How to write an effective IEP? A step-by-step quick guide

IEP stands for Individual Education Plans. Those involved in special education teaching find IEP of great help in identifying a student’s strengths and needs. A successful IEP implementation starts from planning and developing an effective IEP. So, it is essential to know the steps involved in it by heart. It involves identifying goals and plans … Read more

IEP Team Members And Their Roles

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a written, legal document that outlines the structure of the program of special education, support, and services children with special needs require to prosper in their learning and growth. These programs are created for children with special needs on the basis of eligibility.  Designing an IEP is done by … Read more

Does IEP affect college or university acceptance?

Does IEP affect college or university acceptance?

University can be the most crucial phase of a student’s life, and IEP can help transition into this phase smoothly. The acceptance process of these institutions comprises various stages, and the students begin to work on their applications from the high school itself.  Students with disabilities struggle with their limitations and the anticipation of their … Read more

Printable IEP Organizers For Parents And Teachers [PDF Included]

IEP organizers for parents and teachers

IEP is a  process in which regular interaction of parents and teachers is important. To make necessary decisions, having just a list of IEP goals may not be enough. Often, other details like recent evaluation, inferences, and progress reports are crucial.  Accordingly, it is crucial to bring all these relevant documents to one place. IEP … Read more

IEP Binder Checklist [PDF Included]

IEP Binder Checklist

IEP goals can be the best way to organize and list out what attributes are to be enhanced in the special child. Along with this list, parents make a record of multiple other documents to address the IEP process and meetings effortlessly. To fasten all of these in a reliable file, an IEP binder is … Read more

How To Become An IEP Advocate?

How to become IEP advocate

While IEP can be a crucial program, one of the most important people in the system is the IEP Advocates. This is a person who ensures that the process for IEP and the implementation are accurate.  The IEP Advocate collaborates with parents and the school in carefully addressing the child’s special needs. Helping parents in … Read more

Types of IEP Meetings

Types of IEP meetings

IEP provides befitting plans for every eligible special student based on their needs. These could be for non-verbal disabilities, cognitive disabilities, as well as other learning disabilities like dyscalculia. While we know that IEP paves the path for children who need special education or extra attention; however, to implement it duly, a set of preplans … Read more

Common Examples of IEP Violations and How to report these?

What is IEP Violations

IEP is a crucial program for students with learning disabilities. On paper, it ensures to address all the necessary provisions that a student needs. Even though coordinators strive to ensure these, violations can occur. Thankfully, there is a provision for the parents to identify and report these breaches. For that, they may need to comprehend … Read more