Last Updated on October 3, 2023 by Editorial Team
The capacity to think about principles, concepts, and ideas that are not physically present is known as abstract thinking. Abstract thinking boosts the general thinking capabilities of children. It then results in a problem-solving mindset beneficial in future endeavors. Any problem-solving process benefits greatly from the use of abstract thinking to produce fresh concepts and uncover new information.
Hence, it is important for teachers and parents to trigger abstract thinking in little ones through games and activities. While abstract thinking can be explained to kids through various real-life examples too, however, specific activities designed around abstract thinking result in a developing brand that is open to different ideas and elements of everything around. Check different games and activities that help kids form patterns and open their minds to the bigger picture.
Abstract thinking: Crucial in child development
Children learn different values and morals from their childhood. They also develop beliefs and habits that result in a growth mindset. According to research[1], it is observed that future-oriented people are more morally concerned than present-oriented people.
Basically, it is abstract thinking that brings about a change between the two individuals. Abstract thinkers are inclined towards the larger picture and hence, are good at moral judgments. Here, it implies that children should be involved in abstract thinking as it directly impacts their future selves. At the same time, abstract thinking can have its share of effects on individuals with dyslexia.
Another study[2] suggests a direct linkage between abstract thinking and power. Children who are abstract thinkers are more likely to be in power hierarchies in the future. It also suggests how thinking abstractly makes individuals feel a sense of power and control over the happenings around them. It also changes the influence one has on others. It can be concluded that abstract thinking in children leads to a powerful personality leading to high-end roles.
Refreshing abstract thinking games
Abstract thinking games are a good way to build imagination skills and understand the deeper meanings behind things. With games, children get a diversified learning platform where they also learn to compete in a healthy manner.
1. Create What You Like

Abstract thinking involves the creation of different ideas and elements that require imagination and creativity. The game is designed to instill a sense of critical thinking in children
- To conduct this activity, give children some papers, crayons, colored pens, decorative materials, glue, and a cup
- Now, ask them to create anything they like within a certain time frame
- They can go for painting, a craft idea, or simply decorate the cup
- Allow them to explain their creation
- The child that comes up with the most unique idea wins the game
Creativity is a significant aspect of abstract thinking as it allows children to fully explore their capacities. They also get an opportunity to think, imagine, and then create.
2. It’s Drama Everywhere!

Children often think differently as they tend to question everything they see or observe. Keen learners are constantly engaged in interaction with their social surroundings. In such a situation, a dramatic game does help in triggering their abstract thinking capability.
- To conduct this activity, divide children into teams of 3 to 4 members each
- Now, make chits related to different topics including geography, history, science, space, and art
- Now, ask teams to pick one chit and prepare a dramatic play on it
- For example, if a team gets geography, they can think of a play around earthquakes, the existence of dinosaurs, or what lies beneath the earth
- The idea is to choose the most abstract concept and that team wins the game
As children get the chance to think of the play and even act, they learn to work in teams. Children learn to incorporate other team members’ opinions and beliefs thereby adding more knowledge to their bank of abstract thoughts.
3. The Question Game

Abstract thinking is boosted when children get an opportunity to question everything around them. It is the essence of observation that leads to intriguing questions about life.
- To conduct this activity, you need to prepare a set of abstract questions
- Make sure these questions lead to open-ended answers
- For example, you can use the following questions:
- What would’ve happened if humans could fly?
- What if the only medicine was laughter?
- Why do you think we cannot live on other planets?
- Now, divide children into teams of 3 to 4 members each
- Promptly ask questions and let children raise their hands to answer
- The team answering the maximum number of questions wins the game
As children indulge in critical thinking processes, they also learn to make connections with already existing facts. In this way, they learn to form patterns and find the deeper meaning behind things.
Interesting abstract thinking activities
Abstract thinking activities are designed to accommodate the child’s need for imagination and knowledge-building skills. These activities are easy to conduct and also result in good communication skills with other team members. Check different abstract thinking activities ideal for children.
1. Where’s the secret?
Abstract thinkers are the ones who look for patterns and a deeper understanding of life. This activity triggers actual abstract thinking by allowing children to think beyond what the world tells them.
- To conduct this activity, you will need a pen and paper
- Now, present an idea to children about how the universe was formed
- As they feel intrigued about knowing what’s more, ask them to derive their own stories based on any data
- Here, students need to draft or plot their vision of how the universe was formed
- They can talk about the existence of aliens, gods, theories of history, or make connections with anything that matches
- Allow an open discussion and watch how little ones turn into storytellers
The mysteries of life are many and to boost abstract thinking, such secretive things can be taken into account. As children think of the universe, they are bound to come across their own theories and understanding of the world.
2. The Author’s Brain

Abstract thinking involves the understanding of why certain things happen a certain way. It is crucial for children to keep questioning why for every other thing.
- To conduct this activity, take any interesting book or a novel written by a famous author
- Now, ask students to read the book and understand the vision of the author
- Once done, ask them the basic questions about the book.
- You can ask the following questions:
- Why did the author write this book?
- Why did the author choose this character to be the villain of the story?
- After this, let students indulge in critical thinking to arrive at answers
When children start finding the why behind things, they learn to form patterns. Abstract thinking gets boosted when children start looking for answers to unexpected questions.
3. What If?

As life already follows a pattern, abstract thinking is triggered when children think out of the box. They should have exposure to questions that broaden their imagination skills.
- To conduct this activity, think of different situations where things would have been completely opposite
- These questions should be distributed to all children one by one
- After this, each child gets the opportunity to imagine the world from that perspective
- For example, these can be the questions:
- What if mornings were dark and nights were bright?
- What if we could see the stars throughout the day?
- What if everyone was rewarded for their good deeds?
- In such a way, all participants get the chance to actively listen to the others
Abstract thinkers are motivated when they are given completely different perspectives of the world. With such an activity, children also develop imagination skills, critical thinking, and brainstorming.
While abstract thinking is a deep concept, it only takes the right activities and games to trigger the child’s inner capabilities. Most of the time, children do have some questions and statements that show abstract thinking capability. However, these activities and games stand as a great source of motivation to boost it.
It also helps children become future-oriented, look at the bigger picture, and understand the actual meaning behind things. Apart from this, parents and teachers can also opt for various abstract thinking books, applications, strategies, and tools that offer an experiential learning platform.
- Agerström, J., & Björklund, F. (2013). Why People With an Eye Toward the Future Are More Moral: The Role of Abstract Thinking. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 35(4), 373–381.
- Smith, P. K., Wigboldus, D. H., & Dijksterhuis, A. (2008). Abstract thinking increases one’s sense of power. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44(2), 378–385.
An engineer, Maths expert, Online Tutor and animal rights activist. In more than 5+ years of my online teaching experience, I closely worked with many students struggling with dyscalculia and dyslexia. With the years passing, I learned that not much effort being put into the awareness of this learning disorder. Students with dyscalculia often misunderstood for having just a simple math fear. This is still an underresearched and understudied subject. I am also the founder of Smartynote -‘The notepad app for dyslexia’,