Developing mastery of language is an important skill for everyone. Learning all of the insights may not occur instantaneously, one may need to discern achievable milestones along with pedagogies and activities. Making regular analyses of the development is crucial for learners to craft fitting training sessions later on. But, how can one evaluate the progress of little ones appropriately?
Here we came up with a list of Language Development Milestones in the form of a Chart. This can guide you to easily evaluate multiple levels of language comprehension and age-related goals. You can make a print of this and refer to it at regular intervals.
Language development- Why is it paramount?
Language development is crucial for little learners on the following grounds:
- Language and literacy development is important as it aids your child’s ability to communicate as well as express and comprehend feelings.
- Because language is the cornerstone for all social relationships, communication issues may be otherwise frustrating for both you as a parent and, more significantly, your kid.
- As children join and advance through school, language development provides the groundwork for their reading and writing abilities.
- Language development cannot be seen in isolation; it is intimately linked to, and crucial to, your child’s overall development throughout the early years of life.
Language development checklist
AGE | Language Goals |
0 to 6 months | 1. The same noises are repeated. 2. Coos, gurgles and makes pleasure noises frequently 3. To indicate distinct requirements, they use a different scream. 4. When they are addressed, they smile 5. Voices are recognised. 6. By rotating their head, they can pinpoint where the sound is coming from. 7. Listen to what is being said. 8. In babbling, he uses the phonemes /b/, /p/, and /m/. |
From 7 to 12 months | 1. Understands the concepts of No and Yes. 2. Understands and learns communicating with gestures. 3. Owns up to and reacts to his or her own name. 4. Listens to certain noises and tries to reproduce them. 5. Words for common things are recognised (e.g., cup, shoe, juice) 6. Long and short clusters of sounds are used in babbles. 7. When babbling, they use a song-like intonation pattern. 8. Some adult speech sounds and intonation patterns are imitated. 9. Instead of weeping, they use spoken sounds to attract attention. 10. Changes their mumbling to jargon. 11. For the first time, they use speech on purpose. 12. Gives out simple sounds like ‘papa’ and ‘Mama’ 13. Comprehends basic commands |
ages 13 to 18 months | 1. Adult-like intonation patterns are used. 2. Repeat words and phrases that sound like they come from an adult’s mouth. 3. Fills up gaps in familiarity with jargon. 4. Some start consonants and nearly all final consonants are omitted. 5. Produces speech that is mostly incomprehensible. 6. Follow basic instructions. 7. 1 to 3 body parts are receptively identified. 8. 3 to 20 or more words are used expressively (mostly nouns) 9. Uses a combination of movements and vocalizations. 10. Makes requests for more quantities of desired products. |
ages 19 to 24 months | 1. Words are used more often than jargon. 2. Understands at least 300 words and at least 50 words explicitly 3. Combines nouns with verbs for the first time. 4. Uses pronouns for the first time. 5. Voice control remains shaky. 6. When answering questions, use suitable intonation. 7. Strangers can understand about 25-50 percent of what they say. 8. Respond to “what is that?” inquiries. 9. They enjoy hearing stories. 10. 5 bodily parts are familiar to them 11. A few well-known names are correctly named. |
2 to 3 years | 1. Speech is comprehensible to a degree of 50-75 percent of the time. 2. Understands the concepts of “one” and “all.” 3. The need for a toilet is expressed verbally (before, during, or after act) 4. Items are requested by name. 5. Names commonplace items 6. When a book is identified, he or she points to photos in the book. 7. Identifies a variety of bodily parts. 8. Follows simple instructions and responds to simple queries. 9. Short stories, melodies, and rhymes are some of his favorite things to listen to. 10. ask one-to-two-word inquiries 11. Phrases of three to four words are used. 12. Prepositions, articles, present progressive verbs, regular plurals, contractions, and irregular past tense forms are among the words used. 13. Produces a variety of questions 14. Understands the concepts of “why,” “who,” “whose,” and “how many.” 15. When faced with speaking challenges, continue to employ repetition/mimicking. 16. Has a vocabulary of 500-900 words or more. 17. Uses 50-250 words or more eloquently (rapid growth during this period) 18. Multiple grammatical mistakes are present. 19. Most things uttered to him or her are understood. Repetition is common, especially with beginnings, “I,” and initial syllables. 20. Speaks in a booming tone 21. Pitch range is expanded. 22. Correctly pronounces vowels 23. Uses beginning consonants on a regular basis (although some are misarticulated) 24. In words, middle and ending consonants may be omitted. |
3 to 4 years | 1. Understands how objects work. 2. Understands how words have different meanings (stop-go, in-on, big-little) 3. Make a phrase or sentence with 2-3 directive words. 4. Simple questions are asked and answered (who, what where why) 5. Asks a lot of questions and expects a lot of information in return. 6. Simple verbal analogies are produced. 7. Language is used to communicate emotion. 8. Correctly repeats phrases with 6 to 13 syllables. 9. Identifies items based on their names. 10. Adults and peers are manipulated. 11. It is OK to continue using echolalia. 12. The most common words they use are nouns and verbs. 13. Is aware of the past and future Has a receptive vocabulary of 1,200-2,000 words or more 14. During talking, he or she may demonstrate blockages, altered breathing, and facial grimaces. 15. Increase the pace of speaking 16. Whispers 17. Sentence grammar is improving, yet certain faults remain. 18. In sentences, utilize the words “is,” “are,” and “am” appropriately. 19. In chronological sequence, they describe two incidents. 20. Engages in discussions 21. Conjugates, irregular plurals, future tense verbs, and conjunctions are all used. 22. Uses normal plurals, possessives, and the simple past tense on a frequent basis. |
4-5 years | 1. Understands spatial idea and ways of communicating 2. Listens to basic stories that are told in short bursts. 3. Answers function-related questions. 4. Uses statements that are grammatically accurate. 5. Has a 900-2,000 word expressive vocabulary or more. 6. 4–8 word sentences are used. 7. Answers two-part complicated questions 8. Inquires about the meaning of a term 9. They speak at a rate of about 186 words per minute. 10. The overall number of repeats is reduced. 11. Enjoys meaningless syllables, rhythms, and rhymes. 12. Reduces the number of sound omissions and replacements by a significant amount. 13. Simple words, vowels, and consonants are pronounced with 90% accuracy. 14. Also, they could frequently omit middle consonants while they spell a word. 15. Strangers can typically understand what you’re saying. 16. Discusses their experiences at school, at friends’ houses, and so forth. 17. Relates a long narrative accurately. 18. Listens to a tale and responds to simple questions about it. 19. Some irregular plurals, possessive pronouns, future tense, and reflexive pronouns are used. |
Summing up…
Remember that children learn the language at their own rate, so talking, singing, and reading to them is the greatest way to assist them. Otherwise, simply enjoy your child’s coos, ma-mas, and da-das for as long as they last. Understanding how language develops will assist you in selecting the appropriate focused activities that will encourage and speed learning while also matching your child’s present language abilities. While you relish and train them for better language, check out the chart above to make an age-related analysis. This way, you can ensure that the little one has crossed the threshold of learning.
An engineer, Maths expert, Online Tutor and animal rights activist. In more than 5+ years of my online teaching experience, I closely worked with many students struggling with dyscalculia and dyslexia. With the years passing, I learned that not much effort being put into the awareness of this learning disorder. Students with dyscalculia often misunderstood for having just a simple math fear. This is still an underresearched and understudied subject. I am also the founder of Smartynote -‘The notepad app for dyslexia’,