100 Positive Comments For Parent-Teacher Conferences [PDF Included]

Last Updated on May 1, 2024 by Editorial Team

Parent-Teacher Conferences hold great importance as parents meet and interact with the teachers and educators of their child. Whether a head teacher, associate teacher, or assistant teacher, each teacher in the classroom has unique insights as to how your child is performing in school. 

On the other hand, there is no denying that parents know their children the best. But a lot of times, parents need to be given feedback as to how their child is performing in school. More than just ideas and suggestions, teachers often wish to share some positive comments about the child with the parents. 

This post will take you through why these positive comments are encouraging for the parents and little ones. At the same time, this post will also share some positive comments that teachers can use in the next parent-teacher conference! 

Positive comments template- Assisting guide for instructors

Parent-teacher conferences are generally held to tell all the positives and need-improvement points of the students. However, to motivate the parents and little ones, positive comments highlighting the key strengths of the child work best; hence, teachers can pick from the below mentioned positive comment template. Below Comments are in the format – He/She”………”:

  1. “is an enthusiastic learner who appears to enjoy school. The child takes part in all extracurricular activities and bonds well with peers and respects the teachers”. 
  2. “exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom. S/he tries to understand complex concepts well and asks for help if otherwise. Overall, s/he has a great outlook toward learning”. 
  3. “appears well rested and ready for each day’s activities and shows enthusiasm for classroom activities 
  4. shows initiative and looks for new ways to get involved”.
  5. “uses instincts to deal with matters independently and in a positive way strives to reach his (or her) full potential”.
  6. “is committed to doing his (or her) best”
  7. “seeks new challenges”
  8. “takes responsibility for his (or her) actions”
  9. “cooperates consistently with the teacher and other students”
  10. “transitions easily between classroom activities without distraction”
  11. “is courteous and shows good manners in the classroom”
  12. “follows classroom rules”
  13. “conducts himself (or herself) with maturity”
  14. “responds appropriately when corrected”
  15. “remains focused on the activity at hand”
  16. “resists the urge to be distracted by other students”
  17. “is kind and helpful to everyone in the classroom”
  18. “sets an example of excellence in behavior and cooperation”
  19. “exhibits a high level of respect for instructors and peers”
  20. “is honest and trustworthy in dealings with others and treats school property and others’ things with care and respect”
  21.  “acts as a good citizen by aiding fellow pupils”
  22.  “participates in school community service projects”
  23.  “is concerned about peers’ feelings”
  24. “consistently completes work in the classroom”
  25. “can be counted on to achieve what he (or she) is asked to do”
  26.  “seeks and fulfills duties”
  27.  “is considerate in relationships with others”
  28. “has a well-developed sense of humor”
  29. “holds many varied interests”
  30. “displays and talks about personal items from home when they relate to topics of study”
  31. “provides background knowledge about topics of particular interest to him (or her)”
  32. “has an impressive understanding and depth of  knowledge about his (or her) interests”
  33. “seeks additional information independently about classroom topics that pique interest”
  34. “reads extensively for enjoyment”
  35. “frequently discusses concepts he (or she) has read”
  36. “is a gifted performer”
  37. “is a talented artist”
  38. “has a flair for dramatic reading and acting”
  39. “enjoys sharing his (or her) musical talent with the class”
  40. “tackles classroom assignments, tasks, and group work in an organized manner”
  41. “uses class time wisely”
  42. “arrives on time for school (and/or class) every day”
  43. “is well-prepared for class each day”
  44. “works at an appropriate pace, neither too quickly nor slowly”
  45. “completes assignments in the time allotted”
  46. “sets achievable goals with respect to time”
  47. “completes make-up work in a timely fashion”
  48. “is a conscientious, hard-working student”
  49. “works independently”
  50. “is a self-motivated student”
  51. “puts his (or her) best effort into homework assignments”
  52. “exceeds expectations with the quality of his (or her) work”
  53. “readily grasps new concepts and ideas”
  54. “generates neat and careful work”
  55. “checks work thoroughly before submitting it”
  56. “stays on task with little supervision”
  57. “displays self-discipline”
  58. “avoids careless errors through attention to detail”
  59. “uses free minutes of class time constructively”
  60. “creates impressive home projects”
  61. “offers constructive suggestions to peers to enhance their work”
  62. “accepts the recommendations of peers and acts on them when appropriate”
  63. “is sensitive to the thoughts and opinions of others in the group”
  64. “takes on various roles in the workgroup as needed or assigned”
  65. “welcomes leadership roles in groups”
  66. “shows fairness in distributing group tasks”
  67. “plans and carries out group activities carefully”
  68. “works democratically with peers”
  69. “encourages other members of the group”
  70. “helps to keep the workgroup focused and on task”
  71. “The child is great and eager to learn new things. S/he respects his peers and is dutiful towards the teachers. S/he is a good team player and exhibits great values and morals. On the study front, the child is also up to date with the work, and tries to complete and solve everything on his/her own; if not, the child does not hesitate in asking for help”.
  72. “Actively takes part in all competitions and has a great sportsmanship spirit. The child is confident, positive, and eager to participate in extracurricular activities. With that, the child also gives substantial time to classroom studies and manages to excel in all fields”.
  73. “Applies classroom knowledge to the real world and real-life situations, which indeed makes him/her a better learner. The child finishes the tasks in time and with utmost accuracy”.
  74. “Is thoughtful towards peers and makes efforts in getting friendly with the newer kids. S/He has great leadership qualities which makes him/her a good team leader”.
  75. “Is a confident performer. S/he is performing well in classroom studies, and excelling in talent shows”.
  76. “has shown remarkable improvement in (subject).”
  77. “never fails to follow the teacher’s instructions and classroom rules. And that makes (student name) the most obedient child in class.”
  78. “asks relevant questions whenever a new lesson is taught in class.”
  79. “has strong critical thinking skills and is seen using them to make good decisions and learn from mistakes.”
  80. “consistently employs problem-solving skills to find solutions during hands-on classroom learning activities.”
  81. “has gained remarkable confidence since the beginning of the school year, and that makes me so proud!”
  82. “is a great team player who uses appropriate teamwork skills when participating in group projects.”
  83. “is a wonderful friend to his/her peers, including those who are differently abled. We need more students like him/her to create a happy, inclusive atmosphere in the classroom.”
  84. “is truly appreciated for being punctual and for having 100% attendance till date.”
  85. “is committed to improving in studies, and this is clearly evident from his/her academic progress.”
  86. “understands the importance of time and never fails to deliver assignments on time.”
  87. “is good at public speaking and knows how to grab the attention of listeners.”
  88. “has a good memory and can recall details of past lessons easily.”
  89. “is a quick learner, always eager to learn new things.”
  90. “is great at communicating thoughts and ideas with peers, teachers, and other school staff.”
  91. “is an intelligent child. I am always impressed by the questions he/she asks in class.”
  92. “is a good listener. Not many kids of his/her age exhibit this essential trait.”
  93. “handles conflicts and difficult situations with a calm frame of mind.”
  94. “is adaptable and resilient to unexpected changes.”
  95. “takes feedback seriously and can be seen working on shortcomings to improve his/her skills.”
  96. “Besides being good at academics, (student name) is good at sports too!”
  97. “has beautiful handwriting. I often use his/her previous year’s notebooks to share notes with my other classes.”
  98. “may be a quiet child but has his/her mind in all the right places.”
  99. “is full of positive energy, which reflects in his/her attitude and interaction with others.”
  100. “has this rare quality of motivating others even when s/he is also feeling overwhelmed.”
Positive Comments For Parent-Teacher Conferences
Positive Comments For Parent-Teacher Conferences
Positive Comments For Parent-Teacher Conferences
Positive Comments For Parent-Teacher Conferences
Positive Comments For Parent-Teacher Conferences
Positive Comments For Parent-Teacher Conferences
Positive Comments For Parent-Teacher Conferences
Positive Comments For Parent-Teacher Conferences
Positive Comments For Parent-Teacher Conferences
Positive Comments For Parent-Teacher Conferences
Positive Comments For Parent-Teacher Conferences
Positive Comments For Parent-Teacher Conferences

