis to braille assistance to dedicated websites for e-learning, technology has achieved great heights in the sector. A major portion of … Read more