Last Updated on October 8, 2022 by Editorial Team
Math problems may prove exceptionally difficult for students with learning disorders. Thankfully, the schools are now adopting a sincere approach to making education quite inclusive for children with special education needs. In addition to offering individualized education programs, they insist on working with parents/guardians as a team. So, if you are a parent or caretaker of a child with math learning difficulties, you must know about IEP goals approved under the special education program.
In this post, we intend to acquaint you with IEP goals for math problem-solving. By having knowledge of these IEP goals in hand, teachers and parents can ascertain the effectiveness of the program. Also, they can evaluate the program implementation procedure and include changes in a student-centric manner when required.
Measurable IEP goals for math problem-solving
IEP is the right of students with learning difficulties. It has got the backing of IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), which is a law.
The law dictates that schools arrange for suitable interventions to help children with special needs meet their educational goals. Governed by these laws, the following is a list of measurable math problem-solving IEP goals:
- The goal for building number sense: By the end of the x period, child A will subitize n number of sets containing 10 or few items with 80% accuracy. This goal is suitable for the K2 level and may be repeated till the attainment of perfection.
- Pattern identification: A major part of math problem-solving is dependent on the ability to sequence numbers or identify patterns. It is part of math reasoning and the goal reads as, “The student will identify and explain the pattern at least twice with a minimum of 70% accuracy at the end of the academic session.”
- Find fractional values: Moving from whole numbers, a student must be familiar with certain parts of it. Hence, the IEP goal for learning fractions includes “the student will identify half, one-third, and one-fourth of a quantity by the end of the chosen period with 70-80% accuracy.”
- Attain Operational fluency: By the end of Grade 3, the teacher may strive to impart fluency in doing mathematical operations on whole numbers up to1000 using manipulatives. A suitable format of goal will be, “The student will recall all operational facts, interpret products of whole numbers, and write a verbal expression of mathematical equations with almost 100% accuracy in ‘n’ number of attempts.”
- Learn geometry problem-solving: Corresponding to the expectations from students of Grade 5 and Grade 6, the student with individualized education needs shall demonstrate fluency in calculating the perimeter, area, and volume of a given set of geometrical figures (mostly, square, rectangle and circle).
- Master algebraic equations and symbols: IEP goal for solving algebra problems reads as, “Student, when given an equation, will perform calculations on scientific notations-based expressions, numbers expressed in exponents with 80% accuracy.” Also, other IEP goals related to algebraic expressions include:
- Polynomial expressions’ expansion, combination, and simplification mastery with 80% accuracy
- Tabulate and solve graphs based on equations and inequalities
- One-step and multi-step linear equations are to be solved using correct strategies 8/10 times with 80% accuracy
- Determine slope with at least 80% accuracy from given ordered pairs or equations or graphs
More or less, the IEP goals for math problem-solving surround these classic branches of the subject. With the increase in grades, the level of difficulty changes.
An engineer, Maths expert, Online Tutor and animal rights activist. In more than 5+ years of my online teaching experience, I closely worked with many students struggling with dyscalculia and dyslexia. With the years passing, I learned that not much effort being put into the awareness of this learning disorder. Students with dyscalculia often misunderstood for having just a simple math fear. This is still an underresearched and understudied subject. I am also the founder of Smartynote -‘The notepad app for dyslexia’,