How positive comments work for parents

While there is no denying that a parent knows their child best. But, at the same time, the child spends more than 8 hours of their day in school. Hence, what they are doing in the school with the vigilance of the teacher becomes a crucial discussion for the parents. Moreover, hearing some positive words for the little one brings joy and glee to every parent. Hence, here are a few grounds where positive comments work for parents:

  • They get rejuvenated to retrieve parenthood. Taking care of children can be challenging at times, but, by listening to some positive comments, parents can be relieved with satisfaction. 
  • Positive comments make parents satisfied with the performance of their child in school. 
  • They can guarantee the reliability of the teacher and other staff. The comments in the report cards ensure that the teacher and school staff is paying attention to each and every student, which is exhibited by the kind of comments from the teachers. This assures the parents that their little ones are in responsible hands. 
  • Parents can positively look into further improvement with the teacher’s opinions. Since children spend a substantial amount of time away from home, comments and feedback from teachers help parents in getting better insights about their younger ones. 

How positive comments work for teachers 

Not only for parents and students, but positive comments also work for teachers too. Here are some insights that highlight how these opinions work for teachers:

  • Teachers can retain and support the child later in class. With positive comments, instructors may feel motivated to make sure the child is taken care of.
  • They can identify and make out the actual status of the student after discussion. Teachers very well know how a student is performing in the class and the school, which when communicated to parents results in educating better as the parents then also try to focus on the points pressed by the teacher. 
  • Teachers may upgrade the teaching style as asked by parents. This means that the parents also might have some feedback on the teaching style, and how the teacher can make themself better at teaching their kids. 
  • They can communicate the actual scenario with the parents comfortably. Simply put, when the parents show a positive approach towards the teachers, it relaxes them and motivates them to freely talk about the child with the parents. 

Before we wind up….

The most positive impact on children comes from the relationships formed between instructors and parents, as well as the flow of information back and forth. Positive words may go a long way toward educating a youngster and forming bonds. The learning experience is improved when we build a favorable school and classroom environment. The above-mentioned positive comments will help you to clearly communicate your thoughts on children’s report cards and provide the appropriate insight to parents regarding their children. 

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