Researchers created RADAR for early screening of dyslexia

radar for early detection screening of dyslexia

Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects our ability to read and spell correctly. One in five students, or 15-20% of the population, has a language-based learning disability and Dyslexia is the most common one. In just America, around 55 million people have some form of dyslexia. And the daunting fact is that this number … Read more

Is Dyscalculia just a Number Dyslexia?

Is Dyscalculia just a Number Dyslexia?

REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S EXPERT REVIEW PANEL ON MAY 30, 2020 Dyscalculia, is very little known, is oftentimes referred to as Number Dyslexia or Numerical Dyslexia. Some of the top internet information sources call it a Math equivalent of Dyslexia. But, is it fair? Well, the fact is, at some point dyslexia does affect the arithmetic skills of … Read more

I was relieved to finally discover Dyscalculia – Story of Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore was the name of the ’70s. Having achieved fame from hit sitcoms, The Mary Tyler Moore Show and The Dick Van Dyke Show, and scoring six Emmy awards during an acting career, she was an American icon and served as an inspiration for many younger actresses, professional women, and feminists. However, Things weren’t that great in … Read more

What Is Mental Math? How To Practice It?

What Is Mental Math? How To Practice It?

MEDICALLY REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S MEDICAL REVIEW PANEL ON MAY 30, 2020 What exactly is mental math? We will jump right to the definition but first, let me just ask, what’s 3 + 3? Almost all of you have given the right answer and most probably within 2 seconds without even touching a pen or paper. The real … Read more

Oklahoma’s Science Museum to debut ‘Beautiful Minds- Dyslexia and the Creative Advantage’

Oklahoma’s Science Museum ‘smART Space’ will debut the exhibition “Beautiful Minds — Dyslexia and the Creative Advantage” with a gallery opening from 6 to 8 p.m.  The event aims to explore the minds, art and successes of people who have or had dyslexia. It will feature work from Steve Jobs, Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Agatha Christie and … Read more

Signs and symptoms of Dyslexia

signs and symptoms of dyslexia

MEDICALLY REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S MEDICAL REVIEW PANEL ON MAY 29, 2020 Today, we are going to talk about the symptoms of Dyslexia. How to identify the early signs of dyslexia? But first, we must know what exactly Dyslexia is? Dyslexia is a specific learning disability in reading. Kids with dyslexia have trouble connecting the letters they see … Read more

What is Dyslexia? What are the Different Types of Dyslexia?

what is dyslexia and what are the types of dyslexia

MEDICALLY REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S MEDICAL REVIEW PANEL ON MAY 29, 2020 What is Dyslexia? Dyslexia is a specific learning disability in reading. Kids with dyslexia have trouble connecting the letters they see to the sounds those letters make. Dyslexia affects the part of the brain that deals with processing language and graphic symbols. Other than reading, Kids with dyslexia … Read more

What is math anxiety? How to overcome it?

what is math anxiety? How to overcome it

MEDICALLY REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S MEDICAL REVIEW PANEL ON MAY 29, 2020 Math Anxiety is the panic and nervousness that ensues some people when solving a mathematical problem. Math anxiety is related to performance anxiety and is likely to extend far outside of the classroom if not recognized and proactively managed. People suffering from excess math anxiety may … Read more

Scored straight A’s in every subject matter but maths – Story of Victoria Lawson

dyscalculia motivational story

Dyscalculia may have hindered her pace in doing basic calculations but that didn’t stop her from scoring straight A’s in other subjects. Being diagnosed in sophomore year of high school, Multimedia journalism major Victoria Lawson oftentimes become frustrated with math. This is what she has to say about her struggle with dyscalculia Whenever I schedule … Read more

Dyscalculia may still be undiagnosed in majority of children – Study

dyscalculia research number dyslexia

Dr. Kinga Morsanyi and a team of experts from the School of Psychology at Queen’s University Belfast performed medical research[1] on the prevalence of Specific Learning Disorder in mathematics (SLDM), which is also known as dyscalculia. The study included observing the mathematics performance of 2,421 primary school children over a number of school years. The researchers claimed … Read more