Orton Gillingham IEP Goals – Approach, IEP Goals List, Tools and Challenges

Orton Gillingham IEP Goals - Approach, IEP Goals List, Tools and Challenges

The term Dyslexia is not some recently found disorder. Rudolf Berlin, a professor and eye specialist in a German city, introduced the term Dyslexia in 1896 to name the neurological impairment that interfered with children’s reading abilities. Several educators, researchers, and teaching specialists have been working in this field to find a solution to help … Read more

IEP Goals for Decoding Multisyllables

IEP Goals for Decoding Multisyllables

Teacher, Butterfly, Table, Pencil, Helicopter – Do you know what is common about these words? Well, these are multisyllabic words. If you know the sequence of these multi-syllables, you can sound out and spell the words correctly. Hence, decoding multisyllables is one of the necessary elements of speech therapy. It is required for those kids … Read more

25+ Inspiring IEP Quotes for Learning Motivation

25+ Inspiring IEP Quotes for Learning Motivation

Every child is born unique. Their speciality may be different, and so can be their learning requirements. When it comes to designing an educational curriculum, mostly national intelligence average calculated from a random set of people is taken into account. But, what if not all students meet that intelligence criterion? The problem did come to … Read more

IEP Goals for Students with Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities (NVLD)

IEP Goals for Students with Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities (NVLD)

Behavior apt to situation and surroundings is a natural manifestation of human intelligence. However, those born with learning disabilities may show the inability to conform to behavioral norms. These children require additional training as a supplement to their basic skills-building curriculum. This additional training emphasizes addressing issues related to non-verbal learning disabilities; building these is … Read more

Measurable IEP Goals for Geometry

Measurable IEP Goals for Geometry

It’s hard for a child with learning disorders to match the performance of a regular child. They can’t just study the same curriculum given to the abled kids and if they can, they require a little extra effort than their counterparts. Thus in order to make developmental, behavioral, and social skills better for the differently-abled … Read more

What are the Functional Math & Number Sense IEP goals? Strategies to achieve these

What are the Functional Math & Number Sense IEP goals? Strategies to achieve these

Educators emphasize having individualized education programs or IEPs to make education effective for students with different learning disabilities. IEP goals are an important aspect of special education programs. These are set for students with specific learning needs. The IEP goals are determined to set a learning aim for an academic year. This means the student … Read more