This whole world consists of various shapes in different sizes and colors. To imagine a world without shapes and forms is indeed impossible. The study of these shapes hence becomes very important. Cube is one of the three-dimensional shapes which falls in this category. The mere shape of a cube has solved many problems in various dimensions in real life because of its unique properties.
Cube is a structure that is present abundantly in the surroundings if one is patient enough to see. It is a structure that is marveled by architects, engineers, and even food lovers. You all might be wondering how right? Let’s look at some real examples of cube present in everyone’s life.
Easy-to-learn cube examples in real life
From squares to geometry, learning through real-life examples always makes learning fun and playful. It helps in generating a relatability factor which helps in retaining the information learned for a longer period of time!
1. Dice

A dice is used in many board games like Ludo, monopoly, snakes-and-ladders, and so on. Even while studying geometry the classic example of a cube that is given in any book is that of a dice. Look carefully and see how the dice has 6 faces, 12 edges, and 8 vertices. Dice are mostly square shaped hence the length of all sides is equal. All the angles of the dice are right angles making it a playful example of a cube!
2. Rubik’s Cube

Oh! So many hours have been spent solving the Rubik’s cube. Rubik’s cube makes it easier to map all six faces, as they all are differently color-coded when solved. It has 12 edges and 8 vertices and the length of all sides are equal. This makes the faces square-shaped. All the angles of the Rubik’s cube measure 90 degrees. Such properties make it a perfect cube!
3. Ice Cubes

Any juice, soda, or cola is incomplete without a couple of ice cubes to complement it. When you look at the ice cube mathematically, it makes you realize that the ice cube has right angles. It has 12 edges and 6 faces. The length of all sides is equal until it starts melting! So, next time when you use an ice cube, remember what properties make it a cube.
4. Lego Blocks

Lego, you must know the game which keeps one engaged for hours. Observe these blocks, and see how many of the blocks are actually cubical in shape. Find the blocks which are square shaped, and look carefully. You are going to realize that they have 6 faces, 12 edges, and 8 vertices. Because the faces are square-shaped, the length of all the sides is equal. The blocks stand strong and upright with all their angles measuring 90 degrees. This makes many of the blocks a cube!
5. Lockers

Be it a gym or a bank, lockers are used everywhere. Even in schools, students are allotted a personal locker. When you look at the locker from the outside it appears a square. Mathematically speaking, you are only looking at one face of the locker. The real story reveals itself when you open the locker and see how deep the locker is to contain your personal belongings. The locker is actually a cube, when you observe carefully, you are going to find 6 faces, 12 edges, and 8 vertices. All its angles are also right angles and the edges run parallel to the edges parallel to it. Each vertex also meets three faces and three edges.
6. Cardboard Cartons

While traveling or while shifting your houses, the large cartons that you pack your belongings in are actually big useful cubes. When they are square-shaped, they are considered cubes. The length of all sides of a square is always equal, and only when that is the case can the carton be called a cubic carton. Observe how the carton has 6 faces out of which one face opens and closes. It has 12 edges and 8 vertices and each vertex meet three faces and three edges. This makes the cardboard cartons a great example of a cube.
7. Square Puffy

You might be wondering what exactly is a square puffy right? Square sofa puffies are a type of aesthetic furniture which are installed in offices, clubs, and also at homes. Many houses these days have 2-4 square sofa puffies. Observe it and count how many sides it has. You are going to realize it has 6 faces. Its edges run parallel to each other. It has 8 vertices and 12 edges. The angles on the puffy will measure 90 degrees and all the sides will have equal lengths. The name should actually now be cube puffy, isn’t it?
8. Sugar Cube

Who can imagine a cup of tea, coffee, or juices without sugar? It seems sugar also loves the shape of a cube. Cubes of sugar are common ingredients in certain beverages and desserts! If you notice carefully you realize how the sugar cube has 6 faces and all the sides are equal in length. Notice it has 12 edges and 8 vertices. The angle of each side is 90 degrees. This makes the sugar cube a favorite example of a cube for all having a sweet tooth out there!
9. Box

Be it an empty box, a gift box, or a box containing kitchen tools, all boxes have a story to tell! Observe how the box carrying things has 6 faces. Observe how the 12 edges and 8 vertices meet 3 faces and 3 edges. You should also notice that the box will be having a right angle and that all the sides will be equal in length. A box indeed is a great example of a cube.
10. Room

See the rooms in your house or see how the doctor’s cabin or your principal’s office is shaped. You are going to notice that they resemble a cube to a great extent. When you look more carefully, you will realize that all the sides of the room have right angles and that the edges run parallel to each other. Observe how rooms also have 6 faces, 12 edges, and 8 vertices. All these properties eventually make various kinds of rooms a good example of a cube!
See how cubes are all around us. Cubes play a really important role in various areas and this particular shape is practically very useful. From engineers to bankers, all are surrounded everywhere by cubes. These real examples of cubes help you in remembering and learning the various properties it has. Applying the concepts after understanding and relating with them always becomes easier. Hence, taking the aid of real-life examples will nourish memory and help with better retention skills.
An engineer, Maths expert, Online Tutor and animal rights activist. In more than 5+ years of my online teaching experience, I closely worked with many students struggling with dyscalculia and dyslexia. With the years passing, I learned that not much effort being put into the awareness of this learning disorder. Students with dyscalculia often misunderstood for having just a simple math fear. This is still an underresearched and understudied subject. I am also the founder of Smartynote -‘The notepad app for dyslexia’,