List Of IEP Goals For Reading Fluency

Last Updated on October 11, 2023 by Editorial Team

Reading is a basic step to attaining language literacy. But, it may prove to be an uphill task for starters with reading difficulties. With the introduction of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, parents and students suffering from learning disorders found solutions for meeting academic objectives. Schools started taking special education initiatives seriously and now run programs that can help slow learners of various kinds.

We have discussed this in detail IEP goals in our previous posts. As explained in those posts, the IEP goal has to be simple, measurable, and time-bound. Moving forward from here, let’s take a look at IEP goals covering curriculum-based measurements (or CBMs) focused on imparting reading fluency in language learners.

Let’s discuss these IEP goals for reading fluency one by one in the following sections, but before that let’s understand the objectives of IEP goals.

Objectives of IEP goals for reading fluency

Fluency is sum total of correct word identification, correct pronunciation, taking correct pauses, and adding required prosody. Hence, it is very important to learn one by one, in the correct sequence, and most importantly, quite perfectly, the crucial aspects of reading books or paragraphs of a story, to start with. All these learning requirements become easy to fulfill with the following objectives in mind:

  • Learn the basics of word formation and letter sounds
  • Master spellings by recognizing sounds and arranging them in the correct order
  • Enrich vocabulary
  • Employ words in a sentence in the correct sequence
  • Read sentences, and later, paragraphs with ease
  • Recall what you read with correct gestures and expressions

Based on the objectives mentioned above, Redmond, Oregon schools offering special education support have outlined the following IEP goals. Let’s take a quick overview of these IEP goals (also hinted at ) in the next section.

Reading fluency IEP Goals

IEP goals outlined to attain reading fluency

The usual format for writing an IEP goal to help learners gain reading fluency comprises this statement:

“X will achieve reading fluency of …….. proficiency level as measured against ………………………………….(reference).

References can be national student samples, anecdotal records, school records, or current records.

Extracted from govt. approved bank of IEP goals as approved under IDEA and recommended by Redmond, Oregon education experts, here is the list that may help impart reading fluency. Both homeschoolers and classroom-coached students can take the help of these goals to help language beginners meet their academic objectives.

  • Learn starting and ending sounds vowel patterns and sound blending to achieve the predictive making of words
  • Select a pre-read text and track or locate the known words in it
  • Locate words that sound or read similar in given, pre-read text
  • Decode spelling into isolated letters and their respective sounds; learn to do reverse too
  • Learn and apply punctuation rules correctly to read the text and understand its context
  • Learn to read aloud with up to 90% accuracy
  • Familiarize with phonetics-based generalizations to derive meaning from the printed reading material. Generalizations mostly include word families, sound-symbol relationships, affixes, sound blends, isolations, etc.
  • Employ the correct mix of cueing strategies like semantic clues, graphophonemic, syntax rules, decoding multisyllables, and so on, to make meaningful words
  • Pick cues from known words to recite or decode unknown words to build predictive reading ease
  • Learn and master syllabication to predict and include correct words in the text
  • Build the ability to correct the self while reading from printed text

Once all these objectives of word knowledge are met, students need to move to build reading fluency which is an outcome of these abilities, as listed below:

  • Learn to read digraphs and diphthongs
  • Learn to read words by recognizing their word families
  • Derive the meaning of a word from its composition of letter sounds and combination of the letter sequence
  • Read the predictable text at a chosen speed
  • Learn to add rhythm, phrasing, and suitable pacing in reading by setting time limits

Summing Up,

When we talk about reading fluency, the objective is to make readers comfortable with the idea of dissipating the meaning and context of the message through reading. IEP goal setting is designed to build reading ability in a progressive manner.

Utmost care is to be taken not to burden children with the unwanted pressure of reading correctly within a time limit deemed unrealistic. Hence, constant evaluation to ensure quality IEP goals setting for reading fluency is a must.

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