6 Engaging Sight Word Games For First Graders

Knowledge of sight words is essential to developing linguistic skills but it may prove challenging to impart when the kids are at the receiving end of instructions. Teaching difficult things in an easy and fun way helps make the process more inclusive. Amongst various pedagogical approaches, gamification of the concept-building process improves learning ability; a … Read more

9 Awesome Social Skills Books For Kids

Social skills books for kids

Please Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure (link) for more info. As a teacher or a child caretaker, you are required to teach several skills so that the child is prepared for the world beyond their comfort zones. Social skills are one such skill. It becomes easier to guide when you have access … Read more

Top 8 Job opportunities for people with learning disabilities

job opportunities for dyslexia

Beryl Benacerraf is an accomplished radiologist but has a history of dyslexia. (Source: Reuters) Dona Sarkar, the chief engineer at Microsoft, confesses having issues with reading during her school days; she still prefers images over letters and numbers (Source: Microsoft Features) David Boes, who the New York Times termed as, ‘the lawyer everyone wants, has … Read more

7 Fun Classroom Activities For Learning Pronouns

Pronoun activities

How to teach pronouns to young learners? Often, I meet people who struggle to keep their little kids interested in learning the same. As we all know Pronoun is a word used in place of a Noun; hence, this part of speech is taught after a Noun preferably. So, adding up to the previous learnings … Read more

What role might UDL (Universal Design for Learning) play for Dyslexics?

UDL and Dyslexia

How to make classrooms suitable for a diverse student population? It is certainly a point worth pondering and a lot has been done in this direction. Schools, colleges, and universities in the US accept students from all age groups, professional backgrounds, linguistics, and those managing difficulties like Dyslexia. The concept of genuinely accommodating classrooms gets … Read more

10 Examples Of UDL (Universal Design for Learning) To Understand It Better

UDL Examples

Anything that applies to all is Universal, right? So, when the term is applied to the learning space, it means learning is accessible and available to all. Universal Design for Learning is a reformative procedural framework that promotes changes in not only the classroom infrastructure but also in the attitude, delivery methods, and response management. … Read more

Pros and Cons of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Pros and cons of UDL

‘Flexible learning methods that complement the needs of students with diversities and difficulties’ – a lot has been said about the importance of this. And, the institutes are going through a transformation too. Universal Design for Learning is one such conscious step that institutes adopt to make their classrooms suitable for all. A non-profit research … Read more

Everything you need to know about UDL (Universal Design for Learning)

Everything to know about UDL

“There are no bad students, only bad teaching techniques.” If we modify a line from the 1984 movie Karate Kid, we will get this quote. The quote indicates the need of changing the instruction methods to accommodate students with all kinds of learning abilities. The American Disabilities Act also demands that learning difficulties, ease with … Read more

7 Engaging Manipulatives For Learning Probability Concepts

Probability Manipulatives

Please Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure (link) for more info. Teaching math is tough. And when variables enter the scene, the challenge enhances manifold. Educators adopt several ways to ease the learning procedures. Manipulatives, among different pedagogical tools, have got the nod of NCTM too.  Found to be effective in reducing math … Read more

6 Engaging Sequencing Events Games To Play Online

Online sequencing events games

“She went into the forest for a walk, and pretty soon she came back home with some flowers and fruits. Next, she walked into the kitchen to brew a hot cup of coffee.” While this might look like a normal sentence, this actually is a classic example of sequencing events!  Sequencing events – being one … Read more