Reading is essential and, in fact, one of the most critical factors in becoming the best version of yourself. It helps you grow your brain, provides a window into the world around you, and improves your performance in all school courses. Most significantly, reading can help you become a better student as well as a better person. You may learn from the best minds anytime and wherever you want.
Reading a book that you love in your own time is very primarily enjoyable when it’s peaceful and quiet. By reading, you increase creativity and try to imagine the world through the writer’s stories in that book. Reading also helps us open our minds and learn from things that we didn’t even know and helps us increase our knowledge on specific topics and go in-depth to understand.
As important as reading is, did you know that:
- 800 million people around the world cannot read or write and need multiple strategies to actually sit and enhance the retention span
- Many families (and some schools) have no books for children to read
Indeed, many children and adults in your town or city fit into this category. If you are a strong reader, helping others to read is an incredible gift that you can give, and there are some ideas for how you may help below.
Motivational reading quotes for teachers
Most of the reading exercises occur in schools or educational institutions, where teachers and students are highly involved in such activities. However, if you are a teacher or a child who enjoys reading books in your spare time, here are some statements demonstrating people’s passion for reading.
Most of the quotations on this page are inspirational and will help you stay encouraged while reading. So, if you have a book about halfway through, please complete it. Don’t overwork your head; instead, give it a break and gradually plan a day to read that book and grasp how to enjoy it.
1. “It is not enough to simply teach children to read; we have to give them something worth reading. Something that will stretch their imaginations- something that will help them make sense of their own lives and encourage them to reach out toward people whose lives are quite different from their own.” ~ Katherine Paterson
2. “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” ~ Dr Seuss
3. “It is not enough to simply teach children to read; we have to give them something worth reading.” ~ Katherine Paterson
4. “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” ~ Joseph Addison
5. “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” ~ Albert Einstein
6. “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” ~ Charles William Eliot
7. “No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting.” ~ Mary Wortley Montagu
8. “I divide all readers into two classes: those who read to remember and those who read to forget.” ~ William Lyon Phelps
9. “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” ~ Harry S. Truman
10. A book is a gift you can open again and again.-Garrison Keillor.
11. Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.–Emilie Buchwald.
12. Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.–Margaret Fuller.
13. Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are. -Mason Cooley
14. If there’s a book you really want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it. –Toni Morrison
15. Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house. -Henry Ward Beecher
16. Wear the old coat and buy the new book.-Austin Phelps
17. Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.-Charles W. Eliot.
18. Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.–Groucho Marx.
19. I find television to be very educational. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go to the other room and read a book.–Groucho Marx.
20. The smallest bookstore still contains more ideas of worth than have been presented in the entire history of television.-Andrew Ross.
21. A book is like a garden, carried in the pocket.-Chinese Proverb.
22. Books let us into their souls and lay open to us the secrets of our own. -William Hazlitt
23. You know you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend. -Paul Sween
Tips to make students accountable for independent reading
One of the challenging tasks as a Reading teacher is holding the students accountable for their independent reading during class and at home. Most kids won’t sit down for one-on-one reading sessions, and others might not find it exciting enough. However, we all know how important it is for the kids to start reading in order to grasp the exponential knowledge they yield. Thus, here are a few tips to make students accountable for reading time.
1. Independent Reading Conferences
One of the ideal ways to engage kids in reading is by holding a weekly conference and gauging where their reading interests lie. You can speak about what genres they like and make inferences about what kind of books they can select and even what book choices they prefer. The conference might not take more than 1-2 minutes, but it can significantly enlighten kids and their preferences.
2. Book Group Talks
Group activities for kids are always exciting and fun. Thus, appoint the same while making kids read in a group of two or three students. Allow them to select the book and then ask them to discuss what they thought the book’s key elements were.
3. Teach to Build Stamina
Some kids simply cannot focus long enough during a silent reading period. They begin nicely but quickly become sidetracked. Students may require clear guidance on how to stay on track for extended periods. Asking children to develop longer-term objectives is another excellent method to boost stamina. Allow pupils to track their progress to see how far they’ve come!
4. Use Partner Reading
Teachers use partner reading to encourage kids to read for an extended time. However, it can also serve as a helpful scaffold in older grades. Allow pupils to read independently before introducing pair reading to boost reading time. Students are paired up based on their reading levels so that they can read the same book. Students should agree that they should take turns reading each page or paragraph if they wish to read aloud. Students should be encouraged to read independently for as long as they can. As individuals gain proficiency, the scaffolding should be removed.
5. Audio Books
To stay interested throughout the reading exercise, some students may require audiobooks. This is the most advanced degree of scaffolding and should be used only if kids genuinely cannot read on their own. Students should ideally read at their level for as long as they can. When they can no longer read, or they find it hard to concentrate they can listen to audiobooks. Through audiobooks, students are still exposed to the vocabulary, language, and complex ideas of books at their grade level, which may or may not be at their autonomous level. Students can still conduct their book-related thinking activities and engage in class and pair discussions.
Summing up
Not just kids but even teachers sometimes need the motivation primarily to function around these playful goofballs who just won’t sit to study. We understand how difficult a teacher’s job can be and how challenging it is to be the driving force for the little learners. Thus, through this section of quotes, we hope they help you maintain your sanity and the tips help you refine your lessons. So, stay motivated while motivating the kids to start reading and making it a habit.

I am Shweta Sharma. I am a final year Masters student of Clinical Psychology and have been working closely in the field of psycho-education and child development. I have served in various organisations and NGOs with the purpose of helping children with disabilities learn and adapt better to both, academic and social challenges. I am keen on writing about learning difficulties, the science behind them and potential strategies to deal with them. My areas of expertise include putting forward the cognitive and behavioural aspects of disabilities for better awareness, as well as efficient intervention. Follow me on LinkedIn