9 Manipulatives to Teach Counting to Little Learners

9 Manipulatives to Teach Counting to Little Learners

Please Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure (link) for more info. If you see children counting the chocolates or gifts they receive on Birthdays, you may appreciate the importance of teaching counting. As the count of goodies (their just-found manipulatives) increases, the grin gets broader. Have you ever thought about what is actually … Read more

Helpful Online backward counting games and classroom activities

Helpful online backward counting games and activities

Teachers introduce counting to early learners at the preschool or kindergarten stage. The forward counting becomes easier to learn with rhythmic rote learning and by participating in various rote counting activities. But, the same is not the case with backward counting. It is commonly observed that kids tend to take a pause when they are … Read more