Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets for Adults [PDF] (UPDATED 2024)

Handwriting Practice sheets for adults

Many people often ask about the basic factors that determine a person’s fluency in a language. Some believe that a good orator is a language expert, while others argue that a skilled writer is a true linguist. This debate is why speech and handwriting practice are crucial parts of education from an early age. Considerable … Read more

Helpful Online backward counting games and classroom activities

Helpful online backward counting games and activities

Teachers introduce counting to early learners at the preschool or kindergarten stage. The forward counting becomes easier to learn with rhythmic rote learning and by participating in various rote counting activities. But, the same is not the case with backward counting. It is commonly observed that kids tend to take a pause when they are … Read more

Number Sense Strategies & Activities for Multiplication Beginners

Number sense strategies and activities for learning multiplication

Fluency and flexibility with numbers is the simplest way to define number sense (Berch, 1998). Students need to grasp the numbers not only by their looks or sounds but in terms of what they imply. To impart learning of the corresponding value of numbers, helping to find relationships between them, understanding number patterns, and moving … Read more

6 Number Sequencing Activities for kindergarteners & preschoolers

List of top 6 activities for number sequencing for kindergarteners and preschoolers

I hope you all have benefited from reading my number sequencing guide. Though I tried to be as elaborate as possible, but am sure you want to know how to bridge the gap between theoretical learning and its practical aspect. I totally agree that though all is done and said nicely, the challenge remains the … Read more

Dyscalculia Activities: A different take on improving early math skills

List of dyscalculia activities

Dyscalculia is a learning disorder where the child cannot process the numbers or related operations in the mind using conventional methods. The dyscalculic children need alternative ways of learning math concepts. Such alternatives include activities that drive the children towards building number literacy and early math skills. Dyscalculia activities are helpful for home-schooling children. These … Read more

8 Roman Numerals activities for little learners

8 helpful roman numerals activities

Roman Numerals are signs representing numbers we normally use in the decimal system of numbering. Though not much in the application in modern times, these numerals are still used for numbering hours in a clock, chapters, and editions of the books, etc. This system of number saw rampant use in olden times where residential blocks … Read more

Top 8 Daily Routine Activities For Building Strong Number Sense

Top 8 Daily Routine Activities For Building Strong Number Sense

REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S EXPERT PANEL ON MAY 30, 2020 Number sense refers to the understanding of the number system and the ability to use, relate, and manipulate it for solving mathematical tasks. A strong number sense is important for gripping basic concepts well before diving into complex math topics in the future. Children with good number sense … Read more