Last Updated on October 3, 2023 by Editorial Team
Reading skills, be it any type, are essential skills that allow us to gather information, learn new things, and expand our knowledge. However, reading can be a passive activity and to be honest boring sometimes! , and many people struggle to stay engaged and focused while reading and leave books on shelves. That’s where the Interactive Reading Model comes in.
The Interactive Reading Model is an approach to reading that encourages readers to engage with the text actively. This approach involves a series of strategies and techniques that help readers connect with the material, ask questions, make predictions, and reflect on what they have learned
Let’s understand what it is.
Make reading effective with the Interactive reading model:
Reading is not just about decoding words on a page, but an active process where readers engage with the text to construct meaning. An interactive reading model is an approach that sees reading as an active process, where readers use their knowledge and the text to make sense of what they read.
This model[1] highlights four important aspects: actively engaging with the text, checking to understand, using context to focus, and constructing meaning. This way, the interactive reading model emphasizes the importance of readers’ knowledge, elaboration, monitoring, and situational context in comprehending what they read.
By using this approach, readers can better understand the reading process and overcome reading difficulties. In short, the interactive reading model encourages active reading to help readers become better at understanding and interpreting what they read
When students encounter difficulties, the approach helps them use compensatory strategies to make sense of the text. Teachers play a crucial role in identifying the reasons behind reading difficulties and providing targeted instruction to improve students’ skills.
With the help of the interactive reading model, teachers empower their students to become confident and proficient readers, unlocking the doors to a world of knowledge and imagination. By actively engaging with the text, readers can improve their comprehension, critical thinking skills, and enjoyment of the reading experience.
Benefits and drawbacks: Understanding the interactive reading model approach
The purpose of the Interactive Reading Model is to help readers become more effective and engaged readers. This approach is particularly useful for students, as it can help them to understand complex material better and retain information more effectively. However, the Interactive Reading Model can be useful for anyone who wants to improve their reading skills and get more out of the material they read.
The benefits of the Interactive Reading Model are numerous and significant. By actively engaging with the text, readers can improve their comprehension, critical thinking skills, and overall enjoyment of the reading experience
- This approach is particularly useful for students who are studying or preparing for exams, as it can help them to understand complex material better and retain information more effectively.
- The Interactive Reading Model also helps readers to develop a deeper appreciation for the material they are reading, allowing them to fully engage with the text and gain a richer understanding of its content.
- With its ability to enhance reading skills and promote active engagement, the Interactive Reading Model is a powerful tool that can benefit anyone who wants to become a more effective and engaged reader.
While the benefits of the Interactive Reading Model are numerous, it is important to note that there are some potential drawbacks to this approach.
- For one, it can be time-consuming to actively engage with every piece of text that you read, which may not be practical for those who need to read large volumes of material quickly.
- Additionally, some readers may find it difficult to maintain focus and attention while actively engaging with the text, which could hinder their overall reading experience.
- Lastly, not all texts may lend themselves to the Interactive Reading Model, as some materials may be more straightforward and do not require as much active engagement.
Despite these potential drawbacks, the benefits of the Interactive Reading Model make it a valuable approach to reading for many readers. While following this approach, you can also improve reading fluency at home with consistency.
Advancement in the Interactive reading model
As technologies are advancing, Researchers[2] have developed a computer-assisted interactive reading model (CAIRM) that incorporates digital tools to help you move from conscious, deliberate reading to automatic reading without using strategies. By alternating between bottom-up and top-down processing, the CAIRM aims to improve your reading proficiency.
And the results are in! The study found that the CAIRM was effective in improving reading performance for all three experimental groups, with the combination of bottom-up and top-down processing strategies proving the most effective. Not only that, but participants had positive perceptions of the model’s efficacy. Some in future reading can be easy and active with technology!
Strategies to use while applying the interactive reading model.
Until we have this technology in progress to develop to implement this approach fully effectively, readers can employ the following simple strategies.
So, how does the Interactive Reading Model work? At its core, this approach involves a series of steps that readers can follow to engage with the text in a more active way, whether they read it out loud or in their heads. These steps include:
- Previewing the text: Before diving into the material, take a few moments to preview the text. Look at the headings, subheadings, and any visuals to get a sense of what the text is about. This can help you to focus your reading and identify key ideas. You can use the reading checklist to actively engage in the content.
- Asking questions: As you read, ask questions about the material. What is the main idea? What evidence supports this idea? What are the key concepts? Asking questions can help you to stay engaged and focused and can also help you to identify areas where you need more information.
- Making predictions: Based on what you’ve read so far, make predictions about what might happen next or what the author might say. This can help you to stay engaged and can also help you to test your understanding of the material.
- Reflecting on what you’ve learned: After reading, take some time to reflect on what you’ve learned. What were the key ideas? What surprised you? What questions do you still have? Reflecting on what you’ve learned can help you consolidate your understanding and retain the information more effectively.
By using an interactive reading model, any readers can actively engage with the text and get more out of the material they read. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or simply someone who wants to become a more effective reader, the Interactive Reading Model can be a valuable approach that can help you improve your reading skills and gain a richer understanding of the material you read. So until you start reading, here are some reading quotes for you!
- Walker, B. (1989). The Interactive Model of Reading: Deciding How Disability Occurs.
- Bahari, Akbar & Zhang, Snowy & Ardasheva, Yuliya. (2021). Establishing a computer-assisted interactive reading model. Computers & Education. 172. 104261. 10.1016/j.compedu.2021.104261.
I am Shweta Sharma. I am a final year Masters student of Clinical Psychology and have been working closely in the field of psycho-education and child development. I have served in various organisations and NGOs with the purpose of helping children with disabilities learn and adapt better to both, academic and social challenges. I am keen on writing about learning difficulties, the science behind them and potential strategies to deal with them. My areas of expertise include putting forward the cognitive and behavioural aspects of disabilities for better awareness, as well as efficient intervention. Follow me on LinkedIn