10 Popular Number Recognition Activities For Kids

Last Updated on May 9, 2023 by Editorial Team

Number recognition is the ability to recognize numbers by their names and shapes and consequently assign them meaning through similar quantities. That is, the child learns how the number 3 looks and sounds and consequently understands that there are 3 apples lying on the table. This is used to then teach the child the art of number sequencing, but more on that later!  Now we all know that teaching the child through fun activities is far more effective and less energy consuming than mere rote learning! Hence, here are 10 tried and tested activities to get your child started on the number recognition journey.

10 Activities for number recognition to try in 2020

1.  Maze of numbers

One of the fundamental difficulties that children face in understanding number recognition is the right sequence of numbers. There are fantastic and exciting activities for the same. Maze of numbers is a top-of-the-line game to teach number sequence. The requisites are some sheets of paper and a marker. The maze would have different checkpoints (sheets placed) with numbers labeled on them with vibrant markers.  The child has to start from checkpoint numbered one and must complete the maze by reaching the end checkpoint by tracking the right path of numbers. You mustn’t miss out on this high-spirited game that can foster the active participation of children!

2.     Counting Dice

counting dice number recognition activitiy

Dice is one of the best tools to teach mathematics and especially skills like number recognition. There is a multitude of games using dice for teaching number recognition.  The simplest yet most effective of these games is “Counting Dice.” The game involves the kid(s) rolling out a pair of dice, counting the dots on them, and then adding them both.  The game involves the enhancement of number recognition as well as additional skills in the children. It gradually builds upon the various aspects of number recognition, like recognizing and counting the numbers spontaneously. Play the game and let the children learn with laughter!

3.   Connect the dots

Connecting the dots is a simple yet amusing activity where the children can see the results of their hard work emerging in front of their eyes in the form of incredible shapes and numbers. The instant results attract the children to this activity. In fact, the right connecting the dots printable can even make the child obsessed with this activity.

The rules are also pretty simple. Connect the dots in the right sequence of numbers and get a fantastic image in the end. It even helps the child’s motor and visualization skills. In short, it is a multi-sensory educational package in the form of a fun-filled activity.

4.   Pencil spin and cover math game

“Pencil spin and cover math game” is a unique and splendid math-themed activity that focuses on making the learning of number recognition skills, fun-filled to the core. The board required for the game is readily available online as a printable and thus imposes no strain on the caretaker/ instructor in getting the requisites ready for playing. The children are guaranteed an innovative learning experience which will also leave the parent satisfied with the results. To tell you the truth, apart from number recognition skills, the child will also obtain command over tallies and ten frames, which is awe-inspiring and far more than required for the age.

5.   Swat the number

‘Swat the number‘ is a pretty exciting game for the kids to play with their caretakers, instructors, and even their peers. The requirements are fly swatters and numbers from one to twenty. The numbers would be spread across the floor.  The instructor/ peer would say a number and the child has to swat/ hit the number to a side.  Another variant of the game can also be played, where the child would swat a number to a side and then would report to the instructor as to what number was swat. The interesting variants can foster number recognition without even the child knowing it. All the first twenty numbers are mastered with this simple game!

6.    Number line

number line number recognition activity

Bringing colors into any children’s activity can instantly attract the child’s attention. Sticky notes in different colors are an interesting way to achieve such results. The caretaker/instructor would write down numbers on sticky notes/posts – it and would place them on a wall in a jumbled order. The child has to collect the sticky notes and place them in the right order on the same/another wall.  To make the game more interesting, the numbers can be expanded from the first five digits to ten, to fifteen, to twenty numerals as the child grows. Also, another tweaking could be done, whereby the child would find a few numbers missing in the wall, to complete the series/ number line and would report it to the caretaker/instructor. Hence, ample dimensions of number recognition are within the child’s reach with this awesome game.

7.   Number wheel

For every caretaker wondering how to impact their child’s life positively and inculcate essential skills like number recognition, activities like the ‘number wheel,’ come to rescue as a savior. The requisites required are easy to prepare; the way of indulging the child is easier. The number wheel can be equipped with a circular object like cardboard that is partitioned. Each partition can have a specified number of drawings, some numbers that are between one and ten). Meanwhile, clips can be labeled from one to ten. The child must insert the right clip in the correct partition.  The game is a great way to start with number recognition skills.

8.   Number match

For all the instructors and caretakers aiming at an activity that would be offering various levels, but requires no preparation, games like the “number match” are a perfect choice. The game board is readily available online, and thus, it is a spontaneous print so that you can quickly go for its activity. The first activity involves the children rightly recognizing the same numbers amidst a mess and match them accurately. Secondly, the next level requires that the child pastes the cards of numbers in a row in the right sequence of numbers. Diversification of levels, and increased complexities add to the fun of the game and make it a perfect learning experience for number recognition skills.

9.   Sing number songs

Music is always exciting! It is hard to find anyone who does not groove to the music. Music has got many benefits to offer, and one crucial benefit is the increase in memory if words are heard as music.  Thus, “why not try the inculcating of number recognition skills with music?” has got all the “yes” answers, and it isn’t something surprising. “Five Green and Speckled Frogs,” aid the children in counting from five/ten to one. Meanwhile, another song, “The Ants Go Marching,” caters to a different purpose – it helps in imbibing the right sequence from one to ten. These are perfect ways for the children to remember the number patterns.

10. Creating your own flashcards/ number books:

flashcards number recognition activities

Creating something new always sparkles innovation in the child. Thus, he/she always adores it. Using that interest, one can make them learn number recognition by creating a number book/ flashcards on their own with little guidance from their caretakers/ instructors. An empty scrapbook/ blank card can be taken, and numbers can be written on them on different/consequent sides.

The child also draws the specific number of objects pertaining to that count. The child can be encouraged to draw different objects so that they can understand that numbers are found everywhere, and one must recognize them. Also, the game would help in enhancing creativity, writing/drawing skills along with number recognition.


While the digital era does bring with it a plethora of online games for educational purposes, there is a certain old-world charm in these tried and tested activities. They also help the child in developing motor skills, develop artistic talents and are definitely easy on the eyes. So if you want to wean away your child from the mobile and tablets for a while, as well as engage them in a maths educational entertainment dual package, these are the activities for you.  

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