Reading Out Loud Vs Reading In Your Head: Which one is better?

Whether you’re an avid reader who likes to read out loud or someone who prefers to mumble in your head silently, this post is for you!

Reading is a crucial aspect of learning and retaining information. Whether it’s a novel, a textbook, or an article, the way we read can impact our understanding and memory retention. There are two commonly used techniques of reading, namely reading out loud and reading in your head. Both techniques have their own unique benefits and limitations, and it’s essential to understand the difference between the two. 

In this post, we will delve deeper into the science behind these techniques, compare their pros and cons, and ultimately determine which technique is better for learning and memorization

Exploring the differences: Reading out loud vs. Reading in your head

Reading is an essential skill that allows us to absorb and process written information. There are two main ways to read, out loud and in your head, also known as silent reading.

When reading out loud, we use our voice and mouth to enunciate and articulate the words. This process also involves using inflection and tone to convey the meaning and emotion of the text. This method of reading is often used when reading aloud to others, such as when reading a bedtime story to a child.

On the other hand, silent reading, or reading in your head, involves only using the mind to process and understand the words. The words are not spoken out loud, and the process is purely internal. This method of reading relies on the visual cues of the text and the reader’s internal comprehension abilities. It’s the most common way of reading too.

Uncovering the pros and cons of reading out loud

Reading out loud has several benefits, such as:

reading out loud
  • Improving pronunciation and fluency by allowing the reader to hear their own voice and make adjustments as needed
  • Enhancing comprehension by forcing the reader to pay attention to each word and sentence
  • Expanding vocabulary by exposing the reader to new words and phrases
  • Strengthening memory by allowing the reader to hear the material multiple times and connect it to their own voice
  • Improving concentration by requiring the reader to focus on the material
  • Enhancing writing skills by exposing the reader to different sentence structures and word choices
  • Providing a sense of accomplishment and confidence, especially when the reader is able to read a difficult text successfully

However, there are also some downsides to reading out loud, such as:

  • Disturbing others around you, especially in a quiet environment like a library or office
  • Having difficulty with pronunciation or enunciation, making it harder for listeners to understand what you’re saying
  • Straining your voice, especially if you read for long periods
  • Being self-conscious or embarrassed if you are reading in front of others
  • Some people may find it harder to focus and understand the text when it is being read out loud

Advantages and Disadvantages of reading in your head 

Silent reading, or reading in your head, has its own set of benefits, such as:

  • Allowing for silent reading, which can be helpful in quiet or shared spaces
  • Improving focus and concentration by minimizing distractions
  • Helping with comprehension by allowing readers to focus on the words and ideas
  • Being a useful skill for reading in situations where it is not appropriate to speak aloud, such as in a library or during a lecture

However, there are also some downsides to silent reading as well, such as:

  • Can be more difficult for people who struggle with visualizing images or concepts in their mind
  • May not be as effective for people who have difficulty with memory or retention, as it can be harder to remember what was read
  • Can be less engaging for some readers, as the lack of physical cues or sounds may make the reading experience less immersive
  • May not be appropriate for people with certain learning disabilities or reading difficulties, such as dyslexia

Which reading technique reigns better?

It depends on the context and the purpose of the reading. Both reading out loud and reading in the head have their benefits.

Reading out loud can be beneficial for children learning to read, as it helps them to develop phonetic skills and improve their pronunciation. It can also be helpful for people who struggle with reading comprehension, as speaking the words out loud can help them to better understand the text. Furthermore, shared reading and guided reading are a few examples of reading out loud. 

Reading in the head is more efficient and can be more comfortable for most people, as it doesn’t require them to speak out loud, which can be tiring. Additionally, reading in the head can be useful when reading in a quiet place or when you don’t want to disturb others.

In one of the studies[1], where researcher compared the silent and loud reading abilities of typical and dyslexic readers using eye-tracking technology. They found that typical readers performed better at both silent and loud reading, with a preference for silent reading after 4th grade. Dyslexic readers performed better at reading out loud, but their performance improved with age, and their preference shifted towards silent reading. The study highlights the impact of the reading method on learning and memory retention and emphasizes the importance of finding the method that works best for individual learners.

Ultimately, both methods have their advantages, and it’s up to the reader to decide which method works best for them in a given situation.

The science behind reading out loud and reading in your head

The way our brains process reading out loud and reading in the head is different and related to cognitive psychology and neuroscience.

reading in your head

When we read out loud, our eyes scan the text, sending visual information to the brain, which is then translated into spoken words. This process involves multiple brain regions like the primary visual cortex, which processes visual information, and the motor cortex, which controls speech. It also involves multiple neural pathways like vision, hearing, and speech.

On the other hand, when we read in our head, or silently, the brain uses a different neural pathway called the “subvocalization pathway.” This pathway involves the visual information from the text being processed in the primary visual cortex and then sent to the brain’s “inner voice” area, known as Broca’s area. However, in this case, the words are not spoken out loud but processed internally, making the brain process the information more efficiently without speaking.

In summary, while both reading out loud and reading in the head involve the same neural pathways, the process of reading out loud is more complex, as it involves the coordination of multiple brain regions and the physical act of speaking.

Verdict & concluding thoughts

To conclude, Reading in the head is more efficient, as it relies on an internal process that doesn’t require the coordination of multiple brain regions. But  It’s worth noting that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to reading and the best method varies from person to person. Experiment with both methods of reading to find what works best for you. And remember, the most important thing is to keep reading!


  1. Smyrnakis, I., Andreadakis, V., Rina, A., Bοufachrentin, N., & Aslanides, I. M. (2021). Silent versus Reading Out Loud modes: An eye-tracking study. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 14(2).

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