Top 11 inspirational movies on dyslexia

inspirational movies

Movies are not merely entertainment materials. Some are made with a motive to educate people. For example, movies based on some social cause or an influential legend serve as a good learning source. Such content can be a positive driving force in anybody’s life. Dyslexia is one such topic that has intrigued filmmakers many times. … Read more

Best intervention strategies for dyscalculia

top 10 intervention strategies for dyscalculia

REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S EXPERT PANEL ON JUNE 04, 2020 Dyscalculia is a learning disability that hinders our pace in learning mathematics and number sense. Unfortunately, the effects are not just confined to classrooms, our daily life activities are affected as well. We already talked about the best possible ways of dealing with dyscalculia at the early stages … Read more

Top 12 Must-Have Free Apps For Dyscalculia [2024]

dyscalculia apps

The intervention of technology in education is one of the marvelous phenomena that happened in this era. Things possible now with available gadgets could have never been imagined 10 years ago. From regular student wikis to braille assistance to dedicated websites for e-learning, technology has achieved great heights in the sector. A major portion of … Read more

Positive Aspects of Dyslexia

positive aspects of dyslexia

MEDICALLY REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S MEDICAL REVIEW PANEL ON MAY 30, 2020 There are a lot of talks on different offline/online forums regarding the positive aspects of dyslexia. Every parent wants to know if the reading and spelling weakness due to dyslexia has been compensated elsewhere in the child’s ability? There is no straight ‘Yes or No’ to … Read more

Top 8 Daily Routine Activities For Building Strong Number Sense

Top 8 Daily Routine Activities For Building Strong Number Sense

REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S EXPERT PANEL ON MAY 30, 2020 Number sense refers to the understanding of the number system and the ability to use, relate, and manipulate it for solving mathematical tasks. A strong number sense is important for gripping basic concepts well before diving into complex math topics in the future. Children with good number sense … Read more

Early Signs and Symptoms of Math Anxiety

MEDICALLY REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S MEDICAL REVIEW PANEL ON JUNE 1, 2020 Math can be hard…like really, really hard sometimes. Certain questions are so tough to solve that you end up leaving the whole chapter thinking you didn’t understand the basic concept. You may experience panic due to fear of losing marks in the exam due to it. … Read more

Top 11 famous scientists with dyslexia

albert einstein had dyslexia

Pretty unfortunate that still many people equate dyslexia with lower IQ. Considering the number of famous inventors, scientists, actors, and presidents born with dyslexia, it is evident that dyslexia has nothing to do with low IQ. Who could’ve thought the most brilliant mind ever born in the history of humankind, Albert Einstein, had difficulty with … Read more

Driving with dyscalculia: How to manage?

driving with dyscalculia and other learning disabilities and how to manage it

MEDICALLY REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S MEDICAL REVIEW PANEL ON MAY 30, 2020 Ever wonder what would happen if you lost the directional abilities? Reaching your destination will be nearly impossible if you keep on messing left or right. Of course, Google Maps has really made our lives easy. But still, you’ll have a very hard time relating the delta distance … Read more

How to effectively test for dyscalculia?

tests for dysclculia

MEDICALLY REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S MEDICAL REVIEW PANEL ON MAY 30, 2020 Dyscalculia is a disorder that is often confused with math anxiety. But, its way more complex and serious than just fear of numbers. Not enough research makes it extremely hard to differentiate its symptoms from a common math fear. In a recent study that included observing mathematics … Read more

Raspberry Pi equipped glasses that read texts to dyslexic wearers

oton glass for dyslexia raspberry pi

Text-to-voice is an excellent outcome of character recognition technology that every dyslexic or visually impaired can benefit from. Popular Apps like Evernote widely use this functionality to serve their users who have a learning disorder. Taking a step further, A Japanese company implemented the technology in a pair of smart glasses. Keisuke Shimakage from the … Read more