6 Awesome Summer Math Camps For Elementary Students

As the summer rolls in, there arrives a number of fun things to do. The long vacation is often a perfect time to enroll in clubs and camps that may enrich the students in multiple new arenas the child is looking forward to it. 

While schooling too focuses on all-around development, summer programs and camps can take a step forward in addressing selected areas as well. For children who like math, or want to learn it better, summer math camps can be their option. These often address both recreations as well as number sense learning sessions for little learners. 

To end your search for a good math summer camp, read through this article to get educated with some noteworthy choices. 

Why a summer camp? How does it help?

As soon as summer vacations arrive, students can engage in any enticing activity. Making sure they are a part of summer math camp can provide them an opportunity to dive into number concepts better. Learning through apps can be a good idea, but these camps provide a scope and practically indulge them in activities focusing on their endurance too. 

Summer math camp

Not only about just learning math, but summer camps may also ensure multiple other benefits like:

  • Little ones can ensure better teamwork. In these camps, they get to meet new peers and interact with them. Group activities can let them know better about each other. This way, teamwork in solving number issues is implicitly enhanced. 
  • Children can get exposed to broader insights. While most of the relevant math concepts are taught in the school itself, the approach of the summer camps is often different. This way, the little ones get to broaden their horizon regarding numbers, thereby ensuring a better grip.
  • They make the best use of their free time. While students often get vacations for months, spending a few days on summer camp can create a valuable time not only for practicing concepts but also to be better in social abilities and communications skills. 
  • Little ones can build up their levels of intellect and academics too. Mathematics Camp[1] was identified as one of the approaches for bringing to the notice the academic capabilities of the child in other subjects as well in which students were able to work on their knowledge and skills identified as a quality outreach experience. Summer Math Camps should be pursued by elementary students to instill a positive attitude toward Mathematics from the ages of eight to nine. 
  • The little ones learn to stay away without their parents. The young learners get a chance to be strong enough without parents for a few days, making them self-reliant. Parents are allowed to make a visit once in most of the camps. Nonetheless, this new experience can be helpful for the little ones.

What to look for in a summer math camp?

Exposure to newer insights like indoor and outdoor activities is often the central motto. Nevertheless, there are multiple other factors around it that parents may need to be sure about. A camp that warrants these features can make parents feel safe about their little ones. 

  • Previous History of the Camp: Session of previous years and feedback from students who already had been into them can create a  good idea for parents. Going through reviews can bring out basic pros and cons. Further, any news regarding this camp can also be a good asset to analyze. You can also check if the camp is accredited to ensure better reliability. 
  • What is the staff ratio?: Ratio varies from one camp to another. Ideally, the one which provided fewer children to staff is better. This ensures that better-personalized care is taken. Nonetheless, if the caretaker has a  good history and knowledge, the ratio can be put later on the priority list. 
  • The curriculum of the Camp: The topics covered by a camp may be subjective. While some focus on polishing up academic skills, others may teach new notions. As a parent, you may need to take a call about what curriculum is better for your little one. 
  • The span of the camp: While some camps can be of a few days, others may last for longer durations. Some camps may also provide flexibility in choice. Being versed in spans and options, the parent needs to choose an apt option. 
  • Camping Locations: These programs are often known to traverse interesting locations. Make sure these locations are safe and are good for your little one. 

Summer camps for math aspirants

The main objective of the Summer Mathematics camp is to make learning Maths fun and to bring students out of their classrooms, which allows them to learn in a new environment.  Mathematics contributes in improving critical and analytical thinking. Summer camps give the students a chance to stay ahead in their classes and teach students how they can use mathematics in real life. Maths Camps not only make summer an educational experience for the students but gives them an eye for looking at Mathematics from a fresh perspective.

summer math camp

Below is a list of top Summer Math Camps that you can send your child to.

1. MoMath Summer Camp

Be it, students or parents, a camp is expected to have exciting sessions, projects, and activities.  Ensuring all of these in its curriculum, MoMAth Summer Camp can be one of the eminent choices for you. Another edge is that the style of training is divided into three levels based on grades and understanding levels of the kids: 

  • The first level is called the Epsilons level which is for first to third graders where the students are introduced to basic mathematics.
  • The Deltas level is for fourth to sixth graders in which the students are able to identify the topics they are good at and enjoy exploring their interests related to mathematics.
  •  The Gammas level is for seventh to ninth graders where the students start learning advanced mathematics knowledge and work on their skills in lieu of math with new unconventional games and theme-based camps.

Apart from this, around four themes of each camp are designed to offer better customisation of options for children. These include:

  • Masked Theme: This is all about sharing insights with friends and also learning to send secure messages in an emergency. It can be found in Epsilons and Deltas camps.
  • Graphs Galore: As the name implies, everything here is connected to dots and graphs. Math is used here to solve puzzles, draw maps and explore new opportunities. It is available in Epsilons and Delta camps.
  • Why or Why Not: Dealing mostly with patterns and logical arguments around math concerts makes reasoning better. This is found in Epsilon and Deltas camp
  • Math and Art: Math here deals with the view of patterns, architecture, music, and dancers. This would give a number of exciting moments. This theme is available for Deltas and gammas. 

With a fees structure of around $1300 for a one-week session, extended days options may range from $150 tp $300. The camp is also ensured with health and safety protocols along with financial aid. 

2. MathTree Camp

Elementary school pupils often like to know the whys and hows of math notions they learn, With interactive sessions, MathTree Camp offers fitting options for every student. With multiple themes in hand, it offers a range of opportunities for pupils to choose from. All of these assist them in staying ahead in this discipline beforehand for next-level arithmetic concepts. 

