8 Famous Musicians With Dyslexia

Famous musicians with dyslexia

Dyslexia interferes with language learning abilities. The shape of letters and words appears distorted to people who suffer from dyslexia. However, with grit and a deep interest in giving life a meaningful shape, such individuals have succeeded in several fields. A number of scientists, painters, entrepreneurs, etc. found it difficult to keep up with the … Read more

7 Famous People With Dyscalculia

Famous People With Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia is a learning disorder. It has plagued about 4-6% population in the US. The disorder has risen to the status of being a reality due to increasing awareness. But, this was not the case centuries back. Despite having unmatched talents, people displaying discomfort with numbers were branded stupid. Due to various reasons such as … Read more

I was relieved to finally discover Dyscalculia – Story of Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore was the name of the ’70s. Having achieved fame from hit sitcoms, The Mary Tyler Moore Show and The Dick Van Dyke Show, and scoring six Emmy awards during an acting career, she was an American icon and served as an inspiration for many younger actresses, professional women, and feminists. However, Things weren’t that great in … Read more