40 Motivating Quotes On Special Education Needs

Special education can be seen as specialized instruction to meet the learning needs of a special child and provide them opportunities to the fullest potential. We like to read quotes, especially positive quotes because they are concise sentences that express wisdom and awaken motivation, inspiration, and happiness. Quotes help to keep the motivation going and … Read more

100 Inspiring Quotes On Importance Of School

Quotes on importance of school

 To ensure ameliorated motivation towards schooling, students may be associated with some strategies. Quotes may be an engaging idea as these atomic packets oftentimes hit properly in boosting up positivity and interest. What makes these snippets further intriguing is that most of them come from people having admirable experience of life.  With that comprehension, a … Read more

10 Inpirational Quotes About Education And Success *With Explanation*

Education and success quotes

The prominence of education in everybody’s life is unarguable. From improving and enhancing knowledge to making a person confident, education is predominant in each and every field. It is crucial in shaping your future as a successful individual and a contributing member of society.  Education lessens the difficulties that one may face in life. Education … Read more

11 Inspirational Singers With Dyslexia

Famous singers with dyslexia

People of all ages can have the same aspiration for success. Even with compromises, like Dyslexia, one can achieve their passion. There are plenty of influential, well-known people like CEOs who are dyslexics that have set a good example for the aspirants.  Adding to motivation, we here explore eleven popular singers who were diagnosed with … Read more

What Sports Are Good For Individuals With Dyslexia?

dyslexia and sports

Childhood is often filled with lots of games, sports, and memories. During school, sports are also a great alternative to break the monotony.  Kids are fond of several sports like running, frog jumps, and one-legged races. While getting focused on academics, students may lead to pause in games and sports. In such scenarios, it is … Read more

10 Famous Women With Dyslexia

famous omen with dyslexia

Without appropriate help and instruction, dyslexia can frequently leave enthusiastic students feeling unsure and insufficient. In spite of challenges in reading, many have paved their way to success and have become great CEOs and scientists.  That is on the grounds that dyslexia isn’t an incapacity; rather, it is an alternate approach to handling language in … Read more

10 Inspiring Quotes On Intellectual Curiosity

Intellectual curiosity quotes

The general inclination to gather more information about a topic or continuously question your surroundings is what defines intellectual curiosity. Its importance has been reiterated over the years by great thinkers, philosophers, politicians, and scientists across geographical lines and specific time frames. However, a few lines specifically have stood out charmingly in emphasizing the importance … Read more

Tips To Build Strong Motivation In Individuals With Dyscalculia

Tips for strong motivation in dyscalulia

From motivational quotes to activities, there are plenty of ways to fill in zeal and enthusiasm in dyscalculics. Dyscalculia is a learning disorder where a person has difficulty conceptualizing and performing mathematical problems and even retaining numbers. However, by practising regularly and motivating themselves, they can improve their condition in a great way. The willpower … Read more

Conquering The Letters: The inspiring story of Adam Searle

writing with fountain pen

Dyslexia is a learning disorder among children that leads to difficulty in reading and writing. On the other hand, authors are people who have their careers revolving around reading, spinning new ideas, and then inking them into words. This may lead you to believe that writing is an unlikely profession for people with dyslexia. However, … Read more

7 Famous People With Dyscalculia

Famous People With Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia is a learning disorder. It has plagued about 4-6% population in the US. The disorder has risen to the status of being a reality due to increasing awareness. But, this was not the case centuries back. Despite having unmatched talents, people displaying discomfort with numbers were branded stupid. Due to various reasons such as … Read more