Is being good at math genetic?

Is being good at math genetic?

Mathematics is a subject that is perceived with different emotions by people. The world seems to be divided into math lovers and haters. There is a grey area also among these two divisions where people have interest in the subject but the learning difficulties make the path hurdled. In addition to having personal interest, several … Read more

Role of genetics in prevalence of dyscalculia

mother daughter playing love dyscalculia genetics

REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S EXPERT PANEL ON JULY 05, 2020 Several factors can contribute to the development of Dyscalculia in children. Brain’s chemistry, structure, function, and the environment are a few of the contributing factors. For the longest time, the role of genetics wasn’t considered to be of significant importance in developing Dyscalculia in a child. But with … Read more