Top 12 apps for students with dyslexia [Includes both free & Paid]

List of top 11 free and paid apps for students with dyslexia

In the words of Phil Nickinson, “A mobile device has rapidly become the easiest portal into your digital self.” Well, technology has truly influenced every aspect of our lives. With modern innovations, every mystery can be unraveled. Even children with dyslexia can be guided through every aspect of learning through condition-specific mobile apps. Many applications … Read more

6 Number Sequencing Activities for kindergarteners & preschoolers

List of top 6 activities for number sequencing for kindergarteners and preschoolers

I hope you all have benefited from reading my number sequencing guide. Though I tried to be as elaborate as possible, but am sure you want to know how to bridge the gap between theoretical learning and its practical aspect. I totally agree that though all is done and said nicely, the challenge remains the … Read more

6 games that aim at improving spatial reasoning skills

Spatial reasoning games

Do you know that difficulties in reading and writing can be coupled with various other disorders too? Some people may have very remarkable reading and writing abilities, but struggle with spatial awareness and may not be too comfortable with abstract reasoning concepts like spatial arrangements, patterns, orientations, and so on. The problems related to reasoning … Read more

Free Printable Number Sequencing Worksheets [PDF]

Free printable number sequencing worksheet for kindergarten and preschool with pdf

Recently, we talked about number sequencing in detail including its types and importance in our academic curriculum. It is quite evident that math skills are the base of our lives. We need to learn to count and it is the basic need to carry out multiple operations, like counting currency while making a payment or … Read more

What is Number Sequencing? Different types, Importance, Strategies & Tools

what is number sequencing? Its importance, types, strategies and tools to build number sequencing abilities

In the beginning, teachers do not expect kids to be Einstein; but at the same time, they expect the latter to have a certain level of intelligence. Very soon, things become frustrating when despite putting so many efforts, the results do not come out as desired. At the onset, the instant reaction is to brand … Read more

Q. What is the required age range for giving WIAT-III test?

A. WIAT-III (WIAT stands for Wechsler Individual Achievement Test ) test is administered individually to find out the strength and weakness of a child. Using WIAT-III test, the examiners can find how gifted or talented the child is; also, they determine if there is a certain learning difficulty that the child is facing. Previously, the … Read more

Free Printable Sight word learning Charts [PDF]

Free printable sight words weekly learning chart with pdf

Sight words are the high-frequency words that do not require any decoding; readers don’t even realize these words while going through a sentence. These do the job of gluing different parts of the sentence together. Since these are to be memorized by sight and are quick to learn, regular practice can help early learners grasp … Read more

6 really helpful apps for trigonometry

List of 6 helpful apps for trigonometry

Trigonometry – a branch of mathematics that has a triangle at its core, most simply put! The angles and sides of a triangle are found using the principles of trigonometry. As a beginner, children may feel shivers thinking about it at first, mostly because they don’t know what to expect in the coming course of … Read more

Top 11 manipulatives to teach shapes to early learners

shapes manipulatives

Please Note: This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure (link) for more info. The shape is one of the aspects that intrigue kids a lot. Shapes are an important part of building math reasoning in a child. Judging shapes, sizes, heights, and distances finds its best use while playing games crossing the roads, and … Read more

11 helpful apps for your learning disability

List of 10 helpful apps for learning disabilities

What is it like to be in the shoes of someone with a learning disability? The day-to-day lessons can be no less than a nightmare because they are differently abled. If your child is one of those suffering from learning disabilities such as dyslexia or dyscalculia, the effects can be magnanimous. As a parent, dealing … Read more