What is Social-Emotional Learning?

social emotional learning

A young child who cannot control his emotions, a high schooler who has trouble making friends, and a professional who has difficulty making decisions can all benefit from social-emotional learning. The concept of social-emotional learning (SEL) has been around for a long time but was introduced in schools around the 1990s. Lately, its importance in … Read more

10 Useful Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Websites For Educators To Checkout

social emotional websites

Social and emotional learning (SEL) has always been integral in the overall development of a child. The outbreak of the pandemic further emphasized its importance as classroom learning converted into online learning. Today, educators and parents agree that social-emotional learning is crucial to prepare children for the future. A 2021 report published by McGraw Hill … Read more

10 Must-try Social Emotional Learning [SEL] Based Apps For Little Learners

social emotional learning apps

Teachers play a crucial role in the life of students. They not only teach students a myriad of educational subjects but also work on social-emotional literacy to mold students into responsible individuals.  With so many things to do, it can often be challenging for teachers to find different ways to include social-emotional learning in class.  … Read more

8 Fun Social-emotional Learning Games For Middle-school & Elementary Students

sel games

Social and emotional learning holds similar significance as academic performance in the lives of students. This is especially true for elementary and middle school students because their young minds are constantly developing the skills that help an individual regulate their emotions and thrive in a social environment. Activities and games are a fun way of … Read more

8 Engaging Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Activities For Middle School Students

Social emotional learning

Developing social and emotional skills is critical for children of all age groups. These skills help them develop socially, emotionally, and academically and become strong individuals who are better at dealing with life’s challenges. Therefore, some schools incorporate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in their curriculum to foster these skills in students within the school environment.  … Read more