Free Printable Quadrilateral Classification, Properties & theorem flow Chart [PDF]

Last Updated on September 12, 2024 by Editorial Team

A polygon made using four lines, straight or slanted, and at some angle to each other comes under the family of a quadrilateral. This structure is one of the primary lessons that beginners learn about as part of an early geometry subject. Teachers or instructors employ quadrilateral charts to familiarize young learners with the concept of a quadrilateral. Often I am asked to prepare quadrilateral charts to offer practice material to Geometry beginners. So, here are some very engaging ones made for your use. Before we take a look at Quadrilateral charts, let’s see why learning quadrilaterals can help you in life.

Quadrilaterals – the ultimate figure around us!

The study of quadrilaterals can tell us that the world is almost unimaginable without this polygon family. From the screen of the laptop to the elevation of a building, you can see quadrilaterals everywhere. Therefore, it is important to learn about quadrilaterals from early in life. Common areas of application of quadrilaterals are:

  • Product design
  • Architecture
  • Roads and bridges
  • Home decor
  • Appliance development like TVs, etc.

Importance of quadrilateral charts

The use of quadrilateral charts as teaching material helps in the following ways:

  • Offer a more comprehensive study material to understand the difference among all quadrilateral types[1]
  • These charts offer handy material for learning the definitions and properties of various quadrilaterals
  • Some anchor charts for quadrilaterals are designed to involve students deeply in learning by encouraging them to demonstrate what they learned through paper cuttings, coloring shapes, etc.
  • The students can also jot down examples of real-life structures that have quadrilateral at the core of their design on the Quadrilateral anchor charts.
  • Two of the most common quadrilateral structures taught in the primary classes are – square and rectangle. But, there are other a little more complex structures, whose properties are more interesting than these two. With the help of charts, the other members of the quadrilateral family can be introduced to early learners.
  • Charts help build spatial reasoning skills, and visual closure abilities, and build a premise for developing shape intelligence[2].

So, why wait any further? Let’s take a look at some of the Quadrilateral Charts that can give the practice of identifying characteristics, guessing the polygon name from hints, and enable other related activities. You can also download the free printable pdf version by clicking the link given below each chart.

How to introduce & use Quadrilateral charts to geometry learners?

A practical and visual presentation of concepts is very much required to help students internalize the idea of shapes and their applications. That is why educators employ charts in disseminating knowledge about quadrilaterals. They employ charts as:

1. Reference material for explaining definitions and discerning differences among each type of quadrilateral comprehensively.

2. Anchor charts to encourage children to do quadrilateral-focused activities and help contribute to making charts, which they can refer to whenever they enter class. This works amazingly to reinforce the idea of quadrilaterals in the learners’ minds.

3. They can give quadrilateral charts to make as an at-home activity to do. By encouraging them to explore quadrilaterals deeply in the chart-making process, teachers allow students to master the concept of polygons through an activity-based learning approach.

4. As a classroom intervention method at the time of teaching quadrilateral to arouse interest, which sometimes becomes difficult to do with books.

Wrapping up,

After the concepts of points, line segments, and angles, moving to polygons is a smooth transition to advanced levels of learning geometry. That is why; Quadrilaterals are an important concept to teach to polygon learners. Using quadrilateral charts strengthens their basics and helps them become well-conversant with their important learning points.


  1. Students’ abstraction in re-cognizing, building with, and constructing a quadrilateral. (2017). Educational Research and Reviews, 12(7), 394–402.
  2. Monaghan, Frank. (2000). What difference does it make? Children’s views of the differences between some quadrilaterals. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 42. 179-196. 10.1023/A:1004175020394.

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