Camp locations can be found in Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Maryland, and other parts of the world. MathTree is very particular about the privacy of the students and the data they collect for the camp. Campers use real beans to work on their counting skills. They also work on odd and even numbers, recognize patterns, and learn about number sense.

There are six camp themes/options for children to choose from:

  • Bean Counting 101: Crafted for grade 1 students, this camp focuses on developing counting skills, place values and number namings, 
  • Bean Counting 201: Made keeping in mind the second graders, it includes basics of addition, subtraction, and place values.  
  • Multiplication Matters: Math games and manipulatives are used to make sure the students learn about concepts like multiplication in multiple ways. This camp is for grade 3 pupils. 
  • Mathtree Roots: Grade four is the time to upskill towards higher math concepts. Accordingly, this camp ensures the youngsters master fractions and divisions with unique insights. 
  • Root to leaves: Introducing complex concepts like operations, exponents, and radicals turns interesting from grade 5 to 7 with this camp. 
  • Algebra Appetizers: Dedicated to learning Algebra, students may like diving into multiple examples and approaches for variables and other operations. 

Camps here are available in both online and offline formats, increasing their versatility. The Cost of this camp is about $450 for a one-week session. They have 7 programs that run under their Summer Camps, focusing on just Mathematics for elementary students and making maths learning fun.

3. Idea Math Camp

With a focus on ensuring its pupils master math in detail,  it focuses on reliable concepts like algebra, combinatorics, geometry, and number theory. With seminar-type teaching and better staff ratio, it ensures to provide better-personalized solutions to students. Another edge is that it often stipulates children to work in groups to ensure a conductive attitude in learning and leadership qualities too. 

IDEA MATH Camp delivers three main series: 

The School Enrichment series– The series covers the basic school curriculum with deeper analysis and in a broader sense. 

The series of extracurricular activities- The second series covers the curriculum and organises math quizzes and competitive games. In their extracurricular series, counselors and specialists teach the basics of algebra, geometry, number sense, and combinatorics

There are courses for students in the elementary section who want to prepare for the Olympiad level. Students learn best by interactive activities rather than just simply memorizing, essential theorems and techniques.  students are given individual attention. instructors lead by teaching vital ideas, giving meaningful examples, and guiding students through the problem-solving skills

The Contest Edge series is the series that gives a tougher competitive edge compared to other series, which have many contests and competitions for additional training when it comes to Mathematics.

The latest fee structure is about $1245 for a 60 hours session. The camp also allows Zoom classes with photo and recording restrictions. 

 4. AlphaStar Academy Math Summer Camp

It is not just a math camp, but a training center for students to compete in various math competitions. Multiple staff with national and international experience ensure to offer better fundamental, problem-solving skills and motivations. 

There are eight levels of the Maths camp in California, specifically in Santa Clara. It provides motivating and a stimulating environment that encourages campers to get outside of their comfort zone.  

The camp has a disciplined timetable so that nothing is left behind once the course finishes. To ensure better services, they are divided into:

a) Fundamental Courses: With an objective to improve learning in algebra, counting, geometry, and number theory, the onsite camps come with four class mix. That makes it complete is the combination of formal class, activity, a review session, and an examination. 

b) AMC 10 booster courses: Targeting for better performance in competitive exams, it puts weight on better practice with strategies rather than teaching new concepts. Consequently, it comes with three in-class practice tests and feedback from experienced faculty. 

c) AMC 10 Practice test courses: As the name implies, it focuses on practice. Accordingly, three practice exams are conducted to make students ready for any test

To ensure a competitive spirit in students, this may be a good take-in The fees structure starts from $325 to $3050 based on the camp selected. 

5. Random Math Summer Camp

The Summer Camp approach is to hone problem-solving skills, improve analytical thinking and logical skills and create a passion for math with tactics and knowledge important for winning the mathematics competitions with interactive and engaging activities

The students of grades 1 and 2 with pre-algebra, geometry, counting, and probability.

It has a couple of options for students to choose from:

  • Elementary Problem solving: Designed for grades 1 and 2, this camp is focused on educating learners about organizing and managing a problem before navigating to solve them. Cost ranges from $900 to $1350 based on the concept they choose. 
  • Competitive math Exam: As the name suggests, this focuses on honing the pupil to make them competitive ready. Here are four types of options to choose from based on concepts, and the cost ranges from $1200  to $1950

The students attend lectures, learn problem-solving techniques and work with creative activities to solve challenging mathematics problems. It includes topics like Algebraic expressions, Multi-step linear equations, word problems, components, percentages, ratios and proportional reasoning, and Radical Expressions.

6. Epsilon Camp 

Epsilon camp specifically includes children who love maths and understand the subject exceptionally well.  This is an intensive student-parent workshop that includes outdoor activities along with math-related puzzles and projects. 

An important part of the epsilon camp is active participation by the parents in the various activities. The camp also involves get-togethers and social gatherings along with training kids who are exceptionally gifted in the discipline.

The Summer Camp includes city explorations and field trips during the free time, making it a camp to remember. Parents are called to volunteer for various activities in the camp like supervising the cafeteria, developing the yearbook, and many other activities which makes parents as much a part of the camp as the children do.

Concluding thoughts

Students succeed where their aptitude and interests intersect. Summer camps ensure the same by making math fun and interpretable. This not only makes them exam ready but also learn how these concepts are logically implemented in multiple areas. Check out the above-mentioned list of camps to see if any of them can be a better fit for you.

As a parent, you will need to check multiple areas before choosing one among these. Apart from cost, the span, focus, and grades make a clear difference. Talk to your little one, ensure a value-making discussion and then make an effective decision that you will appreciate later. 


  1. Siew-Eng, L., Kim-Leong, L., & Siew-Ching, L. (2010). Mathematics camp model for primary school. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 8, 248-255.

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