Last Updated on October 11, 2023 by Editorial Team
Do you suffer from math anxiety and don’t want this subject to boggle you in college life? If yes, there is good news for you! There are colleges that waive math requirements. Hence, you can fulfill your graduation dream even when you are not too good at maths. But, which colleges are offering this facility? We have annotated the list of such colleges for your convenience in this post.
In this post, we have tried to give you a readymade list of such colleges that waive math requirements by answering a few important questions, such as:
- Why you need to find colleges with no requirement for expertise in math
- List of colleges that grant math waiver
So, let’s begin!
Why you need to find colleges with no maths requirement
Math anxiety, and the inability to understand and process numbers (dyscalculia), are not myths anymore. These are identified as the real problems that around 5% of Americans face or live through. Thus, to reduce dropouts, colleges need to provide alternative solutions. Waiving math can be one of those.
Also, it is confirmed that poor math doesn’t mean nil intelligence. People with poor math may find it difficult to solve math problems but may have expertise or a knack for other talents. Hence, math need not be the measuring stick for finding the eligibility of any person to get admission in a course of preference.
In addition, there are certain courses like arts, dramatics, etc. that require more creativity and imagination than expertise in math. Hence, those colleges devoted to such disciplines may be the right choice to accomplish higher education objectives.
Lastly, under section 504 of the Civil Rights Act, the colleges are required to warrant waivers to people with learning difficulties. It helps to keep the learning resources available to all. Hence, those colleges following this Act do have separate facilities for providing support to the learners who need math waivers for any reason.
Most importantly, the students with expertise in other areas may find it boggling and inexplainable to prove their mettle in math. Hence, they do search for the colleges where math requirement is waived. So, let’s move to the list of such colleges in our next section.
List of colleges that grant math waiver
1. University of Arizona

The University of Arizona is one of the colleges that don’t require students to opt for math or submit math scores. Students can opt for graduation in various streams such as Arts & Media, Agriculture, Communication & Journalism, Environment & Sustainability, and others. Except for courses like Maths & Statistics, or Accounts, the subjects don’t require expertise in maths.
Arizona University is quite an old institution; its foundation year is 1885. The university stands at 230th rank globally and is equipped with a complete infrastructure to ensure high-quality education for the students.
2. University of the Pacific

The University of the Pacific reports the maximum number of searches made in the study programs dedicated to Music, Chemistry, and Finance. But, the courses are not limited to these streams only.
Designed with a focus on quality experience creation, the university has a lot to offer to students who don’t want to submit math scores. The courses here have ample scope for non-math lovers and can provide a great learning experience and a dependable career later.
The University of Pacific runs undergraduate, graduate, and professional courses. It is an Ivy League experience-providing institution having earned a rating among 1001-1200 slots in global ranking records.
3. Cuesta College

“A math waiver is granted to the students who can fulfill all Associate Degree’s admission requirements except math under our Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS),” shares the learning disability specialist working with Cuesta College, Mr. Mark Tomes.
Cuesta College puts on priority the fact that all students are entitled to fair chances of getting an education. That is why it emphasizes creating resources that help people manage their studies despite learning disorders.
The college takes care of students in all possible ways. It was founded in the year 1964 and has been a trusted name in higher education for many years. Located in San Louis Obispo County, you can find this college to be well-equipped with all grooming solutions.
4. University of the Ozarks

The Ozarks University is a multi-disciplinary college that waives math requirements in several of its graduate programs. If you think that math is going to be a hurdle in making a higher education dream come true, you can consider this college.
The college came into being in 1834 and has managed to stay put with changing times. It puts experience creation on priority. that is why all resources are reinvented with the passage of time. This college is the spawning pool for budding artists, journalists, musicians, dramatics, etc. Other disciplines are also available for students of different calibers.
This college has earned accreditations from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and has exemplary programs available for pursuing English Education, Biology Education, Physical education and health, etc.
5. The University of California, LA

UCLA has several credits to boast. It has been home to Nobel laureates, Olympic medalists, artists, and musicians. The University is quite an open-minded institution where students from all possible backgrounds, interests, and caliber levels can find a suitable environment for self-grooming.
Designed to make room for everyone, the UCLA curriculum has everything that it takes to groom students into self-sustained entities in later life. The courses available are music, drama, American Indian Studies, Biomedical Engineering, and several others. All these courses waive math requirements and make it easy for students with math difficulties to pursue their higher studies.
The college registered in the year 1919 at the Vermont Avenue Campus, now known as the Southern branch of UCLA. And has remained relevant to date, to the learning needs of budding aspirants.
6. Neumann University
Neumann University is one of the established institutes that have a dedicated disability center. Parents and students can enroll for disability services and have a better education in a program that aligns with their learning pace and goals.
This high education hub offers undergraduate and graduate programs in various streams that one can pursue without a math score as a qualifying criterion or an elective. Hence, if you have issues with math subjects and find it impossible to learn, you can keep this university on your bucket list!
7. University of Houston

The University of Houston updates a complete list of course exemptions under its Texas Success Initiative (TSI). This institute has waived math for all college-level courses for the students who enroll themselves with TSI.
The college encourages students with learning difficulties to go for the relevant courses that can be instrumental in improving their efficiency. TSI meets its objectives by designing teaching support in three phases: exemption, assessment, and remediation. Thus, the students can enjoy a math requirement waiver. It helps them continue to pursue their higher education dream by proving their college readiness with the math waiver on all courses available here.
Wrapping up,
Not all courses require maths as a subject, so why allow it to give sleepless nights? Make a note of all the colleges mentioned in this post and find all they offer to students who struggle with math anxiety, dyscalculia, and related computational problems. It can help you realize your high education objectives with ease and better focus on subjects that really contribute to your professional grooming.
An engineer, Maths expert, Online Tutor and animal rights activist. In more than 5+ years of my online teaching experience, I closely worked with many students struggling with dyscalculia and dyslexia. With the years passing, I learned that not much effort being put into the awareness of this learning disorder. Students with dyscalculia often misunderstood for having just a simple math fear. This is still an underresearched and understudied subject. I am also the founder of Smartynote -‘The notepad app for dyslexia’,