13 Online Geography Games For Middle School Students

Geography in middle school covers topics related to landforms, water bodies, climates, cultures, countries, flags, etc. Although not meant to replace traditional textbook learning, online games can be an effective supplemental tool to teach and assess geographical knowledge. These interactive learning tools can be used after discussing a topic to let students practice what they … Read more

Quick And Easy DIY Flashcards For Your Little Ones

I remember using flashcards for my daughter when she was a toddler and all the way to her first grade. These learning tools helped her learn about the things around her while introducing her to basic concepts.  As flashcards are bright and colorful, they immediately grab the attention of little kids, which is the primary … Read more

11 Cool Games That Will Put Your Time Management Skills To Work

Time management involves making thoughtful decisions to plan and organize your activities for a specific time to improve productivity and reduce stress levels. By developing time management skills, children and adults can utilize their time in a better way without feeling the pressure of task completion.  Practicing time management doesn’t have to be boring. Gamification … Read more

ESSA vs NCLB: ELI5 The Difference

Are you aware of federal laws governing children’s education in the US?  If not, let us introduce you to ESSA and NCLB. ESSA is the current law governing K-12 education in public schools which replaced the previous law known as NCLB. Both are updates to The Elementary and Secondary Education Act which was passed in … Read more

10 Free Behavior Tracking Apps For Parents And Teachers

Children are full of emotions. Happiness, sadness, anger, excitement, and other emotions directly impact a child’s behavior. Unlike adults, who learn to regulate their emotions and behavior depending on their surroundings, children are innocent and yet to learn how to manage their behavior in different situations. This can often lead them to present unacceptable behaviors … Read more