7 Games And Activities For Learning Order Of Operations

Order of operations games and activities

What is an order of operations? Well, it is the sequence in which one needs to perform calculations if the question demands them to do multiple operations at once. In real-life scenarios, there come situations when you need to do more than one calculation at a time. For example, every item may have a different … Read more

6 Fun Quadrilateral Activities For High School Students

Quadrilateral Activities for High School

The high school math curriculum drives students to dig deeper into concepts learned in previous levels. Geometry is one such subject that moves from lines and angles to more complicated terms like Quadrilaterals on reaching high school. Teaching them while keeping the interest alive can be a daunting task. Those with learning difficulties need alternative … Read more

8 Cool Congruent Figures Games To Play Online

congruent figures games

Congruency in figures is a geometry-based skill taught to math beginners. The concept of congruency takes you closer to the reasoning part of understanding mathematical relationships. It propels kids to apply logic to establish this relationship. Learning this concept requires applying an understanding of orientations too, as congruency does not end if the shapes are … Read more

9 Practical Examples Of Linguistic Intelligence

Linguistic Intelligence Examples

Human beings are unique in having a language to communicate. Other species make sounds of various kinds but it is humans only that have a structured language used to express ideas and emotions. This ability to form words in mind, and speak and write prolifically is called linguistic intelligence. This specialty serves the need to … Read more

List Of Speech Sound Examples And Resources

speech sound examples and resources

Speech development is a crucial process as it enables communication. It starts from a very early age when a kid starts to babble and make various sounds. If the grasping skills are strong, the child may start speaking clear sentences at the very first year of school, and sometimes at home too. However, progress does … Read more

Social Issues For Kids With Learning Disabilities

learning disability and social challanges

REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S EXPERT REVIEW PANEL ON DEC 24, 2021. What is your first reaction when you are judged based on only your weaknesses? Obviously, you will want to question the very process of judging. And think about the situation again when judging is accompanied by bullying from peers! It is definitely a strong emotional trigger, right? … Read more

List Of Telling Time IEP Goals

Time telling IEP Goals

Dyscalculia, a learning difficulty related to numbers, impacts various daily life activities. Children find it difficult to tell time, manage money, or make decisions. Since the inability to do daily life math-based tasks clouds over other skills, this learning deficiency needs correct and ample addressing. To provide equal chances at learning, educational institutes run individualized … Read more

Lindamood Bell Vs. Orton Gillingham: Which Reading Program Suits Best For Your Kid?

Lindamood Bell vs. Orton Gillingham

Reading difficulties are a reality, and the efforts are on to help beginners overcome those sustainably. A few noted educators did commendable work to develop methods that helped work around reading difficulties. Some used the phonetic development approach while others concentrated on lexical knowledge and application of cognition. Based on these approaches, a few language … Read more

Assistive Technology: History, Types, And Benefits

what is Assistive technology ?

When you use a hearing aid to compensate for your listening disabilities, you are actually wielding assistive technology. About 26% US population suffers from disabilities[1], which can be visible (physical deformities), or invisible (neuropsychological such as learning disabilities), sometimes abilities diminish with aging too. That is why there has to be some arrangement that can … Read more

Types Of Assistive Technology For Reading Difficulties

Assistive Technology for Reading

Dyslexia interferes with the ability to recognize and form letters. It reflects poor reading and writing skills. Previously, when the term was not known all those people who could not read or write were branded academically poor. But, there were several innovators and creative geniuses like Einstein, Picasso, who showed that the inability to read … Read more