9 Fun Activities For Learning Multiplying Polynomials

Multiplying Polynomials Activities

Imagine you are a detective who has been given a top-secret mission. Your task is to solve a series of puzzles that will lead you to a hidden treasure. Each puzzle requires you to multiply two polynomials to find a solution. Sounds like a challenging mission, doesn’t it? But don’t worry, you won’t be alone … Read more

Application Of Polynomials In Medical Field

How polynomials used in Medical field

As school students, we all have gone through mathematical concepts like algebra and trigonometry. We often wonder how these concepts can actually help us in daily life. Evidently, their application in various fields and occupations makes life easier. Thus, polynomials are not just a mathematics concept. As far as medical professionals are concerned, these concepts … Read more

5 Engaging Activities For Learning About Polynomials

Polynomials Activities

Wouldn’t it be more efficient to show a window as an example of a rectangle rather than drawing it on paper? Practical demonstrations and activities always make instructing effortless, with enduring impact. These make concepts like polynomials trouble-free, which was otherwise often tedious.  Having a salient role in the world of mathematics, Polynomials become obligatory … Read more