Is Dyscalculia just a Number Dyslexia?

Is Dyscalculia just a Number Dyslexia?

REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S EXPERT REVIEW PANEL ON MAY 30, 2020 Dyscalculia, is very little known, is oftentimes referred to as Number Dyslexia or Numerical Dyslexia. Some of the top internet information sources call it a Math equivalent of Dyslexia. But, is it fair? Well, the fact is, at some point dyslexia does affect the arithmetic skills of … Read more

History of Dyscalculia

Gerstmann syndrome number dyslexia dyscalculia

Dyscalculia is a life long learning disability affecting a person’s ability to understand numbers and learn math facts. It is seen as the mathematical equivalent to dyslexia and hence, the name – Number Dyslexia. Maths is an important part of our life. We take the help of Mathematics to solve complex real-world phenomena. Having difficulty in numbers … Read more

Signs And Symptoms Of Dyscalculia

MEDICALLY REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S MEDICAL REVIEW PANEL ON MAY 29, 2020 Today, we are going to talk about the symptoms of Dyscalculia. How can the signs of dyscalculia be identified early? But first, we must know what exactly dyscalculia is? Dyscalculia is a life long learning disability affecting a person’s ability to understand numbers and learn math facts. … Read more

Number Dyslexia: Everything to know about Dyscalculia

Everything to know about Dyscalculia

MEDICALLY REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S MEDICAL REVIEW PANEL ON MAY 24, 2020 Share Article Menu What is Dyscalculia (or Number Dyslexia)? Dyscalculia is a term used for a wide range of life-long learning disabilities involving maths, mostly numbers, and arithmetic skills. Other names of Dyscalculia are Number Dyslexia, Numerical Dyslexia, and Math Dyslexia. It is generally seen as the mathematical equivalent … Read more