Let’s celebrate the Dyslexia Awareness Month

OCtober dyslexia awareness month 2021

Have you ever thought about what led to increased awareness about the learning disorders prevalent among children and adults? Though the term ‘dyslexia’ has been around us since 1887 when an ophthalmologist Rudolf Berlin coined it, the awareness did not reach its current state sooner after the event. People parried the problem of learning disorders … Read more

Raspberry Pi equipped glasses that read texts to dyslexic wearers

oton glass for dyslexia raspberry pi

Text-to-voice is an excellent outcome of character recognition technology that every dyslexic or visually impaired can benefit from. Popular Apps like Evernote widely use this functionality to serve their users who have a learning disorder. Taking a step further, A Japanese company implemented the technology in a pair of smart glasses. Keisuke Shimakage from the … Read more

Georgia dyslexia organization to expand its Teacher Training Scholarship Program

International Dyslexia Association – Georgia announced that they will be expanding their Teacher Training Scholarship Program in 2019. According to the press release, IDA-GA will be going to award scholarships four times a year. The first application deadline is Jan. 1 for Georgia teachers and administrators to apply for approved structured literacy teacher training. Awards … Read more

Researchers created RADAR for early screening of dyslexia

radar for early detection screening of dyslexia

Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects our ability to read and spell correctly. One in five students, or 15-20% of the population, has a language-based learning disability and Dyslexia is the most common one. In just America, around 55 million people have some form of dyslexia. And the daunting fact is that this number … Read more

Oklahoma’s Science Museum to debut ‘Beautiful Minds- Dyslexia and the Creative Advantage’

Oklahoma’s Science Museum ‘smART Space’ will debut the exhibition “Beautiful Minds — Dyslexia and the Creative Advantage” with a gallery opening from 6 to 8 p.m.  The event aims to explore the minds, art and successes of people who have or had dyslexia. It will feature work from Steve Jobs, Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Agatha Christie and … Read more

Dyscalculia may still be undiagnosed in majority of children – Study

dyscalculia research number dyslexia

Dr. Kinga Morsanyi and a team of experts from the School of Psychology at Queen’s University Belfast performed medical research[1] on the prevalence of Specific Learning Disorder in mathematics (SLDM), which is also known as dyscalculia. The study included observing the mathematics performance of 2,421 primary school children over a number of school years. The researchers claimed … Read more