7 Fun Activities For Improving Visual Discrimination Skills In Kids

visual discrimination activities

As the term suggests, visual discrimination is the ability to differentiate between visual stimuli such as objects, shapes, things, or symbols. It is also the ability to classify and categorize objects based on color, size, position, distance, texture, etc. This ability is often taken for granted until and unless one notices or experiences some deficit … Read more

10 Engaging Online Games For Practicing Visual Discrimination Skills

visual discrimination

How do you know a cat is not a mouse, or a ball is not a tomato? Scientifically speaking, through sensory acquisition or visual perception of different objects. Visual discrimination[1] is an aspect of visual perception that helps us classify, organize and differentiate different shapes, sizes, and colors of various objects.  Within visual discrimination, there … Read more

Understanding form discrimination and using occupational theory to cope

Understanding form discrimination and using occupational theory to cope

Form discrimination comes under visual discrimination, in which a child faces problems in identifying or sorting letters, symbols, shapes, or words. The discrimination ability can hinder even with a slight difference in the size of the word, object, or shape. With the form discrimination, orientation changes, but the form remains constant. A child facing form … Read more

Understanding visual discrimination among toddlers and strategies to improve these skills

Understand visual discrimination among toddlers and strategies to cope

When your child starts to perceive new objects or things around him, he visually discriminates the things – patterns of the items, sizes, shapes, and colors. This activity of perceiving and understanding tangible and intangible objects and ideas is called Visual Discrimination. If your child cannot visually discriminate things, there is no need to fear … Read more