Top 11 inspirational movies on dyslexia

inspirational movies

Movies are not merely entertainment materials. Some are made with a motive to educate people. For example, movies based on some social cause or an influential legend serve as a good learning source. Such content can be a positive driving force in anybody’s life. Dyslexia is one such topic that has intrigued filmmakers many times. … Read more

Positive Aspects of Dyslexia

positive aspects of dyslexia

MEDICALLY REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S MEDICAL REVIEW PANEL ON MAY 30, 2020 There are a lot of talks on different offline/online forums regarding the positive aspects of dyslexia. Every parent wants to know if the reading and spelling weakness due to dyslexia has been compensated elsewhere in the child’s ability? There is no straight ‘Yes or No’ to … Read more

Top 11 famous scientists with dyslexia

albert einstein had dyslexia

Pretty unfortunate that still many people equate dyslexia with lower IQ. Considering the number of famous inventors, scientists, actors, and presidents born with dyslexia, it is evident that dyslexia has nothing to do with low IQ. Who could’ve thought the most brilliant mind ever born in the history of humankind, Albert Einstein, had difficulty with … Read more

Raspberry Pi equipped glasses that read texts to dyslexic wearers

oton glass for dyslexia raspberry pi

Text-to-voice is an excellent outcome of character recognition technology that every dyslexic or visually impaired can benefit from. Popular Apps like Evernote widely use this functionality to serve their users who have a learning disorder. Taking a step further, A Japanese company implemented the technology in a pair of smart glasses. Keisuke Shimakage from the … Read more

Georgia dyslexia organization to expand its Teacher Training Scholarship Program

International Dyslexia Association – Georgia announced that they will be expanding their Teacher Training Scholarship Program in 2019. According to the press release, IDA-GA will be going to award scholarships four times a year. The first application deadline is Jan. 1 for Georgia teachers and administrators to apply for approved structured literacy teacher training. Awards … Read more

Dyslexic mom hopes to inspire people facing difficulties by writing a book

Nakita Shields, of Inverness, is a 30 year single mum with a vision to inspire people struggling through tough times by writing a book. Being dyslexic from childhood, Nakita says that she suffered years of bullying and negativity as a youngster because of her learning disorder. I hope that by writing this book proves anyone can … Read more

Oklahoma’s Science Museum to debut ‘Beautiful Minds- Dyslexia and the Creative Advantage’

Oklahoma’s Science Museum ‘smART Space’ will debut the exhibition “Beautiful Minds — Dyslexia and the Creative Advantage” with a gallery opening from 6 to 8 p.m.  The event aims to explore the minds, art and successes of people who have or had dyslexia. It will feature work from Steve Jobs, Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Agatha Christie and … Read more

Signs and symptoms of Dyslexia

signs and symptoms of dyslexia

MEDICALLY REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S MEDICAL REVIEW PANEL ON MAY 29, 2020 Today, we are going to talk about the symptoms of Dyslexia. How to identify the early signs of dyslexia? But first, we must know what exactly Dyslexia is? Dyslexia is a specific learning disability in reading. Kids with dyslexia have trouble connecting the letters they see … Read more

What is Dyslexia? What are the Different Types of Dyslexia?

what is dyslexia and what are the types of dyslexia

MEDICALLY REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S MEDICAL REVIEW PANEL ON MAY 29, 2020 What is Dyslexia? Dyslexia is a specific learning disability in reading. Kids with dyslexia have trouble connecting the letters they see to the sounds those letters make. Dyslexia affects the part of the brain that deals with processing language and graphic symbols. Other than reading, Kids with dyslexia … Read more