7 Phonics Reading Programs to try online

List of top 7 online phonics reading program

Reading is an important basic skill. Children from their very first year in pre-school are taught letter recognition and their pronunciation. Gradually, they are moved to spelling and word formation. With the introduction of technology in education initiatives, the repertoire of phonics learning tools has become quite enriched. One of the popular technology-driven resources is … Read more

10 Really Helpful Books for Algebra

List of top 10 books for algebra

Please Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure (link) for more info. Algebra is the branch of mathematics in which numbers are replaced by symbols, and then, various arithmetic signs are used to define the relationships among them. Typically, this branch enters a student’s life in grades 3-4. By then, they are expected … Read more

7 Board Games to improve fluency in Multiplication

List of top 7 board games for multiplication

Please Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure (link) for more info. Multiplication is a skill expected to be well-developed in a student from grade 3 onwards. This arithmetic operation speeds up counting the objects by grouping them instead of counting them individually. Though meant to simplify things, the operation ends up giving … Read more

Top 10 Spelling Games & Apps for Adults

List of top 10 spelling apps and games for adults

Spelling difficulties are a truth that even some adults face on a daily basis. The pattern of letters, their sounds, the silent letters, and so on, perplex people a lot. Although there are different types of assistive technologies for people with reading difficulties, the basics of spelling become rather harder to learn through pen-and-paper methods. … Read more

7 helpful Phonics Manipulatives for Early Learners

List of 7 best phonics manipulatives

Please Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure (link) for more info. Children struggling with reading is a common sight, especially at the preschool stage. Their read-to-learn skills are underdeveloped since they are not familiar with the letters’ shapes and sounds. With regular practice, students acquire reading skills; however, this discomfort continues to … Read more

How toys can improve the cognitive skills of a 2-year old?

Toys for cognitive skills development of 2 years old

REVIEWED BY NUMBERDYSLEXIA’S MEDICAL REVIEW PANEL ON SEPTEMBER 06, 2020 “Activities that are freely chosen and directed by children and arise from intrinsic motivation” – Miller and Almon (2006). This line extracted from a research summary on play and learning, The Power of Play, defines play in a very comprehensive manner. It shows that children love to … Read more

5 Creative Manipulatives for Building Writing Skills

List of top 5 manipulatives for writing

Please Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure (link) for more info. Writing and reading are the basic and most important skills that lay the foundation for strong learning. However, not all kids are equipped with these basic skills or have the capacity to grasp them. These children, having conspicuous learning difficulties pertaining … Read more

Number Sense Strategies & Activities for Multiplication Beginners

Number sense strategies and activities for learning multiplication

Fluency and flexibility with numbers is the simplest way to define number sense (Berch, 1998). Students need to grasp the numbers not only by their looks or sounds but in terms of what they imply. To impart learning of the corresponding value of numbers, helping to find relationships between them, understanding number patterns, and moving … Read more

Strategies to implement Number Talks effectively and its benefits

number talks strategies and its benefits

I have seen many teachers struggling with the process of establishing a connection with the students. They find it challenging to reach the students mentally and to bring them on to go further beyond rote learning. The ideal situation is achieved when a student gets to learn the concepts in the way a teacher intends … Read more

10 best number board games for math literacy

number board games

Please Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure (link) for more info. Kids absorb a lot from their environments. Their inherent tool for learning is imitation. And after imitation, comes the games. Their curious minds want to learn by touch, seeing, and acting. That is why books boggle them and they demonstrate anxieties … Read more