Last Updated on October 6, 2023 by Editorial Team
Cursive handwriting is one of the eminent writing styles that students and adults can choose from. While some people choose it as it is aesthetically pleasing, others use it to improve their handwriting. Moreover, many experts have listed the benefits it has to offer, but people often miss out on a few drawbacks.
Our list of edges and catches not only gives a clear picture of cursive handwriting but also can act as a guide for you in learning cursive handwriting. Transverse through the post to understand both sides of the coin diligently.
Understanding the essence of cursive handwriting
Cursive handwriting is a style of writing where letters are joined together to make writing faster. What makes it preferable is that it reduces the number of pen lifts compared to block scripts.
Penmanship was evident right from Sumerian civilizations, but there were no specific guidelines to make the script neat and organized. It was in the 1600s that a standardized format was developed, which ensured it was neat, smooth, and understandable. While it was called Roundhead, this style is still one of the commonly used cursive styles today.
Later multiple upgrades brought many more sub-styles under the style. Today, there is a set of definitive regulations to write cursive, giving it a certain boundary to ensure attributes in all scripts.
Cursive handwriting- Adorned with style!
One of the most important and basic traits of good handwriting is the appropriate presentation of letters and words. Cursive style can ensure this by blending organization and style. Here are a few edges of opting for cursive style in handwriting:
1. Gives a Cosmetic upgrade to the manuscript
When a writer is ready to put words on paper, they have multiple options like print and cursive. Choosing cursive can add style and flavor to the monotonous text. For this reason, this cursive is preferred in adorning cards and banners. This implies Cursive handwriting can be a simplistic alternative to complex calligraphy.
2. Better perception and Motor Control
Holding the pen/pencil in a righteous way and tracing text needs a better perception of words and language along with good hand motor skills. When children start learning and writing cursive handwriting, the complexity of curves can let them address these attributes.
3. Multisensory training in the language
Cursive handwriting stipulates disciplined and wavy hand movements while recognizing letters. All of these can impact in providing better multisensory training to children in learning the basics of language. Moreover, the speed of learning can be enhanced by this style of writing. This is because the script is formatted in a way in which the writer has to lift the pen or pencil less frequently. This helps writers understand language in a multisensory manner.
4.. Activates the Right- hemisphere of the Brain
Writing and comprehending text in cursive handwriting needs special abilities. Traversing through cursive text can improve attention, cognition, and visual processing. These inferences are outlined in research[1] conducted by Joseph B. Hellige. In this study, Joseph and the team studied which part of the brain contributes more towards processing handwritten cursive. English native speakers were asked to read a cursive consonant-vowel-consonant presentation. It is found that the right hemisphere has a major role in processing.
The right hemisphere is responsible for better attention, cognition, and visual processing; the above inferences point out that cursive handwriting can activate the right hemisphere.
5. Assists Learning-disabled aspirants
Most of the learning disabled have challenges inferring text and connecting them with sounds and spellings; cursive handwriting can help them decode the process. According to the International Dyslexia Association[2], cursive style can help Dyslexic students in better hand-eye coordination and other memory functions.
Cons of cursive handwriting- Diving into the catch
The cursive style has large set edges, but there are distinct corners that may not go in favor of all the writers. Digging deep into these traits is important to identify if any of these can be a constraint for a writer to opt for this style.
1. It may not suit the formal application
Cursive handwriting is a groovy option to upscale the visual stance of text. But, these often don’t look formal. This style can be a good option to write on the cards, or for signatures, but when it comes to writing formal content like letters to school administration, students may need to look into print options.
2. Print style is to be learned anyway
In today’s scenario, where students traverse through both online and offline resources, they are obligated to understand and learn the print style of language. Accordingly, cursive often can account for an added style- the choice of which can get subjective for students. Also, to learn typing, cursive may not be helpful.
3. May need additional Efforts to learn
Manuscript and cursive are distinct styles of presenting data. Students need diverging efforts to learn both. Doreen Armitage[3] did research to observe if there is a relation between manuscript and cursive writing. The tests compared the abilities of third-grade students by their performance in print and cursive handwriting. Evidently, this means that students with print styles should put in effort to learn cursive separately.
4. Needs time to present data
Cursive handwriting is more about maintaining a proper flow of writing and obligates a smooth transition from one letter to another. Ensuring this can take more time. On the other hand, print scripts or keyboarding can be not only faster but also offers provisions to modify. Accordingly, cursive can take time for the presentation.
5. Writing benefits can be availed without Cursive
Cursive handwriting is one of the well-liked handwritten fonts, but it is not a standard anywhere. Any task of writing can be fulfilled with or without knowledge of cursive style. These insights can impact the need to learn it.
Concluding insights…
Even today, the cursive style of writing is well-liked and preferred by many students and teachers. Nonetheless, the growing importance of print style can make it obsolete. With that idea, it becomes subjective for an individual to choose a cursive style of writing. If you are looking to learn or opt for cursive writing, ensure to traverse through the list of pros and cons to arrive at a better and befitting decision.
- Hellige, J. B., & Adamson, M. M. (2007). Hemispheric differences in processing handwritten cursive. Brain and Language, 102(3), 215-227.
- How cursive can help students with dyslexia connect the dots. (2014, May 6). PBS NewsHour.
- Armitage, D., & Ratzlaff, H. (1985). The non-correlation of printing and writing skills. The Journal of Educational Research, 78(3), 174-177.
An engineer, Maths expert, Online Tutor and animal rights activist. In more than 5+ years of my online teaching experience, I closely worked with many students struggling with dyscalculia and dyslexia. With the years passing, I learned that not much effort being put into the awareness of this learning disorder. Students with dyscalculia often misunderstood for having just a simple math fear. This is still an underresearched and understudied subject. I am also the founder of Smartynote -‘The notepad app for dyslexia’,