7 Helpful Handwriting Tools For Special Needs Students

Handwriting tools for special needs

Please Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure (link) for more info. Handwriting — is the one attribute that is crucial to all humans. To learn the same, one can look into various strategies, books, and pedagogies to brush up on their special skills. Apart from this list,  special individuals may need to focus … Read more

6 Helpful Adaptive Writing Tools For Adults

Adaptive writing tools for adults

Writing on paper needs appropriate motor skills along with relevant muscle power in hand. These skills are often the area to work on when motor abilities and learning compromises are evident. Thankfully, there are some adaptive writing tools that can either ensure an added grip over the pen/pencil or add more strength to the wrist. … Read more

11 Gamified Math Manipulatives For First Graders

10 Gamified Math Manipulatives For First Graders

Please Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure (link) for more info. ‘There must be some playful way of teaching new math concepts to first graders.’ If this thought hits your mind often, especially when you see the child struggling through basic operations, here is good news for you! There are manipulatives available as … Read more

Abacus Formula: Big Friend & Small Friend Explained [Pdf]

abacus formula

Abacus is considered one of the important tools to promote mental math abilities in early learners. For those unaware, Abacus is a manual aid to calculating that consists of beads or disks that can be moved up and down on a series of sticks or strings within a usually wooden frame. It is considered one of the … Read more

Dyscalculia treatment – How to effectively build math skills?

Dyscalculia treatment

MEDICALLY REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S MEDICAL REVIEW PANEL ON MAY 24, 2020 Today, we are going to talk about possible dyscalculia treatments. How can an individual overcome the daily struggle of this mathematical disability? But first, we must know what exactly dyscalculia is. Dyscalculia is a lifelong learning disability affecting a person’s ability to understand numbers and learn … Read more