11 Famous Athletes With Dyslexia

Famous athletes with dyslexia

People with dyslexia can be seen thriving on the fields better than they do in their classes. We have seen various examples of this in our previous posts, where we have talked about the various CEOs, musicians, writers, and many more celebrated people, who have had this learning disability. When talking about athletes, there are … Read more

9 Famous Doctors With Dyslexia: “If They Can Do It, You Can Too”

Famous doctors with dyslexia

Ensuring a gripping knowledge on certain subjects can turn an individual professional. Be it a mathematician, engineer, or Lawyer, all these professions have a distinct value. Self-same is the case of being a Doctor too.  To get a place in such a position a person may need to be communicative, curious, and empathetic along with … Read more

8 Famous Persons With High Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Famous personalities with high-logical mathematical intelligence

Most people believe that being good at academics is the only parameter to measure human intelligence. Academic excellence may be natural by birth; however, as per Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner, intelligence can be of many(8 types he told) kinds. An individual can be significant in one and might not be in a few others.  And … Read more

11 Inspirational Singers With Dyslexia

Famous singers with dyslexia

People of all ages can have the same aspiration for success. Even with compromises, like Dyslexia, one can achieve their passion. There are plenty of influential, well-known people like CEOs who are dyslexics that have set a good example for the aspirants.  Adding to motivation, we here explore eleven popular singers who were diagnosed with … Read more

10 Famous Writers Who Once Struggled With Dyslexia

famous writers with dyslexia

Some see being a writer as more than just a passion, but a source of respect as well. The skills such as creativity, comprehension, adaptability, research, and expertise in the language make this profession worth respecting. Whenever an individual aspires to be a litterateur, they may often get bewildered thinking of grasping all the skills … Read more

10 Famous Women With Dyslexia

famous omen with dyslexia

Without appropriate help and instruction, dyslexia can frequently leave enthusiastic students feeling unsure and insufficient. In spite of challenges in reading, many have paved their way to success and have become great CEOs and scientists.  That is on the grounds that dyslexia isn’t an incapacity; rather, it is an alternate approach to handling language in … Read more

8 Famous Musicians With Dyslexia

Famous musicians with dyslexia

Dyslexia interferes with language learning abilities. The shape of letters and words appears distorted to people who suffer from dyslexia. However, with grit and a deep interest in giving life a meaningful shape, such individuals have succeeded in several fields. A number of scientists, painters, entrepreneurs, etc. found it difficult to keep up with the … Read more

11 Famous CEOs And Entrepreneurs With Dyslexia

famous entreprenuers and ceos with dyslexia

Suffering from Dyslexia does not mean that you will be dependent on others throughout life. Even with dyslexia, individuals can be scientists, writers, musicians, etc. There is a sizeable chunk of successful people who defied all odds and set an example for others. We have done a post on scientists who were dyslexics. In this … Read more

10 Famous Persons With Great Intrapersonal Intelligence

Famous Persons With Great Intrapersonal Intelligence

Have you ever wondered why a particular person can perform a task efficiently while others struggle to do it? The reason for this is that every person thinks and acts differently. In 1983, psychologist Howard Gardner introduced the theory of Multiple Intelligence that dealt with this fundamental concept. According to him, there are eight different … Read more