Important Mental Math Examples, Strategies, And Activities

Mental math strategies & activities

If you find math intimidating, and figuring out the square of 23 or solving multiplications like 152 x 16 in your head makes you lose your sanity, then you may be someone who thinks mental math is a forte that is difficult to perfect. Luckily, you can hone mental math skills with a few tricks, … Read more

What Is Mental Math? How To Practice It?

What Is Mental Math? How To Practice It?

MEDICALLY REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S MEDICAL REVIEW PANEL ON MAY 30, 2020 What exactly is mental math? We will jump right to the definition but first, let me just ask, what’s 3 + 3? Almost all of you have given the right answer and most probably within 2 seconds without even touching a pen or paper. The real … Read more