10 Problem Solving Activities for College Students

Problem solving activities

Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines – Robert H. Schuller.  Rightly quoted by Schuller, every problem comes with a solution that needs exploration through creative thinking and analysis. Problems appear in different sizes and nature and any one solution does not apply to all of them. Hence, it is essential to acquire and … Read more

5 College Programs For Students With Learning Disabilities

college students

The world of college programs for students with learning difficulties, celebrates the unique talents and perspectives of every student, recognizing that our differences are what make us truly extraordinary. With the right support and accommodations, every student can achieve their academic goals and unlock their full potential. In this world, we understand that everyone learns … Read more

10 Cultural Diversity Activities Ideas For Adults And College Students

culture diversity activities

Cultural diversity anywhere, in classrooms and workplaces, is vital because it recognizes and respects the ethnic differences of various individuals, supporting and allowing their continued participation that is productive and beneficial for everyone involved.  Cultural differences, when not given their due respect and space, might cause personal as well as professional problems. Some individuals may … Read more

9 Fun Note-Taking Activities For Students Of Different Grades

note taking

Do you know why is it important to comprehend information heard? This is because humans tend to forget certain parts of information after an interval of time. This leads to misinformation and misconceptions in understanding the original context of the information. That’s when note-taking skills come to your rescue! Each class involves a different learning … Read more

5 Helpful Empathy Activities For College Students

In a world where people are so connected to technology, it is easy to lose touch with our emotions. College students are especially at risk for this, as they often feel overwhelmed and stressed due to uninvited exposures. Therefore, empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. It is a vital … Read more

Top 6 Colleges That Waive Foreign Language Requirements

Colleges that waive foreign language requirement

Colleges often have a foreign language in their curriculum to ensure students are exposed to new areas. Due to certain reasons, Some students may need the college to waive Foreign language requirements. Accordingly, some colleges offer a chance to eligible candidates to leave a language from academics, which is often known as a Foreign language … Read more

Does Middle School Foreign Language Count Towards College?

Does middle school foreign language count towards college

The American education system, much like the other educational systems of the world, is divided into several levels. Beginning from the elementary level to high school, grades 6 to 9, fall under the level of middle school, which bridges the educational competencies between the elementary and the high school.  The curriculum of a middle school … Read more

15 Brain Break Activities And Games Ideas For College & Older Students

Brain break games & activities for college

No matter how passionate a child is, it is the brain break that ensures them to perform better-ensuing refreshment. These short fun practices help them to relax their mind in order to be more focused and productive. While we understand that the strategy can be useful for youngsters, do college students and adults also be … Read more

10 Recommended Accommodations For Dyslexia In College

Accommodations for dyslexia in college

A classroom is a combination of multiple mindsets. While some may be interested in academics and score well, others may need better training or support. When it comes to children with learning difficulties, personalized training may be ensured with accommodations. Their provisions are readdressed regulations and facilities offered to bridge the gap, making them ready … Read more

5 Helpful Accommodations For College Students With Learning Disabilities

LD Accommodations in College

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 opened the floodgates for inclusive education for children with learning disabilities at the high school level. It helped many of them fulfill their dreams of pursuing higher education at the college level. However, the continuance of certain accommodations and the addition of others at the college level … Read more