Printable Quadrilaterals Lesson Plan [PDF Included]

Quadrilaterals Lesson Plan

Exactly look at the device you are reading this article from. Oh, you have just discovered the perfect example of a quadrilateral! The more you see around, the more you can see quadrilaterals everywhere. Right from the phone, and laptop to books or compass boxes, there are quadrilaterals everywhere. Whether you talk about the new … Read more

13 Cool Sentence Building Games To Play Online

Sentence Building Online Games

The essence of communication certainly lies in the usage of correct sentences that convey your message accurately. Imagine you want to convey something in the present but used the wrong word and created confusion. Building sentences with the right usage of conjunctions, verbs, prepositions, and so on is an important part of the language. While … Read more

Printable Letter Writing Lesson Plan [PDF Included]

Letter writing lesson plan

Writing a letter to your loved ones may sound meaningless in today’s time but Imagine sending a handwritten letter to your friend or cousin who lives in a different state or overseas. It surely helps you connect with them on a more personal level fostering a strong bond for life. Unfortunately, in the modern age … Read more

Printable Sequencing Lesson Plan for Kindergarten [PDF Included]

sequencing lesson plan

‘Should I pack my bag first or fill the water bottle?‘ Such a question might sound ordinary to you but plays a crucial role in everyday life for little learners. With every question that decides what to do and when to do it, children indirectly form habits. Even the little actions or ways to do … Read more

8 Fun Inquiry-Based Learning Activities

Inquiry based learning

When you’re finished delivering your lesson and ask students if they have any questions, there are times when students have no doubt at all. This concludes whether the students have understood everything or nothing. The reason behind such scenarios is the very little involvement of the students in learning. The whole lesson is only led … Read more

10 Fun Self-Concept Activities for Preschoolers

Self concept activities

Did you know self-concept plays a great role in shaping a child’s future? Yes, the way we see ourselves forms an important part of our everyday lives. The same psychology works with little ones. Self-concept is the belief an individual has about his/her self including abilities, weaknesses, special traits, and qualities. Knowing about themselves from … Read more